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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

No income of any type. with few exceptions. so which the fuck is it

The full letter does list what the "exceptions" are. They include that Florida estate he sold for a suspiciously huge amount of money to that Russian oligarch bloke, and the money he made when Miss Pervyverse was in Moscow.

He also used Luncheon Vouchers in a branch of Burger Grillski. Or something like that.
I see that the FBI is woke now


What if Trump's lawyers - who in a bizarre coincidence have actually won an actual Russian Law Firm of the Year Award - have a vested interest in not reporting Russian money.

Or, and this is really weird, I know,

What if Donald was lying?!?!?! I mean, imagine that.

Nah, that's silly. It's all over now. Shut up Dumbocrats. Move on conspiracy theorists.
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On TSF Controversy Over Trump’s FBI Firing Seen as Playing Into Russia’s Strategy
‘Could Russia want anything more?’

Jeff Ringel, a recently retired 21-year veteran of the FBI now serving as director of The Soufan Group, echoed similar sentiments about how the current political dynamic is playing out.

“Could Russia want anything more?” Ringel asked of Comey’s sudden dismissal. “Russia is probably very happy with the results of this action because this action is going to bog down the [FBI’s] investigation …”
Agent Trumpski of the elite FSB knobhead unit nails it again.

A dastardly Russian plot to put an utter nincompoop in charge of the US nuclear codes comes together. It's like an Austin Powers script.


What if Trump's lawyers - who in a bizarre coincidence have actually won an actual Russian Law Firm of the Year Award - have a vested interest in not reporting Russian money.

Or, and this is really weird, I know,

What if Donald was lying?!?!?! I mean, imagine that.

Nah, that's silly. It's all over now. Shut up Dumbocrats. Move on conspiracy theorists.
Oh fun....the war on drugs is back with a vengeance.....more mass incarceration of the poor......private prisons will be booming again.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions instructed federal prosecutors this week to take the most aggressive approach possible against federal criminal defendants. The policy change will result in lengthier prison sentences for drug offenders and likely reverse a recent drop in the federal prison population.
Jeff Sessions Rolls Back Obama-Era Drug Sentencing Reforms | HuffPost
I think what Trump has is a genuine instinctive empathy rather than sympathy with US voters. Unlike the bleeding hearts of Hillary or Bernie or even a ruthlessly scheming hard right propagandist like Bannon Trump can put himself in their mental space and see what they'll go for and close on them. He did say he loves poorly educated voters and he perhaps does have an intimate feeling for them and they returned it with a genuine affection. It's a predatory grifters knack for spotting a mark's key weaknesses. Do that and you can coax even smart people into stupid choices like putting Trump in Oval Office. This is quite unusual in US politics but not US business. I've noticed this knack with natural salesmen I've encountered including my father.

It's a tactical thing often related to finding just the right words at the right moment here not twinned with any real ability to formulate strategy. Unlike a great salesmen Trump has a very thin skin and little impulse control. He's increasingly revealed as a playful but essentially poor political deal maker as President. He likes to indulge in ego boosting brinksmanship like firing Comey perhaps just for the childish thrill of it. This looks closer to being a little insane than simply stupid.

"I think what Trump has is a genuine instinctive empathy rather than sympathy with US voters"

Looking at the rest of your post, I think you meant 'insight into" rather than "empathy"? And while we're at it, could "playful" possibly be replaced with 'vicious' or 'mean/vindictive'
Just asking:)
Sorry to rail on but this just confirms other people are thinking the same thing (just seen it).
Historian of Fascism: Why Trump Firing FBI Director Comey Amid Russia Probe is So Worrisome | Democracy Now!
Jesus, she seems 'spot on' in so many of her observations.

"Yes. So, I’m pushed many times in the media to label Trump a fascist. And I’ve never done that, because Trump is not aiming to establish a one-party state. It’s too much work, I imagine, and he doesn’t need to. The thing about authoritarians today—and we can look at what’s happening in Turkey and elsewhere, and even in Russia—you don’t need to have a dictatorship in the classic sense to accomplish your goals. You can intimidate people. You can try and control the press. You can attack the judiciary, the media, the institutions, hollowing them out, without having to ban parties in the traditional fascist manner.

That said, there are many similarities. One of them I mentioned before. There’s this testing period constantly that the authoritarian is doing to see how much he can get away with. What is the appetite of the political elites and the public for violence? And this goes back to Trump’s comment—right?—that he could shoot someone. This is quite extraordinary. And Mussolini did the same thing, as did Hitler. And the other element is that people don’t take these people seriously until it’s too late. So, I’ve been trying to warn the public, along with many other people, about the dangers, including this article you mentioned most recently, the dangers that these men bring with them. And by the time people realize, it’s too late"
Jesus, she seems 'spot on' in so many of her observations.

