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what's wrong with economics

The action or crime of stealing."

Try to refuse to pay the income tax. If you do, you are put in prison. You cannot opt out or chose which services the tax goes to. Therefore, the income tax is the government stealing your money because you are not able chose whether this money can or can't be taken from you. Maybe a better word would be "extortion"

If you can opt out of using the services that tax pays for, then you may have a point. Good luck with that.
Money and tax are inseparable parts of a single system. You can opt out of the system as a whole but you can't pick and choose which bits you use.
The action or crime of stealing."

Try to refuse to pay the income tax. If you do, you are put in prison. You cannot opt out or chose which services the tax goes to. Therefore, the income tax is the government stealing your money because you are not able chose whether this money can or can't be taken from you. Maybe a better word would be "extortion"

Well yeah, because you've already used the services the tax pays for. That's not theft, it's payment for services rendered.
The action or crime of stealing."

Try to refuse to pay the income tax. If you do, you are put in prison. You cannot opt out or chose which services the tax goes to. Therefore, the income tax is the government stealing your money because you are not able chose whether this money can or can't be taken from you. Maybe a better word would be "extortion"

You have that 180 degrees the wrong way. It's the tax avoider who is the thief.

By staying in the country you agree to the laws and customs of that country. You can revoke your permission by leaving and becoming a citizen elsewhere. I can give you a list of countries where there's no income tax. You won't like living there.

A tax avoider is a thief because they take from the commons (using roads, bridges, schools, parks) without paying for them. If you don't contribute you're either a thief or perhaps more kindly.... a freeloader, a mooch, or a parasite. Should the rest of us consider you anything other than a criminal to be treated like one?
Problem is, since the rise of neo-liberalism, 'non-orthodox' economists have been sidelined. IMO groups like the Post-Crash Economics Society are an encouraging sign that that might be starting to change.
the problem is, as has been said, the majority of people studying economics are hoping for a well paid job in banking, so i doubt there's much groundswell from students for a change save for a few here and there. Anyhow good luck to those trying to do it. Its not as if banking crisis is going to go away - theres bound to be another earthquake soon

They've got a website btw http://www.post-crasheconomics.com/

On the subject of changing economics from the inside there was an interesting if flawed book that came out last year called The Heretic's Guide to Global Finance - Hacking the Future of Money
...encouraging people to become shareholders and traders and somehow hack the system from the inside. I dont think its workable, and the practical suggestions don't amount to much from what i read, but i think the spirit of entryism its written in is a good one, and tries to break down that invisible wall that seems to keep economics as a preserve of neoliberals
A tax avoider is a thief because they take from the commons (using roads, bridges, schools, parks) without paying for them. If you don't contribute you're either a thief or perhaps more kindly.... a freeloader, a mooch, or a parasite. Should the rest of us consider you anything other than a criminal to be treated like one?

Problem is, the individual gets punished by the IRS - but the mega corporations who pay little or no tax, seem to get a free pass.
... i.e. to allow the govt. to make the interest payments to private multinational lenders, servicing the gargantuan public debt created by govts. It would appear that one of the essential services of government, is enriching multinational banks.

Govt getting into debt so we don't have to. :cool:

If you're going to have a system of money based on debt, far better for the debt part to be held at the collective level, no? Do you have a better alternative?
If you're going to have a system of money based on debt, far better for the debt part to be held at the collective level, no? Do you have a better alternative?

The question isn't about a system of money based on debt, it's about the viability of a government running a country through the incursion of debt.
I'd rather our govts didn't spend more than they took in.
What? Always? Like whatever the rest of the economy is doing?

I'm the opposite. I'm all for govt spending more than it has if we are to continue with our mad system of money creation. Otherwise we the individuals have to do it. If nobody does it, you get depression.
We were discussing allocation of tax revenues.
No, you were mentioning something you called a 'balanced budget', then proceeded to explain that it was a consideration of govt finances somehow isolated from all the other aspects of finances within an economy. But that's meaningless.

Quite a good example of the problem with economics, really. :)
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