The meeting yesterday was ok. It was with the deputy head who's the one who actually takes charge of what's going on with him. The frustration is that we've had so many meetings with different people and then she doesn't get the informaiton so we're always back to square one.
Anyway - she had the copy of the Ed Psych report this time and it was saying about how low my boys' self esteem is. It was also saying about a reward system, which the deputy head was happy to try. She hadn't quite grasped how to do it for an adhd kid though and was talking about him geting a reward if he had 5 days worth of positive comments from teacghers. At the moment he hasn't stayed in school a whole week for about 6 weeks so I had to explain to her that she had to reduce it right down. I explained that when we're trying to address stuff at home we have to pick one thing and overlook the rest - for example, if we're trying to get him to come home off the bus we might have to put up with him swearing at us while we're working on the other thing iyswim.
The Ed Psych report had his projected grades for gcse and if he continues the way he is now (i.e. being a little fucker) then he's on course to get B's in everything and is one step away from an A in Science. I think that's what they find a bit hard to deal with. Apparently they had a special meeting dedicated just to him
and the Head had been into one of his English lessons to observe him. My boy spent the whole lesson fiddling about with his pens and other stuff he collected through the lesson and made them into a tower. To all intents and purposes it looked like he wasn't paying any attention at all but when the teacher asked something at the end he gave a shit-hot answer. I think it was really good for the Head to see that.
It turns out that one of his closest friends and another boy he hangs about with have just been excluded and are going to a short stay school. What was really useful is that the deputy head said they're all working so hard to keep him in the school that there's absolutely no chance of that happening to him. She was emphatic that they won't kick him out no matter what he does. She said that even if they had been thinking about kicking him out that he wouldn't go to the same short stay school because his close friend has gone there and they don't allow close friends to go together. What's clear is that despite all the fuss he's causing, key people in the school still really like him. I also think it helps that I'm obviously willing to go in and help sort stuff out. I find it exhausting but if he's still managing to get projected B's in his gcse's then I guess I owe it to everyone to stay involved as much as possible, especially seeing as the school are now working so hard.
So - that's where we are right now. He has a ridiculously small target of having to go to two maths lessons and stay in them before they break up on Thursday and I'm going back in at the beginning of next term to help set a new target. Fingers crossed.