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Will you vote for independence?

Scottish independence?

  • Yes please

    Votes: 99 56.6%
  • No thanks

    Votes: 57 32.6%
  • Dont know yet

    Votes: 17 9.7%

  • Total voters
The problem I have is the fact that Scottish history is fair game to be belittled (particularly William Wallace and the Wars of Independence). The idea of a Scottish culture is can even be construed as offensive or ridiculous. I am not a nationalist so I don't mind some denigration if it is well-intentioned. I just don't see the same about British or English historical figures. Any criticism of these individuals is considered 'anti-English' nationalism. These types of issues won't be water under the bridge like funny pictures of Ed Miliband in a General Election campaign.

Can you imagine what would happen if this type of campaign took place in a Northern Irish referendum?
Politics, they don't fuck around.
Not including IT and backroom support which according to that report will be another several hundred million though not pin downable due to it being dependant on negotiations with rUK

True, the royal family is still a fair comparison though since that's the yearly rental charge.
Not unless you're with the No camp, as the Royal Family costs Scotland far less than £200M.
No, the cost to Scotland for the Royal Family is: "Good Value For Money".

Which is the same as the cost to Scotland of; HS2, the Millennium Dome, nuclear weapons, the Union.

"Bad Value For Money": independence, the Welfare State, stuff plebs like.
I visited the Yes Scotland site yesterday. It's changed. They've gone for the Hidden Menu trick. That old favourite way to make site traffic think there's nothing more to see, and move on.
Results of the Radical Indy mass canvas out


Fuck yeah.
Nothing from the Bitters here. Maybe they're slowly working their way north? I saw some of Frankie's though and about screamed! Total BS!
I've got two copies. Fuck knows why.

I flicked through it and was slightly appalled to see that there were only two non-white people in all the photos. Scotland is much more multiracial than that. Total bullshit really.

Topped only by the touch of anti-English sentiment at work today :rolleyes: Not had any of that for a loooooooong time.
Excuses went along the lines of 'it's just a joke', 'It's only banter', 'You're being sensitive'.

The choice facing Bitter Together:

1. Let Darling be utterly humiliated on national television by Alex Salmond; a real mismatch of ever there was one or

2. Withdraw in humiliating fashion now covering the embarrassing climbdown with bluster, threats and letters full of empty legalese.

Looks like 2 was the call, in the hope that everyone will forget about it come polling day.

What an utter embarrassment.
No, it's playing politics. It's all spin and posture. Per the article STV changed the date after pressure from Salmond

Better Together have attacked STV, complaining that the broadcaster has bowed to pressure from Mr Salmond in allowing the date change.

A Better Together spokesperson said: "This is astonishing stuff. STV told us that they would not negotiate on the date of this debate. They were emphatic that the date would not change.

"That hard line stance lasted until Salmond decided that, even although he was free on that date, he didn't fancy debating Alistair. STV have simply rolled over. It is not on."

And in fact, the debate is still on, just hosted by the BBC:

Better Together revealed that Mr Darling has instead accepted an offer to take part in a TV debate to be hosted by the BBC.
Who knows? A debate with Cameron would be better, or Osbourne in fact. Osbourne's Whitehall department has spent millions on the referendum campaign. Only exceptionally stupid Unionists would suggest the Treasury now does not have a pretty big stake in the referendum campaign.
Who knows? A debate with Cameron would be better, or Osbourne in fact. Osbourne's Whitehall department has spent millions on the referendum campaign. Only exceptionally stupid Unionists would suggest the Treasury now does not have a pretty big stake in the referendum campaign.
Or the Cabinet Office, who paid for the "fleeing bairns" booklet.
why do you think osbourne is kept away from PR and debate? Why do you think he only gets to speak on budget day and fucks the dog even then?

because everyone outside of the shires hates him. He can't win a debate. He's a thick arrogant public school tosser who would never last five minutes outside a tyory safe seat, let alone in debate with salmond.
so the benefits bill is too large, public sector pensions and pay are too expensive, A&E's must be closed or downgraded....yet they've still got p's for a glossy leaflet trying to sell the Union to scottish dwellers.

whats the best thing about union, as described in the leaflet of win?
load of bollocks- some twonks told them to lead with the pound as well ('as we know it' slippery). Emotive issue eh, them thick proles love the queens head on thier notes

cheers frankie
Sheer comedy value is they say the Scotland's Future tome doesn't have nearly enough info in then come up with that slim bumphlet that was touted as having "Important Information" within.

I've only managed to get half way through SF and I've had it since End of April.
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