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Windrush Square, Brixton - news and discussion

Yes, you can because with all their vast budget, the toilets that were already there were simply given a lick of black paint and left locked. If you want people to come to the square in their droves, there should be proper facilities there.

I'm pretty sure the designers had no say in whether or not the toilets were reopened. Apart from anything else, the cost of doing that would be an ongoing maintenance one, not a one-off one.

As Crispy says, I don't think your enclosed space comparisons are valid ones either.

So is your objection to the idea of it being paved spaced based on the fact that it is a semi-enclosed space? The examples were chosen to illustrate that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with an expanse of paved space.
Pedestrianise CHL! Reduce the number of hairdressers and chicken shops! get a Costa and a pizza express ! (ok im trolling with that bit)
Is it the result of some grand democratic consultation
No, not at all. It is the result of the local nomenclature deciding what's likely to work best for us them.
I'm pretty sure the designers had no say in whether or not the toilets were reopened.
And I'm pretty sure if the paymasters had wanted toilets, the designers would've done what they were asked!
teuchter, we have been given a windswept expanse of designer rock on purpose. Windswept Square is supposed to be uninviting, so that people will not hang out there.

This design goal has been achieved, but it is no surprise the designers' hearts were not in it, and that it shows.
There was a feasibility report into what could be done with those toilets

attached are photos of the current interior

note that any re-use of the space down there would have to comply with the DDA, which means a lift.


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There was a feasibility report into what could be done with those toilets

attached are photos of the current interior

note that any re-use of the space down there would have to comply with the DDA, which means a lift.

Do the victorian public toilets which are in use have lifts? Eg Westminster have quite a few in use. I don't remember seeing lifts. Is the legislation different for a space which is in continuous use, as opposed to reopening a space?
I'm just talking about repurposing the toilet space as something else. If reused as toilets, an accesible cubicle could be provided at ground level.
Do the victorian public toilets which are in use have lifts? Eg Westminster have quite a few in use. I don't remember seeing lifts. Is the legislation different for a space which is in continuous use, as opposed to reopening a space?

Exceptions can be made for pre-existing buildings, if making them DDA compliant would make the project overall unfeasible.

I'm not aware of anything that distinguishes between buildings in continuous use those which have been disused for a while, but there might be.
IIRC, the design calls those things windrushes, explicitly after the plant of the same name, which of course doesn't exist
This is beyond satire.

Is there really evidence that the square's designers thought that the Windrush after which the new square has been named must be a type of grass, and that their paymasters never noticed the ignorant howler?

I suppose given the nearby Rushcroft Road and Rush Common, someone may have made a lazy and ignorant assumption. What is almost beyond belief is that everyone involved in the design process was similarly ignorant.
This is beyond satire.

Is there really evidence that the square's designers thought that the Windrush after which the new square has been named must be a type of grass,

Well, is there?

Does everything have to be literal?

Is it possible that they knew there was no such thing as a "windrush" plant, but decided that the image suggested by that name could be made into something that could contribute to the identity of the square?

Cynical rants on bulletin boards: pretty easy

Designing a public space in a way that keeps numerous different people and conflicting interests happy: pretty difficult
Do the victorian public toilets which are in use have lifts? Eg Westminster have quite a few in use. I don't remember seeing lifts. Is the legislation different for a space which is in continuous use, as opposed to reopening a space?

Just spoken to a colleague of mine who is a bit of an expert on the DDA and he seems to think that as long as there are accessible toilets nearby (Tate Library) there would be no need to adapt these toilets.
I'm just talking about repurposing the toilet space as something else. If reused as toilets, an accesible cubicle could be provided at ground level.

Just spoken to a colleague of mine who is a bit of an expert on the DDA and he seems to think that as long as there are accessible toilets nearby (Tate Library) there would be no need to adapt these toilets.

Thanks both, that makes sense :)

It would be great to see them in use in some way or another.
What I think is missing from the new Square is some form of performance space. Sounds hideous, but it needn't be. The whole point of the project is to give Brixton a central focus, somewhere to stage events.

A small amphitheatre would have worked. This then needn't have been used purely for official council based events. It could be an area used on an ad hoc basis by local groups.

Actually, nope. It would probably be taken over by the Bible bashers :rolleyes:

I do think the whole layout of the event at the weekend was confusing though. You're not sure where your attention should be. The seats locked down looking at the road, sum up for me where the planners have gone wrong - looking outwards, rather than inwards and encouraging use of the Square.
Well, is there?
That's what I asked :confused:
Does everything have to be literal?
Uhhh, no, I don't think so. But then again, I write poetry, so I would say that, wouldn't I? ;)
Is it possible that they knew there was no such thing as a "windrush" plant, but decided that the image suggested by that name could be made into something that could contribute to the identity of the square?
Not really, no. Why would anyone want to dilute the history encapsulated in the story of the real Windrush? :confused:
Cynical rants on bulletin boards: pretty easy
The same is true of toadying defenses; but that's not the point at all.
Designing a public space in a way that keeps numerous different people and conflicting interests happy: pretty difficult
No one has denied that. There are better and worse ways of finding the balance. And there's quite a few tweaks going to be needed to get the balance right.

Your indignant rant was caused by a simple question. Is there really a plant called a 'windrush' (perhaps a local name that isn't in the botany books and isn't uncovered by google), or is the monumental sculpture in the new square a monumental joke, albeit maybe intentional? Which would make it a rather tasteless and insulting joke, in my view.
i haven't read the thread so i'm probably repeating what others have said, but public squares are for people to loiter/gather, yet this is just designed for people to walk through. what are they thinking?
Well, is there?

Does everything have to be literal?

Is it possible that they knew there was no such thing as a "windrush" plant, but decided that the image suggested by that name could be made into something that could contribute to the identity of the square?

Cynical rants on bulletin boards: pretty easy

Designing a public space in a way that keeps numerous different people and conflicting interests happy: pretty difficult

good god, did your mum design it or something?

I thought cynical rants (or at least petulant whines) were your normal MO tbh.

And I don't think anyone is being cynical, as it goes - they're just expressing their feelings about the new square. Turns out some people don't like it. Fair enough.
i haven't read the thread so i'm probably repeating what others have said, but public squares are for people to loiter/gather, yet this is just designed for people to walk through. what are they thinking?

But from what I saw yesterday (not been down there today yet) people were both gathering and loitering with abandon! :D
that's cos we brixtonites are irrepressible!
those chairs need to go and be replaced by benches. comfortable ones and lots of them.
revolving loveseats!!

they don't seem to have catered for the domino players in this new design.
There should be public hangings in that square for anyone that says 'deffo'


The drinkers circle seemed back in operation this morning btw, restricting themselves to the fixed chairs near the old loos
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