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Why Conspiracy Theorists are so prevalent.

He's not sure whether the Protocols are anti-semitic or not as he's never looked into it. (millions fucking roll eyes)

Or at least that's the line he once took to defend his friends like Jazzz and Icke.

Of course I know the Protocols were an anti semitic construct, their composition a likely conspiracy. I am not friends with Icke and barely know Jazz in even cyber terms. I have disagreed with him a number of times.
Of course I know the Protocols were an anti semitic construct, their composition a likely conspiracy. I am not friends with Icke and barely know Jazz in even cyber terms. I have disagreed with him a number of times.

What elements of the proof offered over the last 100 years that the protocols were a forgery do you doubt?
There's no difference between your mates and the EDL. No difference at all.

Except Jew haters tend to be a little more educated, probably know a bit more about the culture and don't have shit teeth and beer bellies
you get a better class of cunt reading and regurgitating the protocols and trying to convince people of the blood libel than you do posting "burn all mosques" on facebook.
Hey now, wait a minute...Trying to say? ;)

that people who post theories that are lifted from the protocols don't go on demos about the Bilderberg group and "zionist bankers" with cans of stella and with half of their teeth missing. and they don't talk about their theories that "if you're not anti-semitic you fucking well should be" while dressed in burberry. it's only the sheeple that do that. not them. they've WOKEN UP.
Talking of prevalent loonies, I made the mistake of joining a group on Faecesbook called "UK Civil Disobedience" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/263218967147771/321229611346706/?notif_t=group_comment_reply)

I didn't realise that it was full of conspiraloons of the first water, barking on about Zionists and 13 shadowy organisations ruling the world!

Shame, an interesting group about civil disobedience (not that fuckwitted Freeman On The Land nonsense, either) would have been useful.
Likely? Likely? the most succesful piece of anti semetic agit prop of the 19th century is likely?

It depends which definition of "conspiracy" one is using, the dictionary definition or the one selected by people meaning "conspiracy theory I find proposterous" to denounce folk for opinions they dont have.
Talking of prevalent loonies, I made the mistake of joining a group on Faecesbook called "UK Civil Disobedience" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/263218967147771/321229611346706/?notif_t=group_comment_reply)

I didn't realise that it was full of conspiraloons of the first water, barking on about Zionists and 13 shadowy organisations ruling the world!

Shame, an interesting group about civil disobedience (not that fuckwitted Freeman On The Land nonsense, either) would have been useful.

Yep. I saw that. FB is full of that shite.
There's no difference between your mates and the EDL. No difference at all.

Except Jew haters tend to be a little more educated, probably know a bit more about the culture and don't have shit teeth and beer bellies

If that's aimed at me, you know full well i have said nothing here, or anywhere else, ever to indicate a hatred of Jews on either a faith or ethnic bases.

To paraphrase a highly celebrated member of the faith : "Seek and you would find, if it was there, but it aint".
It depends which definition of "conspiracy" one is using, the dictionary definition or the one selected by people meaning "conspiracy theory I find proposterous" to denounce folk for opinions they dont have.

literally have no idea what you mean here, its english, its scans. But I don't get it. Have another go. Remember you are talking to a w/c person here so be sure to rip the piss out of me while you explain.
It's time for the false accusers here to put up or shut up.

They have fuck all to put up except such bonkers ideas as criticising aspects of global finance means harbouring a hatred for Jews.

Some fool even said that people take against the Bilderberg Group because it "sounds Jewish"... Sound Jewish?? The "berg" suffix is German. Does anyone think Nuremberg was chosen for the rallies because it sounded Jewish?

I do see a fair amount of putrid nonsense against Jews on comments sections, I am in the habit of challenging it.
I have no idea why people in the 21st Century hang on to that shite other than to be simple of mind, and I am absolutely not going to tolerate accusations of it on my part.

They are groundless.

Frogwoman : If you think you can compare me to the EDL on the (false) grounds that I think Icke is a "hero" you are shockingly stupid.

Put up. Or shut up.

Show anything I have written displaying a prejudice against Jewish people or their faith or apologise if you have a shred of decency.
If that's aimed at me, you know full well i have said nothing here, or anywhere else, ever to indicate a hatred of Jews on either a faith or ethnic bases.

To paraphrase a highly celebrated member of the faith : "Seek and you would find, if it was there, but it aint".

You may not have said anything to indicate a hatred of Jewish people but it's bad enough and suspiciously worse that you play games with evidence against those who do. Or is that another likely conspiracy?
literally have no idea what you mean here, its english, its scans. But I don't get it. Have another go. Remember you are talking to a w/c person here so be sure to rip the piss out of me while you explain.

Another false insinuation.

I do not take the piss out of people based on class. Why the fuck would I?

A conspiracy is a clandestine plot - that's how I use the word. There was, for example, a conspiracy to cover up the truth about Hillsborough.

