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What's the stupidest thing you've done this pandemic?

Tube travel.

edit: Actually no, Airbnb in the Autumn, man that was a shit holiday because we were both stressed, both worried and it pissed down the first day so we spent the evening soaked through. Lewes was nice to see but it was depressing to walk through some of the closed cafes/markets.
I did the Grand Canyon jump like Evil Kneival did way back, was a foolish and wreckless thing for me to have done.
I was ill with something early March that 111 assured me wasn't COVID and I went to sing in a concert and read a Torah portion in synagogue while not feeling 100% because I didn't want to let people down and none of my symptoms were what we were told was COVID at the time. I kept my distance from others and washed hands a lot anyway because I was feeling fairly rough. In retrospect I think it was Covid. But I also think that, if so, I wasn't very contagious - mainly as my choir has a lot of older and several clinically vulnerable people in it and no one has been very ill or died and I suspect that might have happened if I were shedding infectious droplets everywhere. 😐

It's fucking batshit that there was a time when it was ok to have 'a bit of a cold', had to be 'new cough' etc. No slight on you obviously...
Work, generally (large secondary school kitchen/canteen) it's been very difficult to stick to boundaries when you're in it and it's so obviously dangerous, the potential for spread, but with months of insistence that it was safe and lots of people either falling for that or, I think, needing to believe it to get through.

In my head, I realistically consider us to be a bubble, as ridiculous as that sounds (the school never have because it would mean all of us off if there was a positive case) but I mentally gave up after my manager repeatedly ignored all the rules herself, despite them being clear.

I've subsequently done loads of stupid stuff there, after it became fairly clear that there was not any realistic prospect of SD, in terms of the proximity to workmates (let alone the crowds of kids in each day).

That includes hugging one, whose son ended up in hospital a month or so before Xmas (in a different city - it wasn't that he was the risk but that's not the point), as well as standing too close to her every morning during that time, while we prepared food and quietly spoke about it while she wept (and she is really not easily drawn to tears).

Worst, afaic, has been the odd occasions of getting into a car with two or three of my workmates when it's been raining heavily, to drive out of the school grounds to smoke on our break, instead of taking our camping chairs up to the path out the back which we do otherwise. We took the camping chairs in the car instead and two of us sat under the scaffolding - I walked down and back once and should have done that the other couple of times.
There are lots of ongoing issues within my workplace that don't help with this, tbh, but this remains the single thing I am most irritated with myself about.

Allowed my daughter and myself to hug my bezzer and her wife during the summer, on a couple of occasions.

Did 'Eat out to help out', once.

Let my son's gf stay the night three times - the first time being at the start of August when he turned 21 after they'd only seen in other in parks since March.
We left a two week gap in between each visit and then stopped it when I went back to work/my girl went back to school in Sep. Awful.
I had her pegged in as a priority for coming on Boxing Day for the night, until that was changed again, so she got an Uber on Xmas morning and after she left we had a friend of his round for dinner, who has been living in a houseshare but is pretty depressed (family moved to Spain after they went to uni and then they dropped out).

Met up with a friend who I haven't seen for 16 months on Dec 30th, whose daughter lives in London now and is also having a really difficult time (having had a really difficult time before all of this) who my friend had been intending to visit but couldn't.
Refused the offer of a drive to the woods and we met in a much busier outdoor park here instead - and I took my daughter, too - and we both had a hug with her.
what do you mean here? Please

Just to note my memory may be a bit off, this is just direct recollection and a shitload has happened since... But back when covid was starting to take hold you were only supposed to isolate if you showed specific symptoms. Initially I think it was 'new cough', specifically a dry cough that you'd only just got. Other symptoms came into play too; loss of taste etc. But I forget the timeline. But basically if you felt a bit rough, had a cold or something you just carried on as normal.
Just to note my memory may be a bit off, this is just direct recollection and a shitload has happened since... But back when covid was starting to take hold you were only supposed to isolate if you showed specific symptoms. Initially I think it was 'new cough', specifically a dry cough that you'd only just got. Other symptoms came into play too; loss of taste etc. But I forget the timeline. But basically if you felt a bit rough, had a cold or something you just carried on as normal.

got it, yeah. That dry cough thing.
There were about a dozen Vietnamese lads who payed 1600 dollars each to quarantine at the place I was forced to, (even though I had an address) in Seoul.

They all tied their bedsheets together and scaled down the building off into the night. Maybe not sooo stupid but deffo funny.

This is when there were 300 cases thereabouts a day in Korea. Nothing. I'd just come from Japan too which was equally low.

Actually what was stupid of me was that when landing I waited for everyone to get off the plane, and you know like they do, as soon as the seatbelt sign is off they're all up and rear-ending each other, as if they're gonna get wherever any quicker.

Oxandralone head (Korean men love their steroids) who was sat in front of me had forgotten his playstation which was next to my bag in the overhead. The absurdity, plane was completely empty and this wanker is stood a foot away, no social distance even though we'd all been placed so in our seats and continuously warned via the PA. Have I mentioned the plane was empty?

Is this boring?

