sounds like you're banging your head against a brick wall mate.Not really....
Generally a bit loony (although that is me) and unsure about work nonsense.
Starting to find my job more irritating than fun which is not good.
I would rather solve the irritations than moan about them, or leave the company.
Annoyingly I find that nothing has really changed since I started here.
I have an alright job but it is surrounded by poor processes, systems and people who can't get along!
Same as everywhere else I have worked I guess...
Cooking...walking up to the shop with the small girl (a ten minute round trip, which takes three times as long with her in tow - she does good to get up the hill though - it fucking kills me!)....sorting out washing....boring stuff.
Great post, eh!
teaching someone how to reconcile a budget and having a massage. Not at the same time.
I meant to mention my bus journey earlier. There was this very loud, very Cornish woman sat behind me who seemed to know everyone on the bus. As they got off she'd say things like 'Ere Elsie what you doing gettin' off ere? You got the ospital again ave ee? Best o' luck my sweetheart, what you avin' done?'
This bloke got off at Tesco and she said 'Ere Dennis, I thought you did all your shoppin' at Morrisons'
Then when he got off she said very loudly, 'Eee probably fell out with em, he d' fall out with everyone, No-one d' like him'
When she got off, she said to the couple in front of me, 'How aren't you gettin' off ere, you normally get off ere, you goin' somewhere different today, where you goin'?'
Oh, the joys of small town life
I have been being really ill! It started at about 5pm, I started feeling a bit odd with a pain sort of under my boobs and around my back. I had to go and fetch the boy and by the time his minibus turned up I was almost in tears with the pain and couldn't breathe. I've no idea how I managed to drive home but I got home and as I got out of the car my legs went all wobbly and I collapsed on the stairs. The teenager had to ring one of my nephews to take little one to cubs and bless them, they got the kitchen cleaned up while I had a bath. I took a beta blocker in case I was having a heart attack. Still don't feel right now but I think I'll go to bed in a minute and hopefully feel right as rain tomorrow. It's most odd though.
Gall stones?I have been being really ill! It started at about 5pm, I started feeling a bit odd with a pain sort of under my boobs and around my back. I had to go and fetch the boy and by the time his minibus turned up I was almost in tears with the pain and couldn't breathe. I've no idea how I managed to drive home but I got home and as I got out of the car my legs went all wobbly and I collapsed on the stairs. The teenager had to ring one of my nephews to take little one to cubs and bless them, they got the kitchen cleaned up while I had a bath. I took a beta blocker in case I was having a heart attack. Still don't feel right now but I think I'll go to bed in a minute and hopefully feel right as rain tomorrow. It's most odd though.
Gall stones?
I used to have 4 ( I think some have gone of their own free will though) It's a horrible pain
What did you have for tea?
I had lamb chops, ratatouille and a couple of new potatoes but I felt odd before I ate it. The pain was high up though, more under/between my boobs and round my back (but not where I've got back problems iyswim) than in the tummy area. My chest was tight I think, it's a bit hard to explain. That could have been because I was getting into a right panic though. This might be too much information but I tried to have a poo because I thought it might help and couldn't. It was the weirdest damn thing I've ever had and it was really scary, especially when I was driving. But I feel fine now.
I'll try and get an appt but I've got a really busy day tomorrow. I nearly rang 999 tonight it was that bad but I couldn't face getting the kids sorted. Actually, the kids are at the docs on Friday, I could see if he will see me at the same time...............
Missing you alreadyI thought this was the 'what you been doing lately' thread, not a 'what are doing now and how's it going thread'
I will be back in two hours.
I'll try and get an appt but I've got a really busy day tomorrow. I nearly rang 999 tonight it was that bad but I couldn't face getting the kids sorted. Actually, the kids are at the docs on Friday, I could see if he will see me at the same time...............
Call 'em and let them know, and bugger your 'Busy day'. You need to get it checked moo, probly nothing to worry about, but you need to make sure you stay healthy to take care of those kids.
Ring the surgery tomorrow moomoo ffs
Yes mum.
Bodach, I've been watching tele for the last 2 hours okay?
I haveYeah, yeah..................
Oy, get a photo on the ugly mug thread quick! Danski said he'll put one up if you do!
oh no - that makes me urban's mum's mum.
that makes me very old