But when a conspiracy is suggested as a possibility, others use then use the word to mean "Something utterly absurd and quite possibly propping up / propped up by a latent hatred of Jewish people"

Hope this better explains.
You may not have said anything to indicate a hatred of Jewish people but it's bad enough and suspiciously worse that you play games with evidence against those who do. Or is that another likely conspiracy?

What games? Seriously? I've read quite a bit about The Protocols now (though finer detail is fuzzy with passing months) I have no issue with what seems to be the common view of them on here.

It's not a case of "may not" having said anything to indicate hatred. I absolutely HAVE not. Not here, or anywhere else.

I have offered to give FW and others details of where to find everything i have written on line to root out any such statement. They did not take me up. they aren't interested. They are interested in putting out false accusations on the basis of fuck all, and it fucking stinks.
I do not take the piss out of people based on class. Why the fuck would I?

You must really be confused by this prick then.

Dotcom's response to you is because he made a post in response to your saying that:

taffboy said:
Of course I know the Protocols were an anti semitic construct, their composition a likely conspiracy

asking you why you thought that the idea that the protocols were faked was only 'likely' rather then being proven fact (i asked the same question slightly differently and was ignored btw). You, in turn, responded with a baffling post about what constitutes a conspiracy. Have a go at answering his and my posts.
On the protocols taffboy, have you in the past said that you accept that they were a forgery but a forgery that just happened to reveal truths about a many century long conspiracy (the Icke position)?
Another false insinuation.

I do not take the piss out of people based on class. Why the fuck would I?

A conspiracy is a clandestine plot - that's how I use the word. There was, for example, a conspiracy to cover up the truth about Hillsborough.

But when a conspiracy is suggested as a possibility, others use then use the word to mean "Something utterly absurd and quite possibly propping up / propped up by a latent hatred of Jewish people"

Hope this better explains.

nah, generally they don't unless its clearly that, following a very old narrative. If its genuine skullduggery serious people who are more focused than me nail it down.
taffboy said:
Frogwoman : If you think you can compare me to the EDL on the (false) grounds that I think Icke is a "hero" you are shockingly stupid.

I did not compare you to the EDL i compared those you are an apologist for to them.

taffboy gwyrdd You want a greater acceptability of conspiracy theories on the left. You would like these theories to receive serious consideration rather than the "knee jerk" dimissal of them that you complain about. You know as well as I do that these theories more often than not involve Jews.
taffboy gwyrdd you always draw an equivalence between someone who sees the hand of zionist conspiracies in everything to somebody who always dismisses the possibility of these theories out of hand even though you know most of us on this site are marxists or anarchists (or a spin off of those traditions) and therefore don't take the "official line" on anything. you always try and make out that "anti-conspiracism" is as bad as constantly seeing conspiracies.

you want these ideas to reach a greater acceptability. you might not be personally anti-semitic but you are an apologist for those that are. i think that if these people reach an acceptability on the left then it proves its time to start again.
Thanks Frogwoman for more considered responses. Will get back to you on your points rather than get into too much detail here. I know there is too much tendency to see "zionism" (often cover word for "jew") in some conspiracies (slightly less so masonry, catholicism). The very word "zionism" is problematic for me, (means too many things to too many people according to what point they are trying to make, right or wrong, jew haters especially tend to juggle it's meaning to suit the occasion IME)

It's also true that people with an anti semite agenda will insert their narrative into a conspiracy where it has no place. That the "conspiracy angle" is polluted by anti semite vultures is very much a problem for speculators, but again it doesn't mean conspiracies don't happen.

Someone else pointed out a FB rebellion type group where this had happened, and it is very common.

Last night I was reading comments under an anti fracking video - apparently that's all part of the zionist plot as well, but I won't stop speaking out against fracking just because some twat posts that kind of stuff. I used as much sarcasm and invective against them as I have learned to wield from my years on here.

placing opposing of anti-conspiracism on the same level of knee jerk conpiracism is more of a logic thing. I just prefer the case by case basis, though it is arduous.

Yet, the bottom line remains that conspiracies happen. That's a fact of politics, not ethnicity or faith. It is logical fallacy to deduce that because some conspiracy theories (and an overarching one) are alleged against Jewish people as a whole, it then follows that all conspiracy theories are, by their very existance, propping up those with anti semitic content.
taffboy gwyrdd in the past, you've talked about "bloodline bankers" and "rothschilds" and that. do you not realise that, given the history of these ideas, that some people may find this extremely offensive and threatening?
Thanks Frogwoman for more considered responses. Will get back to you on your points rather than get into too much detail here. I know there is too much tendency to see "zionism" (often cover word for "jew") in some conspiracies

So what does that tell you about these ideas and the people who support them?

what does that tell you about these theories if there's "too much tendency" to talk about Jews in them? about where the people saying this stuff come from politically?what sort of agenda they have?
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