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Will Gary Lineker be presenting Motd on Saturday?

Is Gary Glitter the worst ambassador for a name that there has ever been?

Even when we were kids, way before he was known as a nonce, his name was rhyming slang for 'shitter'.

"Where's Dave gone?" ... "He's in the Gary"; or one might be told "stick it up yer Gary" after making an unpopular suggestion.

Even Adolph seems to have made something of a revival (Dolph is a diminutive of Adolph) but Gary seems to be truly on the wane.

Gary Oldfield the musician is famous for a medical condition that was so unique he is believed to have been the only person known to have had it in the world. It's a condition that sees the presence of cellular cannula-deformity resulting in the tunnelling of the tissue fibres in the body.
His well known concept album 'Tubular Balls' highlights his struggle with the disease.
Gary Oldfield the musician is famous for a medical condition that was so unique he is believed to have been the only person known to have had it in the world. It's a condition that sees the presence of cellular cannula-deformity resulting in the tunnelling of the tissue fibres in the body.
His well known concept album 'Tubular Balls' highlights his struggle with the disease.
Gary Oldfield the musician is famous for a medical condition that was so unique he is believed to have been the only person known to have had it in the world. It's a condition that sees the presence of cellular cannula-deformity resulting in the tunnelling of the tissue fibres in the body.
His well known concept album 'Tubular Balls' highlights his struggle with the disease.

Even if his name was Gary, not Mike, the punchline would still not be worth the houses you had to go round to get there.
anyway... will he make a gag about it all on Saturday?
He might arrive at the Dock10 studios at MediaCityUK in Salford like this...
It's not a small boat though...
All this Gary talk reminds that G Numan is in fact 13 days older than G Oldman.

There seem to be a lot of Garys of roughly that age, including Kemp and Lineker himself, but now the name has fallen out of favour. I wonder which year was peak Gary.
Annus Garybilis?
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