I asked him to back off, he wouldn't, so I handed him his playstation and tried to shoo him off. He called the police and wouldn't let me off the plane. Blocking my way. If you know anything about the law here, never lay a finger on a national. Even if they're kicking the shit out of you. So I couldn't barge past him, and so that was an hour's fiasco. He must have been upset about coming back here, I know I fucking was. Cunt was even filming me being questioned by the cops even though it's illegal to do so without permission now because of

Oh yeah, they love to blog, this lot. Such odd people.
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I'm afraid I did similar. Only because one SEN student was absolutely freaking out telling everyone we were all going to die. This was in January. She was so clued in online that she had storied about China and Wuhan and was straight out telling us all that this was it...curtains. she even created havoc at home not wanting to come to school at all.
Yup, similar reasons. I had one in particular who did not want to be in the classroom with anyone else and who walked around either covering his face with his jumper, or with his face buried in the crook of his arm, and who was worried sick.

I wish I'd been the one in the right!
I think possibly the stupidest thing I am doing is considering continuing with the same level of precautions in the face of a new variant which is 50-70% more transmissible.

I am probably off to the supermarket Sunday, with my usual mask and keeping my distance as before, but I have no idea if that will be enough. Perhaps now I should be giving 3m space rather than 2 now? That could make shopping a much slower process which would also increase my time in a risky place.

I do think we should be increasing our precautions in the face of this new variant, the questions are, which precautions should we increase, and how exactly?
I wanna be in this club
Hmm. Not sure you fit the women criteria, although adaptation IS the key to survival :hmm:

You can come with me to the Fine Dining Club (local soup kitchen) if I ever need to return for sure though. The church institute it's run from is glorious. As are their three course meals - I got invited there this afternoon by Orang Utan 's hilarious double.
Forgetting on the dog walking that cyclists and runners breathe out somewhat forcefully to give a breath plume as they go by. I'm keeping more of a distance and holding my breath as they go by now to give a bit more space like I did early on.
I think possibly the stupidest thing I am doing is considering continuing with the same level of precautions in the face of a new variant which is 50-70% more transmissible.

I am probably off to the supermarket Sunday, with my usual mask and keeping my distance as before, but I have no idea if that will be enough. Perhaps now I should be giving 3m space rather than 2 now? That could make shopping a much slower process which would also increase my time in a risky place.

I do think we should be increasing our precautions in the face of this new variant, the questions are, which precautions should we increase, and how exactly?
since this new strain has hit london, I am actually scared to go out. Before it was - I will go to sainsburys and a walk, and that's it because of the rules. Now I feel dread every time I go out and with rather be inside. I live with two very old parents, one who is clinically vunerable.
since this new strain has hit london, I am actually scared to go out. Before it was - I will go to sainsburys and a walk, and that's it because of the rules. Now I feel dread every time I go out and with rather be inside. I live with two very old parents, one who is clinically vunerable.
I am the same, except I don't live with anyone vulnerable, but I don't want to take my chances with getting this virus. I still have some face to face obligations which I think could be done over the phone, and generally if I think something is risky I am trying to find ways not to do it.

However, my village shop has stayed open throughout, the staff now also wearing masks, it is impossible to really socially distance because of the design of the shop, but 12 months in, none of them have been infected. Our region was tier 2 until recently, (now tier 4) also recently the numbers per 100,000 population have been rising alarmingly.
The weekend before the first lockdown my sister’s 50th birthday party went ahead with about 50 people, indoors, hugging and dancing. We did know the dangers but I think they hadn’t quite sunk in. In hindsight it was really stupid, although no one got sick, and it means I saw my whole family aunts, nephew, nieces, cousins etc) less than a year ago - so at least it was a high value outcome. If I’d been to a busy pub for the evening I’d have been at similar risk for no actual lasting benefit.

Other than that, with the significant exception of going to work, I’ve been the model of social distancing obedience. I have only set foot in the corner shop about twice since September, and the petrol station twice too. I went to the cinema, alone, in October... and that’s about it.
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Hmm. Not sure you fit the women criteria, although adaptation IS the key to survival :hmm:

You can come with me to the Fine Dining Club (local soup kitchen) if I ever need to return for sure though. The church institute it's run from is glorious. As are their three course meals - I got invited there this afternoon by Orang Utan 's hilarious double.

you assuming my gender?

Yup, similar reasons. I had one in particular who did not want to be in the classroom with anyone else and who walked around either covering his face with his jumper, or with his face buried in the crook of his arm, and who was worried sick.

I wish I'd been the one in the right!

I was in Tokyo in Feb, and seeing the catastrophe unfold - with a hint of Japanese exceptionalism - on the news, never thought it was gonna get out of China. Thought it was their thing, their problem.

Even when that raving mad cult in Korea brought their numbers up, I was still indifferent. My wife still gives me pelters for that.

My Japanese flatmate started blasting me with alcohol spray everytime I came home, making me wear plastic gloves and a mask to go out, and forbade me from going out to the disco. Started to 'get it' then.
Repeatedly did an eight hour round trip on public transport at the height of wave one to care for someone who dumped me on the street as a small kid :thumbs:

well... how many times do we hear growing up 'you only get one...'

almost as if it was our fault for not being taken care of, and we should rectify it with these humans that weren't fit to pro-create.
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