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Workers Power have split

If Chris Morris is looking for idea's to do a follow-up to Four Lions then he'd do a lot worse than checking out this thread.

Just reading through the thread from last night but haven't finished it yet so I don't know if this got mentioned but Chris Morris and Kevin Eldon were at the uk uncut block the bridge NHS demo, and although I'd like them to have been there for the politics, I'm really hoping that they were there to gather material for his next film/series :)

oh, and the Communist Correspondance Society are funny - I follow the birmingham group on twitter (@bhamCCS I think) and really like it. I swear I'm going to go to one of their meetings soon, just to see what they are like in real life.
There was a Proletarian Gob at one point...

... i think it was just one bloke and a photocopier though.

There was also Proleterian (very pro Soviet union and pro-Irish republicanism) some of who later went on to found Communist Open Polemic for Revolutionary Unity and their front group the Association of Communists for Revolutionary Unity (ACRU).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
There was also Proleterian (very pro Soviet union and pro-Irish republicanism) some of who later went on to found Communist Open Polemic for Revolutionary Unity and their front group the Association of Communists for Revolutionary Unity (ACRU).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Which reminds me BICO
There was also Proleterian (very pro Soviet union and pro-Irish republicanism) some of who later went on to found Communist Open Polemic for Revolutionary Unity and their front group the Association of Communists for Revolutionary Unity (ACRU).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

I remember Proletarian. I also used to actually read Open Polemic. That's pretty sad.
That's child porn whilst listening to R kelly. Really.

Ah yes, "there's nothing wrong with a little bump and grind".

I remember a post on Indymedia Ireland which claimed that one of their senior members had been done for paedophilia, hence their peculiar stance on that question. Any truth in that one?
Ah yes, "there's nothing wrong with a little bump and grind".

I remember a post on Indymedia Ireland which claimed that one of their senior members had been done for paedophilia, hence their peculiar stance on that question. Any truth in that one?
Never heard that myself.
The workers democratic network of asexual reproduction and daily fragmentation party will cure these ills by having the concept of splits built into its very fabric.
anyone ever come across :

IC grew out of discussion meetings about early drafts of
'Marxism, Method and Revolution' by Ken Tarbuck
(published in 'Intervention: Contributions to Marxist
studies', no.1, Summer 1977). The group collaborated
with Socialist Charter on the journal 'Chartist' in 1980, and
in the same year ceased to exist as a separate group.
I think Red Action made their head explode like a robots.

that didn't help but I think it was:

1. the utter inability of either the 3rd or 4th internationalists to recognise each other as part of the same project;
2. and the effort of trying to hold the ring for a number of would be vanguards;

which brought about the hardly noticed demise of OP.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Okay..here we go here's my list of current lefty/anarchist groups in the UK. Some may be defunct, and I've not included localist groups or journals. let me know if I've missed any.

If anyone fancies helping putting up a blog with info on all these (a kinda lefty trainspotting encyclopedia) let me know.

Anarchist Federation
Alliance for Green Socialism
Alliance for Workers Liberty
Class War
Communist Corresponding Society
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committe)
Communist Party of Britain-Marxist Leninist
Communist Party of Great Britain-Marxist Leninist
Communist Workers Organisation
Communist Action
Communist League (The Militant)
Communist League/Movement for a Socialist Future
Communist League of Great Britain
The Commune
International Leninist Workers Party /Economic and Philosophic Science Review
Green Anarchist
International Bolshevik Ttendency
International Communist Current
International Communist Party - Communist Left
International Communist Party - Internationalist Papers
International Communist Party / Socialist Equality Party
International Communist League (Fourth International) / Spartacist League
International Socialist Group / Socialist Resistance
International Socialist Group – Bamberyite
International Socialist League
Independent Working Class Association
Industrial Workers of the World
Liberty and Solidarity
Marxist Party
Maoist Internationalist Movement
New Communist Party
Proletarian Democracy
Peace and Progress Party
Permanent Revolution
Revolutionary Communist Group
Revolutionary Democratic Group
Revolutionary Internationalist League
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
Revolutionary Workers Party
Socialist Action
Socialist Appeal
Socialist Fight
Socialist Labour Party
Socialist Workers Party
Socialist Party
SPGB - Socialist Standard
SPGB - World in Common
SPGB - Socialist Studies
Solidarity - Sheridanites
Solidarity - Solidarity paper
Socialist League
United Socialist Party
Workers Action
Workers Power
WRP (Newsline)
WRP (Workers Press) / Movement for Socialism / Reclaim the Future
Workers Internationalist League
Workers Fight

Scottish Socialist Party?

Plus all the Republican Socialist ones. Workers Party, Scottish Republican Socialist Movement, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Sinn Fein etc etc (?)

You did put 'UK' after all.
Scottish Socialist Party?

Plus all the Republican Socialist ones. Workers Party, Scottish Republican Socialist Movement, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Sinn Fein etc etc (?)

You did put 'UK' after all.

I deliberately missed them all out. But I'll do Wales for you...

Cymru Goch (defunct)
Forward Wales (defunct)
Welsh Socialist Republican Movement (defunct)
The People's Charter has been endorsed by the following Trade Unions: RMT, CWU, FBU, PCS, NUT, NUJ, BFAWU POA (Scotland), UCU, and the TUC.[3]
The People's Charter has attracted support from various high profile politicians including Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Benn and John McDonnell, and a number of personalities from the cultural sphere including Billy Bragg, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mark Thomas and Ken Loach.[4]
It has also been endorsed by the Labour Representation Committee[5], the Scottish Campaign for Socialism[6], the Socialist Party of England and Wales[7] and the Communist Party of Britain[8].
The People's Charter has been endorsed by the following Trade Unions: RMT, CWU, FBU, PCS, NUT, NUJ, BFAWU POA (Scotland), UCU, and the TUC.[3]
The People's Charter has attracted support from various high profile politicians including Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Benn and John McDonnell, and a number of personalities from the cultural sphere including Billy Bragg, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mark Thomas and Ken Loach.[4]
It has also been endorsed by the Labour Representation Committee[5], the Scottish Campaign for Socialism[6], the Socialist Party of England and Wales[7] and the Communist Party of Britain[8].
And articul8.
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