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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I really hope your being satirical?

Not at all, Trump is an electrifying public speaker who most importantly is able to use that ability to tailor his language and appeal to his target audience very successfully. I would think that anyone who paid any attention whatsoever to the Republican primaries, and the general election, would be aware of that. He doesn't speak like a member of the liberal managerial class but for a lot of people, enough at least, that is something that they like. Or at the very least enough people prefer that way of speaking to the walking TED talks that most liberal politicians are these days.
Not at all, Trump is an electrifying public speaker who most importantly is able to use that ability to tailor his language and appeal to his target audience very successfully. I would think that anyone who paid any attention whatsoever to the Republican primaries, and the general election, would be aware of that. He doesn't speak like a member of the liberal managerial class but for a lot of people, enough at least, that is something that they like. Or at the very least enough people prefer that way of speaking to the walking TED talks that most liberal politicians are these days.

Yep - he's not a career politician, he's a loudmouth billionaire who became a reality TV star and is probably a lot more comfortable delivering a speech in a stadium full of adoring fans in Shitsville, Kentucky than he is talking to national security advisers in a meeting room. He calls it how he sees it and his fans respect that more than they care about his particular position on any given issue - that wall isn't going to get built and all but the most deluded Trump supporters probably accept it.

But as is becoming more apparent by the day, saying whatever comes into your head at any given moment is incompatible with being president of the United States, whatever shit he says in front of audiences at his rallies is going to be closely examined and probably used against him.
Trump is awfully concerned about how his new besties in Russia will feel about this incident. Seemingly more than he cares about South Korea and Japan, you know, places American troops are actually stationed, and long standing US Allies, but hey.... :hmm:

Yep - he's not a career politician, he's a loudmouth billionaire who became a reality TV star and is probably a lot more comfortable delivering a speech in a stadium full of adoring fans in Shitsville, Kentucky than he is talking to national security advisers in a meeting room. He calls it how he sees it and his fans respect that more than they care about his particular position on any given issue - that wall isn't going to get built and all but the most deluded Trump supporters probably accept it.

But as is becoming more apparent by the day, saying whatever comes into your head at any given moment is incompatible with being president of the United States, whatever shit he says in front of audiences at his rallies is going to be closely examined and probably used against him.

In those big public rallies Trump holds, talking only to his acolytes, his technique is a cross between a Fundamentalist Christian big tent revival evangelist and 80s Latin American dictator.

There's little substance, plenty gesticulation, inflection, repeated pat slogans and dire warnings to those who fail to keep the faith/show loyalty.

It's the classic combo of painting a bleak picture of the world/country, making people feel bad/angry/guilty. Then, promise them heaven on earth and a sense of belonging if they just follow him/Him. They are special, chosen, better than those non believers, who'll get their comeuppance one day.

People leave buzzing with adrenaline, refreshed and revived (hence 'revival') and ready to do what the Leader / Lord (as the Preacher uniquely knows) commands of them.
But it's actually... non-woke? Is there an antonym of woke?
? Um, 'woke' is a term in AAVE, means 'aware.' Opposite would be 'unaware' but no idea what this has to do with the price of fish. Is someone I've blocked mocking Obama or some other African American ?

Actually, I don't want to know.
? Um, 'woke' is a term in AAVE, means 'aware.' Opposite would be 'unaware' but no idea what this has to do with the price of fish. Is someone I've blocked mocking Obama or some other African American ?

Actually, I don't want to know.

Woke may or may not originate in Black American English but it's definitely part of the mainstream liberal vocabulary now. Could you keep a lid on the snide and baseless insinuations of racism please.
? Um, 'woke' is a term in AAVE, means 'aware.' Opposite would be 'unaware' but no idea what this has to do with the price of fish. Is someone I've blocked mocking Obama or some other African American ?

Actually, I don't want to know.
Maybe you should unignore them, then you might see it in context. Just because someone says stuff that you don't agree with doesn't mean they are wrong or don't have a point - it doesn't mean they are always right either. This is a bit like sticking your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalalala'.
Maybe you should unignore them, then you might see it in context. Just because someone says stuff that you don't agree with doesn't mean they are wrong or don't have a point - it doesn't mean they are always right either. This is a bit like sticking your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalalala'.
Or just actually ignore them. Rather than insinuating racism without having read the post.
Maybe you should unignore them, then you might see it in context. Just because someone says stuff that you don't agree with doesn't mean they are wrong or don't have a point - it doesn't mean they are always right either. This is a bit like sticking your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalalala'.