"Yes. So, I’m pushed many times in the media to label Trump a fascist. And I’ve never done that, because Trump is not aiming to establish a one-party state. It’s too much work, I imagine, and he doesn’t need to. The thing about authoritarians today—and we can look at what’s happening in Turkey and elsewhere, and even in Russia—you don’t need to have a dictatorship in the classic sense to accomplish your goals. You can intimidate people. You can try and control the press. You can attack the judiciary, the media, the institutions, hollowing them out, without having to ban parties in the traditional fascist manner.

That said, there are many similarities. One of them I mentioned before. There’s this testing period constantly that the authoritarian is doing to see how much he can get away with. What is the appetite of the political elites and the public for violence? And this goes back to Trump’s comment—right?—that he could shoot someone. This is quite extraordinary. And Mussolini did the same thing, as did Hitler. And the other element is that people don’t take these people seriously until it’s too late. So, I’ve been trying to warn the public, along with many other people, about the dangers, including this article you mentioned most recently, the dangers that these men bring with them. And by the time people realize, it’s too late"
She is very insightful. That interview rocked my head back.
'Not Nixonian': Richard Nixon Library trolls Trump over Comey firing

Yes that's right The RICHARD NIXON library is trolling reporters and Trump by saying the comparison to Nixon is unfair to Nixon.
In the letter released on Friday but dated 8 March, Morgan Lewis tax partners Sherri A Dillon and William F Nelson wrote that they had reviewed Trump’s tax returns over the past 10 years and found that “with a few exceptions” he had no income from Russian sources in that period.

The exceptions included selling a home to Russian billionaire for $95m, twice what Trump paid for it three years before, and profits from staging the Miss Universe contest in Moscow in 2013.
Bring it on. Should be fun to watch :thumbs:

Nearly as much fun as the Trump/spicer /Conway skits the US comedy channels are running, if one of them could do a 'spitting images' it would be perfecto:)


What if Trump's lawyers - who in a bizarre coincidence have actually won an actual Russian Law Firm of the Year Award - have a vested interest in not reporting Russian money.

Or, and this is really weird, I know,

What if Donald was lying?!?!?! I mean, imagine that.

Nah, that's silly. It's all over now. Shut up Dumbocrats. Move on conspiracy theorists.
A link would be handy:)


What if Trump's lawyers - who in a bizarre coincidence have actually won an actual Russian Law Firm of the Year Award - have a vested interest in not reporting Russian money.

Or, and this is really weird, I know,

What if Donald was lying?!?!?! I mean, imagine that.

Nah, that's silly. It's all over now. Shut up Dumbocrats. Move on conspiracy theorists.

The TTTs supporters/trolls in WaPo etc are getting rather alarmed:)
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Same here, just thought TTT was just another venal Neoliberal on the make and his 'appreciation' of others of his ilk was coincidental!
I'm definitely getting her book. She's the real deal no doubt. Again i felt the same way in terms of TTT (with regards to just being an opportunist). Definitely an eye opener.
Kris Kobach, the ‘King of Voter Suppression,’ Will Lead Trump’s Sham Voter Fraud Commission. Be Afraid, Very Afraid.

Good interview with the Director of the ACLU's Director of their Voting Rights Project about how the Trump Administration is wasting millions "solving" a non-existent problem with with measures to curb voting rights - targeting those least likely to vote GOP. Basically, the goal is to secure and maintain a permanent Republican majority in the US congress and statehouses. Kobach has plenty form in successful voter suppression.
Kris Kobach, the ‘King of Voter Suppression,’ Will Lead Trump’s Sham Voter Fraud Commission. Be Afraid, Very Afraid.

Good interview with the Director of the ACLU's Director of their Voting Rights Project about how the Trump Administration is wasting millions "solving" a non-existent problem with with measures to curb voting rights - targeting those least likely to vote GOP. Basically, the goal is to secure and maintain a permanent Republican majority in the US congress and statehouses. Kobach has plenty form in successful voter suppression.
It's almost like supporters of the marketplace for ideas don't like open debate or democracy. Weird and contradictory isn't it? Pisses me off. Its like the whole things a con.
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Kris Kobach, the ‘King of Voter Suppression,’ Will Lead Trump’s Sham Voter Fraud Commission. Be Afraid, Very Afraid.

Good interview with the Director of the ACLU's Director of their Voting Rights Project about how the Trump Administration is wasting millions "solving" a non-existent problem with with measures to curb voting rights - targeting those least likely to vote GOP. Basically, the goal is to secure and maintain a permanent Republican majority in the US congress and statehouses. Kobach has plenty form in successful voter suppression.
Misdirection and deflection writ large, let's get back to his promise of resurrecting the mining industry:)
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Trying to find an upside. Trump's delegitimized the idea that a business person can run a country better or they're in anyway more competent because they work in private enterprise. I think that's a good thing. No more MBA presidents hopefully.
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"Telling The Economist you invented the phrase “priming the pump,” to describe a plan that does not prime the pump, is a bit like sitting down with Car and Driver, pointing to the steering wheel on your car and asking if they have ever heard of a little word you just came up with called “hubcap."
OR asking a Republican audience if they knew Lincoln was a Republican because not many people knew that...No Donny, you didn't know that you moron.
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