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why the bbc is going down the pan

I've been having real trouble finding this article again on the BBC, not sure if they replaced it with a different version of the story.

But since I saved it this morning, I can bring you this quote that fails to quite do the typical dance when it comes to describing the BBC World Service, rather a brief lapse into language that isn't careful:
well thats refreshingly honest of them
my old dear made the point to me that its likely to just help reinforce that old 'don't give them anything they'll only spent it on drug/alcohol' trope that the selfish wealthy use to justify their innate desire to treat people in poverty as untermensh,
Of course they'd never spend the money in that way. I gave some change to a fella once and the person with me started on the whole "he'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol." schtick. I pointed out so would I and so would they. The only time I get annoyed is when they give me the whole bullshit story about wanting a train ticket to visit a relative or some similar sob story. I blame the scum for that though not the ones blagging.
I guess I'm annoyed at the fact they think I'd give money to someone to visit a relative etc but not to someone who was fucking desperate for the money to live.
BBC Capital in "the best beach city in the world for ex-pats is in Israel" shocker
Is this the best beach city for expats?

I despair, but then, BBC Capital has always had it's emphasis on Capital. I had originally thought it was more of a London-focussed thing, but evidently not.

You're talking about people that aren't afraid to take risks.
"A typical banana contains 0.1 microsieverts of radiation. To put that in context, a typical CT scan in a hospital exposes humans to between 10 and 15 microsieverts."

Er, no. A typical CT scan dose is 10 to 15 millisieverts. They have just understated the dose by a factor of 1000. Useful info for anyone considering medical treatment. :thumbs:

Complaint made.

That's what happens when you get people with journalism degrees to write science articles.
Ok, so it's been discussed (and laughed at) to death now, but really needs go here too - and that's the Beeb's almost total blackout on the Cameron stuff today. Barely any mention on the BBC News website, their political editors desperately trying to avoid it on twitter this morning (a few times almost going out of their way to cover it with other stories), and I've hardly heard a jot on BBC radio/TV this afternoon.

Indie piece about it here: The BBC's decision not to report #PigGate is unacceptable
Absolutely nothing on the BBC News website (UK or Politics section) this morning about the weekends TUC march. It only features on the 'Tory conference day one' page.

No surprise as usual there then.
Pure tory/blairite propaganda on world at one today re: Corbyn's appeal to apathetic non voters.
BBC Capital in "the best beach city in the world for ex-pats is in Israel" shocker
Is this the best beach city for expats?

I despair, but then, BBC Capital has always had it's emphasis on Capital. I had originally thought it was more of a London-focussed thing, but evidently not.

You're talking about people that aren't afraid to take risks.

allo allo allo, What have we here then? Another article on the BBC website expounding the glories of the Israeli apartheid state this one is called, completely unironically, "a city that will teach you to be at peace"


"a place where the distance between Heaven and Earth is compressed"... because so many people get killed, perhaps?
Summer Budget 2015 - Landlords Reactions | Property118.com

Hi folks,

i just spoke to Chris Cooper and hes not a suitable case sudy

What we are looking for is as follows

My sister in law Rachel Royce works as Tv news journalist for BBC south east and has been given the go ahead by her boss to do a story on how the tax changes are affecting landlords and tenants in the area her program will be aired ie Kent and East Sussex . . Are you in the right area ?

We need a good sob story about how tenants will be affected by these changes – sadly no one gives a stuff about how landlords are going to make less money, but they care much more about tenants being kicked out and especially if its because the landlord is going bust because of clause 24 even better .

Filming is starting next week If we could find vulnerable LHA tenants who will be in B and B because of this , that is the kind of story we are ideally looking for . We are trying to position this as decent landlords having no choice but to evict long term / vulnerable tenants or face bankruptcy .

Can you or anyone you know help ? They need to be Kent and East Sussex based .

all the best ,

Today programme broadcast lies about Palestine:

BBC forced to admit it misled over Palestine

For the second time in just over six months, the BBC has been forced to admit that its flagship news and current affairs program — Today — has misled its audiences over the situation in Israel and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In a broadcast in October, veteran presenter John Humphrys and Middle East correspondent Kevin Connolly implied in a two-way conversation that all of those killed in that month’s violence were Israeli.

In fact, at the date of broadcast, on 19 October, more than 40 of those killed were Palestinian and fewer than 10 Israeli.

I dunno. The weather there is serious. NYC mayor has issued a travel ban, meaning anyone on the roads except in emergency can be arrested. That is newsworthy.
I dunno. The weather there is serious. NYC mayor has issued a travel ban, meaning anyone on the roads except in emergency can be arrested. That is newsworthy.
True dat, but tbh something happening on the Eastern seaboard is very similar to something happening in GL or RoSEland...it really is newsworthy...whatever it is.
I dunno. The weather there is serious. NYC mayor has issued a travel ban, meaning anyone on the roads except in emergency can be arrested. That is newsworthy.

Except in Chicago, LA, Canada, France, Australia etc it's not the main news item.
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