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Why do the French protest/riot better than we do


Sums it up it basically. I suppose I would like to add that I’ve not seen the French protest against refugees drag queens and trans people - doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. We however have never protested so extremely about pensions…. Discuss in 500 words or less and don’t forget to reference your sources!
The general level of shit our filth gives out is far less violent than theirs, so when the CRS lose control of an area there’s a lot more umph to give them and the state that they represent a decent kicking.
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Honestly feel the English not kicking off is more of a weird glitch from the last fifty odd years or so because I swear pre-WW2 especially it was always kicking off. Though wasn't the 80s filled with it kicking off as well?

I think the establishment here is a bit better at the whole divide and rule stuff and when it does crack down it cracks down hard and on more than a surface beat em till they behave level. A few promises, a few bungs to the right sort to diffuse stuff for a few years maybe token reforms.
Maybe because they have a reference point within the last few centuries of an actual revolution that changed things and we don’t, instead we still queue up to vote for cartoon characters like Jacob rees fucking mogg. Its not a lack of alcohol or police violence it’s something much sadder.
They put the pension age up in France and people set fire to stuff, they put the pension age up here and people grumble a bit and say oh well that’s a shame and that’s it, nothing.
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How many protested things here before and it made no difference? What was the anti Iraq war march, 1m? Thats why, nothing changed regardless. People see that and think why bother. The french are just willing to turn it up a notch or 12. I can't say I particularly support some of the things that have gone on in protests but the results kind of stand for themselves. Also with the far better public transport its easier and cheaper to get somewhere to make an impact.
The general level of shit our filth gives out is far less violent than theirs, so when the CRS lose control of an area there’s a lot more umph to give them and the state that they represent a decent kicking.
Perhaps there’ll be a change the next time Operation Temperer gets activated :confused:
We’ll have died working before having a chance to kick off.

Depressing as fuck.
Also if people protest in almost anywhere but London and maybe a few major cities. No one cares, no news coverage except some local rag that's a reach plc publication and won't make it national anyway. Only way that happens is doing something like gluing yourself to the road/etc.
Why are we praising French protesters as superior when they haven't achieved their objectives?

I have a lot of respect for their intensity and willingness to take on the state, but Macron's raising of the pension age appears to be very close to becoming law, meaning their protests have been as ineffective as the anti-Iraq war protests of 20 years ago.
Since the days of the 'yellow jacket' protests, Irelands protestors have availed of some EU funded protest training to bring us up to international standard..
this loss of this funding and training is another downside to Brexit methinks..
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