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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I wonder if Louise Mensch posts on here

Mensch can be a bit all over the shop on Twitter, she sometimes remarks in relation to this that she has ADHD. I also think she throws accusations about "teams" and other such stuff around far too much.

However, she did break the story, the day before the election and a week after the New York Times had reported that the FBI said there was "nothing to see here" that there was a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against the Trump campaign re Russia, so she obviously has at least some good sources somewhere.
Mensch can be a bit all over the shop on Twitter, she sometimes remarks in relation to this that she has ADHD. I also think she throws accusations about "teams" and other such stuff around far too much.

However, she did break the story, the day before the election and a week after the New York Times had reported that the FBI said there was "nothing to see here" that there was a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against the Trump campaign re Russia, so she obviously has at least some good sources somewhere.
Prime example of "A broken clock is right twice a day."
Mensch can be a bit all over the shop on Twitter, she sometimes remarks in relation to this that she has ADHD. I also think she throws accusations about "teams" and other such stuff around far too much.

However, she did break the story, the day before the election and a week after the New York Times had reported that the FBI said there was "nothing to see here" that there was a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against the Trump campaign re Russia, so she obviously has at least some good sources somewhere.
According to her to paraphrase she 'sees the bigger picture' Personally I think you you might do well to ask her coke dealer.
She's gone into hacking now in a way that is, to be honest, beyond me to fully understand. That would be her other big story, I suppose, that Wikileaks is hosted in Russia, and that story was provided by a former Wikileaks hacker (it seems credible to me, but I shouldn't pretend that I fully understand the technicalities of such things)... On her other stuff, some of which seems very speculative (though she does say when it's a "theory") time will tell, I suppose...

And to get sort of back on topic, I see El Trumpo is addressing Liberty University today, where they teach creationism as biology - I suspect a fair amount of stupid shit will go down there.
Because I am an idiot, I'm watching the speech now.

Everything else aside is Trump the worst public speaker in the history of everything?
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He just addressed the late Jerry Fallwell!

"Jerry - I know you're dead..."

"Great job, Jerry!"*

"Boy did you come and out and vote, those of you who are old enough, in other words your parents."

OK, I've just realised that the current guy is Jerry Jr. The "Jerry, I know you're dead" line is verbatim though.
He's now reading out the university's football fixture list for next season while saying, "oh no, Jerry, this is going to be tough...".
On Politico Trump meltdown sets off GOP alarms over 2018 midterm
“I don’t think there is anything to compare it to. You have a non-politician who’s the president, so he doesn’t do things in a political way and that completely drives insiders of both parties bonkers because they don’t understand it,” said Randy Evans, a Republican National Committeeman from Georgia who was a top adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. “Right now, we’re just in a completely different and foreign political environment where pollsters and pundits and focus groups don’t matter.”

“Anybody that tells you they have a feel for what’s going to happen next year is just delusional,” he added.
Just when it was beginning to look like Trump was settling down to happily bombing foreigners and letting Wall Streeters and GOP establishment run the show for him. Then the silly old fucker fires Comey on a whim and is sycophantically schmoozing with Lavrov. Back to Russia-gate with a vengeance. And GOP spin doctors can't tell what sort of enormous stinking dump he'll take on their campaign plans tomorrow.

If he gets elected you are going to have so much losing that you may get bored with losing, believe me. No, I agree, you'll never get bored of losing.. we never get bored.

Cognitively it seems to be all the same mechanism that are involved in empathy. You feel the emotional state it just does not necessarily lead to pro-social behaviour empathy tends to be associated with. A lot of successful businessmen have this quality while falling short on some psychopathic qualities. Being able to sniff out and manipulate group dynamics while being cold to the experience of empathy and just moving to further their own ends. Even benevolent leaders sometimes have to pick who to fuck over.

I think "playful" is correct with Trump but with him being an overgrown twelve year old playground bully this does involve capricious acts of childish cruelty that he seems unable to resist. His business career is littered with petty incidents and he's no different as POTUS. The reckless stupidity of firing Comey in such a cowardly and humiliating way is all of a piece. He's not really an adult he's a dysfunctional Alpha-Boy. You can get away with this if you are the wealthy owner of an essentially feudal privately owned family company and he has. The Oval Office puts it on public display. His supporters appear to vicariously enjoy this "unfiltered" quality but it's an absurdly dangerous office to award such a stunted critter.

Fair enough, but in most people's minds empathy equates thus,

"To say that a psychopath lacks “empathy” is to reach for a broader definition of the term. It is a definition of empathy that involves sympathy and an unselfish, altruistic impulse. It is an emotion that guides us towards feeling the pain of others and treating them as we would wish to be treated"
It's possible, but even if so, that doesn't apply to everyone in his administration, or all the GOP legislators in the US Congress and statehouses who either actively enable this policies (and often stand to gain personally/financially from them) or at the very least are complicit in them.
True enough, they will use him to extract as much as possible for the already unbelievably rich, then discard and scapegoat him.
And then we will see TTT in total meltdown, something to anticipate, however the damage they will inflict in the course of this is, quite frankly, immense, and the litany of "whey, the buggers who voted for him will get what they deserve" is totally unfounded, true, a small number of racists/bigots will suffer but the real suffering will be largely felt by the poor who didn't vote for him and those who were prevented from voting.
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Trump's more deranged liberal detractors resemble the object of their ire more every day. Long term political, cultural and historical context has been entirely replaced by a series of heroes and villains like a reality TV programme and for a lot of characters whether they are a hero or a villain depends on what they have done this episode. A week ago the Obama appointee, and Republican, Comey was a Putin-Trump stooge and now he is a woke liberal crusader for Hillar- I mean justice.

Like Trump, they are full throttle in favour or against of whatever the last thing they've been told was.

Most Dems (and quite a few Republicans) are angry about TTTs dismissal of Comey, the anger is that, if he had a problem with Comey he should have fired him immediately he got the keys to the WH, not when it became evident that Comey refused to do his bidding.
Try reading up on the reactions on the WaPo.
And FF this is a thread about a dangerous narcisstic, possibly mentally ill, president of the US, if you want to keep on pushing your beef with CRI and others, might I suggest you start a post entitled ' Trumps a disaster, but it's largely the fault of Hillarys democrat team" or similar!?
Who knows, I might end up agreeing with you.
His idiotic threat tweet that Comey better hope there are no tapes of their conversation had me in fits of laughter - what a fuckwit, Trump is going to get fried alive at some point for sure.
Aye, but the worry is millions could be fried before that happy event.
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