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Will you vote for independence?

Scottish independence?

  • Yes please

    Votes: 99 56.6%
  • No thanks

    Votes: 57 32.6%
  • Dont know yet

    Votes: 17 9.7%

  • Total voters
.. In reality, there's no reason that the contract should be cancelled.
It might be that existing contracts might have to be honoured, but I can't see many new ships being built in a Scotland that had voted yes. Why would they when they could support employment in rUK?
It might be that existing contracts might have to be honoured, but I can't see many new ships being built in a Scotland that had voted yes. Why would they when they could support employment in rUK?
Are all big defence contracts currently within the UK then?
There is an official policy of warships not being built in foreign countries. The 500 jobs dependent on this aren't going to swing the vote. I suspect the sort of bullying that comes with it will cost the NO vote more than 500 votes anyway.
Are all big defence contracts currently within the UK then?

The Navy's biggest ship building program for the next 10 years will certainly be built in the UK. No final decision on GCS, and consequently where it will be built, will be taken until early 2015.
I don't think so.
British people need jobs, currently building ships in Scotland makes sense.
But if Scotland goes independent, why not give those jobs to Portsmouth or Plymouth?
Depends on where the money is really. Not much else to these decisions
because the defense business is a business and operates on greased palms not national sentiment?

The defence industry is more than a business; it's political. Watch for the shipyards to move south ASAP. rUK defence spending will leave an independent Scotland pretty much immediately. BAe Systems et al will likely be told the day after a Yes vote that HMG-rUK will stop paying for work conducted in Scotland within a year, maybe even 6 months.
The defence industry is more than a business; it's political. Watch for the shipyards to move south ASAP. rUK defence spending will leave an independent Scotland pretty much immediately. BAe Systems et al will likely be told the day after a Yes vote that HMG-rUK will stop paying for work conducted in Scotland within a year, maybe even 6 months.
You have anything at all to support this scenario?
Just been into a Yes shop which has opened recently up the road from me in Morningside to get some stickers. There was a queue. The wee wifey in the shop said it's been like that every day since they opened and they've only had two hostile people in.

I still haven't seen any visitors in the Better Together shop here.

(BTW I find the term 'wee wifey' sexist.)

A Wee Deoch-an'-Doris
Written by or for Sir Harry Lauder

There's a good auld Scottish custom
That has stood the test of time.
It's a custom that's been carried out
In ev'ry land and clime.
Where brother Scots foregather,
It's aye, the usual thing:
Just before we say "Good nicht!"
We raise our cups and sing:

Just a wee deoch an' doris,
Just a wee drap, that's a'.
Just a wee deoch an' doris,
Before we gang awa'.
There's a wee wifey waiting,
And a wee but in vain.
If you can say "It's a braw, bricht,
Moonlicht nicht,"
Well you're a' richt, d'ye ken!

2. I like a man that is a man,
A man that's straight and fair:
The sort o' man that will and can
In all things do his share.
I like a man, a jolly man,
The sort o' man, you know,
The chap that slaps your back and says,
"Man, Jock, afore we go . . .
no shit, Sherlock. Can you guess why?

Why should I guess? Strangely enough I have better things to do with my time. I've just pointed out that this surprises me given your usual behaviour in respect of anything posted that appears to be sexist, and you dismissing someone else expressing a view that they find a term you have used as sexist is odd, hypocritical even.
Why should I guess? Strangely enough I have better things to do with my time. I've just pointed out that this surprises me given your usual behaviour in respect of anything posted that appears to be sexist, and you dismissing someone else expressing a view that they find a term you have used as sexist is odd, hypocritical even.

Ok, I'll explain then.
a) 'wee wifey' is not sexist. The 'ey' or 'ie' suffix is used in Scots as an affectionate signifier. See 'lassie', 'laddie' and the Scots habit of doing the same thing to first names (Doddie for George, Shuggie for Hugh etc). Wifey in the context I used it simply means 'an older woman'. Nothing sexist about it. I would have said 'the wee mannie' if it had been a man. Genuinely.
b) Quartz doesn't give a fuck about sexism, he was just having a dig by deliberately misunderstanding.
c) Quartz is the most patronising person on the boards.
b) Quartz doesn't give a fuck about sexism, he was just having a dig by deliberately misunderstanding.

Wrong. I care about sexism. You and others object to me picking up on anti-male sexism. Sexism is sexism is wrong.

c) Quartz is the most patronising person on the boards.

You're trolling here and I'm not biting.
Does anyone have access to the Times Tony Abbott on Indyref article?

Nope, but it is in the Independent and Guardian now. Not sure they would want to miss a story like this. Former Scottish First Minister, and Scottish Labour leader, Henry McLeish saying to think carefully about voting No? Nah, more relevant is the far right loon from Australia saying you should vote no.
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