My Dad was born in Canning Town in 1920, and lived in East Ham, which was a county borough of Essex. County boroughs had more powers than ordinary Urban District Councils. So, what my Dad would have called London when he was young would not have included much of that that we today called London.
likewise, mum-tat's family goes back a few generations in what's now the bexley borough / kent borderlands between belvedere and dartford, but it was all kent then.
and yes - the patchwork of cities, county boroughs (as east ham and west ham - then separate - were), urban districts, municipal boroughs, rural districts and so on was faintly complicated.
as an aside from all the arguing, east ham has got quite an impressive cluster of municipal buildings round the town hall -
bottom left was built as fire station, the flats next to it probably for firemen / fire officers, public baths (which in those days meant where you could go and have a bath, not just a swimming pool), tram depot, power station and council depot.