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Windrush Square, Brixton - news and discussion

they don't seem to have catered for the domino players in this new design.

just shrieks of social exclusion, doesn't it? tmm it's a significant signal of the fact that the designers don't know, or don't care, about people who don't behave just like them.

There's little for kids either.
just shrieks of social exclusion, doesn't it? tmm it's a significant signal of the fact that the designers don't know, or don't care, about people who don't behave just like them.

There's little for kids either.

What, specifically, would you have liked to see there, that isn't?
just shrieks of social exclusion, doesn't it? tmm it's a significant signal of the fact that the designers don't know, or don't care, about people who don't behave just like them.

But wouldn't it be a little patronising for the council to to tell people exactly where to play dominoes? The old 'gardens' didn't have any specific place for the guys to play - they just adopted a spot in public space over time and made it their own and I'm sure they will do again. That's much more organic than trying to make one space cater too specifically for a myriad of user needs. It is easy to forget just how resourceful people are.

I agree that if a sign goes up saying "No boardgames" that would be pretty socially exclusive (and probably highly unsuccessful)!
I remember seeing a park in New York City like this once, It was wonderful, They had the single seats like we do, fixed to the ground, then they also had playing areas with two single seats and a small playing table between them. Do we have any tables? I cant recall seeing any . .
How difficult would it have been for the designers to spot that people played dominos on pretty much every warm day out on the square? Just how tricky would it have been to put a few chair facing each other with provision for a table or surface of some kind?

There's no reason to defend the designers of this scheme here - the chair placement is affected and not particularly conducive to much activity.
Loads of public squares in NYC have permanent domino tables. Considering that the square is supposed to be all about the Windrush generation it seems odd that there's no provision for them to play their traditional game.
I think it's just a name not a representation of the culture of part of the community.

And I still don't think of it as a 'square'.
I guess it depends what you mean by "all about" the Windrush Generation. It is definitely named to commemorate the Windrush Generation. But surely it is built to serve everyone in Brixton equally.

The BCA on the neighbouring site will definitely be "all about" the Windrush generation (and more). The BCA were one of the design partners on this project so I guess they didn't see tables as essential to social and cultural inclusiveness. That said, work is supposed to start on the new BCA building at Raleigh Hall some time this year (according to their site) which will presumably be a perfect opportunity for changes such as the incorporation of a fixed table or two in the square to be pushed through if people haven't already established their own way of using the space by then. It is probably the ideal time for people to express concerns to both the Council and the BCA.
Well the BCA will also have its own little bit of public space infront of it, so there's scope for tables there

you mean infront of raleigh hall? that's on purpose, cos the BCA building's courtyard will open on to it, which is designed for events.
where are the WCAs stored?

I jest.

Cant wait for them to use the space and get some events going.
Er, yes. Strangely enough, some of us also have experience of working with architects on pitches and branding work.
Well, it's not. The square is an area of high foot traffic, under which extensive grass would quickly be worn down. The grass in old windrush square only survived because the area was fenced off
Got to love that. Get rid of the grass because it's not "versatile" enough.


I know... but I can see their point, tying in with Crispy's point about maintenance costs.

There's not much point having grass, then holding a market on it 3 days a week so that it gets totally obliterated and would need to be re-turfed several times a year. I guess they want the square to get heavy use and they are being realistic.
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