No it's not. Anyone here can say what they like so long as it's within site rules. But some seem to think that "right" extends to forcing other people to listen to them. It doesn't and I don't give a fuck if people think I should. I got sick of personal attacks from those who "play the man, not the ball" so blocked a few folks, suggesting they do the same if they found my posts offensive. They can carry on yelling into the void about me if that's how they get their jollies. :rolleyes:

It's a shame as this new thread seemed to be quite interesting for awhile. I'll leave y'all to it then.
No it's not. Anyone here can say what they like so long as it's within site rules. But some seem to think that "right" extends to forcing other people to listen to them. It doesn't and I don't give a fuck if people think I should. I got sick of personal attacks from those who "play the man, not the ball" so blocked a few folks, suggesting they do the same if they found my posts offensive. They can carry on yelling into the void about me if that's how they get their jollies. :rolleyes:

It's a shame as this new thread seemed to be quite interesting for awhile. I'll leave y'all to it then.
Have you not noticed you get left alone to post what you like until you start smearing other people as racist?
? Um, 'woke' is a term in AAVE, means 'aware.' Opposite would be 'unaware' but no idea what this has to do with the price of fish. Is someone I've blocked mocking Obama or some other African American ?

Actually, I don't want to know.

Notice the finality here of the pairing of liberal jargon, a neoliberal politician and all black people. What must it be like to be in this person's head.
Whatever the merits of your arguments versus other people's, I get an uncomfortable feeling reading your posts, because they always seem to have a little bit of "personal" side to them...
Must be hard not to be a bit personal when you're repeatedly accused of racism by someone who refuses to engage.
If this week wasn't mad enough already, Louise Mensch is reporting that there is a sealed FISA warrant targeting Trump himself.

Having seen a huge row rumble on on Twitter about this it's worth saying that it's not FISA and not a warrant.

They've been slammed by lots of people, including lawyers, but have been very clear that they stand by the story exactly as reported and worded - it's under 100 words, so very quick to read!

As I'm not American and my knowledge of the American legal system (though I know it's quite like the British ones) and constitution is limited to Hollywood knowledge it's all a bit mysterious to me.
Louise Mensch thinks and openly says that Russia is behind everything from Islamist terrorist attacks in London to anti-police violence protests in Ferguson. She is operating a cynical cargo cult and is conning the gullible and desperate.
Not at all, Trump is an electrifying public speaker who most importantly is able to use that ability to tailor his language and appeal to his target audience very successfully. I would think that anyone who paid any attention whatsoever to the Republican primaries, and the general election, would be aware of that. He doesn't speak like a member of the liberal managerial class but for a lot of people, enough at least, that is something that they like. Or at the very least enough people prefer that way of speaking to the walking TED talks that most liberal politicians are these days.
Have you not noticed you get left alone to post what you like until you start smearing other people as racist?
Final word on this as it must be boring for everyone else here. A swift google search tells anyone bothered that "woke" as it's being used here goes back to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's among African Americans to mean being socially aware. Where I've seen it used by white people, it's been to mock Black people or things they say. Perhaps some "well-intentioned" white folks use it, in the same way Dad's try over-hard to identify with their kids by using "teen slang." :rolleyes:

So, it seems me pointing this out, and pretty much every time I mention anything about racism is taken by some here as accusing them personally of being racists. I don't accept this delicate flower argument that being "accused" of racism is the worst slander in the world. If the shoe doesn't fit, just jog on for fucksake. :facepalm: Why get so aerated by stuff an anonymous koala says on the interwebs? The ignore button is there for a reason. And no, anyone who says I should engage with anyone who calls me a cunt and stalks my posts just to slate me can get tae fuck. Cheers!
Final word on this as it must be boring for everyone else here. A swift google search tells anyone bothered that "woke" as it's being used here goes back to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's among African Americans to mean being socially aware. Where I've seen it used by white people, it's been to mock Black people or things they say. Perhaps some "well-intentioned" white folks use it, in the same way Dad's try over-hard to identify with their kids by using "teen slang." :rolleyes:

So, it seems me pointing this out, and pretty much every time I mention anything about racism is taken by some here as accusing them personally of being racists. I don't accept this delicate flower argument that being "accused" of racism is the worst slander in the world. If the shoe doesn't fit, just jog on for fucksake. :facepalm: Why get so aerated by stuff an anonymous koala says on the interwebs? The ignore button is there for a reason. And no, anyone who says I should engage with anyone who calls me a cunt and stalks my posts just to slate me can get tae fuck. Cheers!
'tae' fuck?!? You don't mind a bit of cultural appropriation yourself obviously.

This is supposed to be a thread for talking about Trump. If you throw around smears and accusations people will respond. How about just ignoring the people you're claiming to ignore and not dragging this thread down the same hole as the last two. I've reported your post where you accused J Ed of racism and will report any further off topic insults.
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