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Wikileaks - It's time to open the archives

'The missiles could for the first time give Iran the capacity to strike at capitals in Western Europe or at Moscow, and American officials warned that their advanced propulsion could speed Iran’s development of intercontinental ballistic missiles.'

Does that mean us? I reckon this is big news, many people are going to be quite scared tonight, these sound more powerful than Saddams Scuds and they caused panic in Israel
Does that mean us? I reckon this is big news, many people are going to be quite scared tonight, these sound more powerful than Saddams Scuds and they caused panic in Israel

Dont you think it will be people of Iran who are to be most scared, upon learning how many of their neighbours were encouraging the US to attack Iran?

Legitimate concerns, mistrust, and paranoia regarding Iran are on display in the docs released so far, along with sunni-shia tensions and arab-persian rivalries. Given the complex and dangerous realities for the region I dont know what the point is in trying to distill this all down to some scary new missile factoid, I dont see what positive agendas that helps.
The full gory details!!
WikiLeaks embassy cables: download the key data and see how it breaks down
The WikiLeaks embassy cables release has produced a lot of stories but does it produce any useful data? We explain what it includes and how it breaks down - plus you can download the key data for every cable


btw: the yanks hate cameron lol

Typical Guardian though - not publishing what's in the actual messages....

One cable reveals how the London embassy passed on intelligence about a British Labour minister, apparently picked up from civil servant contacts, saying he "reportedly remains a bit of a hound dog where women are concerned".

The minister, whose name the Guardian is withholding, was "forced to apologize … to a female … who accused him of sexual harassment … and has had marital troubles in the last few years".

It's gotta be John Prescott? In fact, deliberately withholding the names makes it more exciting as it becomes a game we can all play
Their London embassy is officially US territory, and under US jurisdiction, and anyway diplomatic cables are privileged, so they can write what they want without fear of British libel lawyers. The Guardian can't do that, if it published the name it would have to face the possibility of being made to prove the allegation in court.

Of course Wikileaks could publish all the raw data, from Sweden or somewhere, leaving the lawyers in a lot of difficulty, but they won't because lives are at risk.
Their London embassy is officially US territory, and under US jurisdiction,

No it's not. That's a myth.


Contrary to popular belief, diplomatic missions do not enjoy full extraterritorial status and are not sovereign territory of the represented state. Rather, the premises of diplomatic missions remain under the jurisdiction of the host state while being afforded special privileges (such as immunity from most local laws) by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
Just sounds like a lot of sensationalist bullshit and a lot of it being taken out of context, does wikileaks really serve a purpose, apart from detracting from the real news? What use is any of that information?

Well, I suppose we don't get much in the way of news anyway in this media controlled world we live in.

Wikileaks seems like a good idea in principle, but in reality I'm starting to doubt its validity in achieving any real change.
It's an outlet for people on the inside of govts and corps to spread otherwise secret information. It's a fantastic thing. Don't confuse the content with the purpose of the site.
Just sounds like a lot of sensationalist bullshit and a lot of it being taken out of context, does wikileaks really serve a purpose, apart from detracting from the real news? What use is any of that information?

Well, I suppose we don't get much in the way of news anyway in this media controlled world we live in.

Wikileaks seems like a good idea in principle, but in reality I'm starting to doubt its validity in achieving any real change.

Where did you get the idea that Wikileaks is about "achieving any real change"? It's a website that holds information - it's not a manifesto
Still waiting for the really top secret stuff, like the US government's involvement in blowing up the Twin Towers. I wonder when all that will get leaked.
So beyond the usual undiplomatic observations diplomats have about their host nations, the fact the Arabs are just as scared of Israel iRAN getting a bomb and have put just as much pressure on the US as the Israelis, is there anything really juicy in here - like the thing newbie posted about the DPRK doing a technology swap with Iran?

Altho no doubt that will be described as 'false flag' information by some, since what the US State dept says is never trustworhty, is it?
one question - if assenge is so keen on transparency, why is he currently in a "secret" location? Does he not apply his principles to himself? Ok, that was two questions...

(did ya see what I did there?)

On an unrelated note, LOL at the US....! I do wonder how much of a diplomatic crisis this is actually gonna cause though. I mean, we all have to work with people who we think are twats, and wouldnt be that surprised to find out that they dont really think that much of us either. I'm sure those in power won't get too worked up. They just have to google their names to find horrible insults about themselves. In this case, a diplomatic crisis will probably just mean a lot of news reports saying there is one - it won't amount to much change in international relations.
one question - if assenge is so keen on transparency, why is he currently in a "secret" location? Does he not apply his principles to himself? Ok, that was two questions...

(did ya see what I did there?)

On an unrelated note, LOL at the US....! I do wonder how much of a diplomatic crisis this is actually gonna cause though. I mean, we all have to work with people who we think are twats, and wouldnt be that surprised to find out that they dont really think that much of us either. I'm sure those in power won't get too worked up. They just have to google their names to find horrible insults about themselves. In this case, a diplomatic crisis will probably just mean a lot of news reports saying there is one - it won't amount to much change in international relations.

I disagree, this set of messages will breed much distrust of US diplomats.

Crucial is the UK stuff, and the Chinese stuff will be censored to fuck, not even Assange is that crazy...
one question - if assenge is so keen on transparency, why is he currently in a "secret" location? Does he not apply his principles to himself? Ok, that was two questions...

Remember the grassy knoll.

And anyway, he's arguing for government policy transparency... and anyway, why the fuck does knowing where Assenge is geographically matter to the contents of the documents?
Remember the grassy knoll.

And anyway, he's arguing for government policy transparency... and anyway, why the fuck does knowing where Assenge is geographically matter to the contents of the documents?

I remember reading an interview with him where he gets quite self-righteous about how pathetically cowardly journos are, how none of them are ever arrested or killed or something.

And in anycase, I have a Right to Know everything, according to him.

But relax, it wasn't really a serious point.
I disagree, this set of messages will breed much distrust of US diplomats.

Crucial is the UK stuff, and the Chinese stuff will be censored to fuck, not even Assange is that crazy...

Yeah, like everyone sat around going on about what a great bunch of guys US Diplomats were before?
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