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Will Gary Lineker be presenting Motd on Saturday?

Yes the term is recently coined. But I, for instance, wouldn't see losing someone their livelihood to be the correct course of action because I didn't like their views. That is definitely happening now and it happening to Lineker is an example of it happening from the right.
You not liking a thing surely has nothing to do with "cancel culture" because that doesn't actually exist.
What actually is the rule that he was supposed to have broken anyway, I mean he failed to adhere to ‘impartiality’ about what exactly ?
It can’t be that nobody at the bbc is allowed to criticise anything the government says or does, that’s not in the rules is it, obviously it isn’t so then, what? (Real question)
They're just gonna dub some 1970's library music over it. The punditry slots will be filled with close-up footage of seagulls picking at the litter outside the grounds.
I think they should show someone using a potter’s wheel to make a chamber pot or spitoon in black and white and just superimpose the results in Cooper Black over the top of it
Yes the term is recently coined. But I, for instance, wouldn't see losing someone their livelihood to be the correct course of action because I didn't like their views. That is definitely happening now and it happening to Lineker is an example of it happening from the right.
I think that's a bit of a stretch. When a speaker's booking is cancelled because a venue has received requests from people to cancel that speaker and perhaps threats along with the requests, I would see that as something that could be called 'cancel culture'.

tbh this is something both far more trivial and ridiculous and far more sinister given the clear government involvement in the 'cancellation'.
What actually is the rule that he was supposed to have broken anyway, I mean he failed to adhere to ‘impartiality’ about what exactly ?
It can’t be that nobody at the bbc is allowed to criticise anything the government says or does, that’s not in the rules is it, obviously it isn’t so then, what? (Real question)
The relevant bit was quoted earlier. If he had been a news or current affairs reporter, he would have been in breach of their rules by criticising govt policy. But he isn't. The rules specifically give far more leeway to non-news presenters like him, and there are plenty of examples from the recent past of non-news BBC presenters giving their views on a range of political issues. Lineker himself is a long-standing public critic of Brexit.

The BBC has got its own rules wrong, basically, having initially got them right by deciding on no action only later to change their mind after pressure from the government.
And meanwhile, the actual issue of the appalling rhetoric of ‘stop the boats’ and the racist policies of the Tories is being ignored because bread and circuses
I disagree. It is front and central. Far more people pay attention to football than politics. A lot more people will be better informed about those racist policies as a result of this.
I can see Lineker getting the boot over this.

I don't see him backing down, and the BBC Chairman and DG are true blue Tories.
What actually is the rule that he was supposed to have broken anyway, I mean he failed to adhere to ‘impartiality’ about what exactly ?
It can’t be that nobody at the bbc is allowed to criticise anything the government says or does, that’s not in the rules is it, obviously it isn’t so then, what? (Real question)
The BBC has some very specific impartiality guidelines, but they vary according to the status of the talent/employee.

And, it would appear, according to the whim of the the Government.
I just watched a clip of our new minister for culture media and sport talking about this in the HOC couple of days ago and I suspect she did a lot to help cause this fuckup. She is another one doing that thing of claiming to be offended by the footballers entirely factual tweet on behalf of a jew (her gran who fled the nazis .. so she must have been a refugee an immigrant :mad: :facepalm: )and I really do find that offensive, that’s at least 3 of them now playing that same line. Ffs. Mendacious idiots.
The relevant bit was quoted earlier. If he had been a news or current affairs reporter, he would have been in breach of their rules by criticising govt policy. But he isn't. The rules specifically give far more leeway to non-news presenters like him, and there are plenty of examples from the recent past of non-news BBC presenters giving their views on a range of political issues. Lineker himself is a long-standing public critic of Brexit.

The BBC has got its own rules wrong, basically, having initially got them right by deciding on no action only later to change their mind after pressure from the government.
I suspect it hasn't so much "got its own rules wrong" as been forced into bending their own rules to achieve the aims of HM Government. Cunt he might be, but I imagine the BBC DG found himself with a fairly uncomfortable choice (which serves him right). He must have known, or been advised, that the decision to suspend Lineker was likely to result in, at the very least, unwelcome public exposure, but I suspect that whoever Braverman uses as an axe, er, person will have made it very clear that, come what may, Lineker needed to be hung out to dry.

I spent some time working for the BBC. As a freelance, I was spared the indoctrination training, but the impression I had from all kinds of people in the organisation was that the BBC's impartiality was a fundamental plank of the whole belief system. And, back in the early 2000s, that didn't look like such a mad aspiration. Granted, a lot of the talent is, just by virtue of the qualities and values of people who work in creative industries, likely to be somewhat more left-inclined than average, and a certain amount of right-wing ranting about the "lefty BBC" was inevitable, but fairly easily laughed off. But now, the "lefty blob" narrative is mainstream in an increasingly detached-from-reality government that is so hell-bent on pursuing their various lost causes that it cannot even afford to recognise the reality of how what they are doing is coming across to Mr & Mrs Average Britain.

At some stage, there will be a tipping point. This could be it. Or it might not be, and something else will come up. But this government is making increasingly frequent unforced errors, and sooner or later (please god let it be sooner), they're going to step into a hole they just can't get out of.
I just watched a clip of our new minister for culture media and sport talking about this in the HOC couple of days ago and I suspect she did a lot to help cause this fuckup. She is another one doing that thing of claiming to be offended by the footballers entirely factual tweet on behalf of a jew (her gran who fled the nazis .. so she must have been a refugee an immigrant :mad: :facepalm: )and I really do find that offensive, that’s at least 3 of them now playing that same line. Ffs. Mendacious idiots.
I'm sure some kind of briefing went out. "If you've got any connection to Jewish victims of the Nazis, get on the telly NOW. If you haven't, try and figure out some tenuous connection you can fluff up into some kind of personal heartbreak, and get on the telly NOW".
You could well be right.

Firing him would give him a good chance of ending up with martyr status. It could be the stupidest thing they do. Which is why it is quite likely.
If they fire him, they know that they're also effectively firing a whole bunch of other presenters/pundits. These are mostly very rich people who also know they can get work elsewhere. They can walk without a second thought about their own financial positions. Makes them dangerous.
I'm sure some kind of briefing went out. "If you've got any connection to Jewish victims of the Nazis, get on the telly NOW. If you haven't, try and figure out some tenuous connection you can fluff up into some kind of personal heartbreak, and get on the telly NOW".
It is truly disgusting, idk if other people can see that. It’s hard to even explain the 57 different ways this makes me angry.
I can see Lineker getting the boot over this.

I don't see him backing down, and the BBC Chairman and DG are true blue Tories.
Doubt they'll sack him, they've already shipped too much flak. More likely is 'talks' and then he decides to walk.
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