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What, no Stakeknife thread?* (Operation Kenova)



Stakeknife: IRA's most senior double agent to be quizzed about 24 murders

The IRA's most senior double agent is to be investigated about the murder of at least 24 people.

The army agent, who was given the codename Stakeknife, has been named by the BBC as west Belfast man Fred Scappaticci. He has denied he was an agent.

Northern Ireland's director of public prosecutions wants the new investigation to look at what information the army, MI5 and the Royal Ulster Constabulary's Special Branch received from Stakeknife.

So... what are the odds of this investigation telling us things we don't know about murders by agents of the British state?

* There is one but it's 10 years old... and many of the posters on it are banned!

Is the timing of this something to do with the Unionists' attempt to collapse the Assembly?

Because I'd expect any extra shit to come mostly from Unionist paramilitaries... let this be a warning to them, and their political masters.
KR law human rights lawyers :hmm:
apparently your still a victim if your running around with an ak and and anti aircraft gun:facepalm:. its not really harassment if your actually a terrorist:facepalm:
the patriots games needs a new verse about how a compo claims always worth a shot:hmm:
Stakeknife: IRA's most senior double agent to be quizzed about 24 murders

So... what are the odds of this investigation telling us things we don't know about murders by agents of the British state?

* There is one but it's 10 years old... and many of the posters on it are banned!

Is the timing of this something to do with the Unionists' attempt to collapse the Assembly?

Because I'd expect any extra shit to come mostly from Unionist paramilitaries... let this be a warning to them, and their political masters.

He was an agent in PIRA so wouldn't know anything about what the unionist terrorists were up to.
Can't really be a terrorist without doing terrorist stuff so somebody has to make the choice that some people need to die to keep the agent in place. It was sort of a war after all.
He was an agent in PIRA

I know.

so wouldn't know anything about what the unionist terrorists were up to.

BBC NI Home Affairs Correspondent Vincent Kearney said:
the scale of the allegations against Stakeknife and his handlers are said to be colossal".

"Given that some of the allegations concern former members of RUC Special Branch, it is likely that Northern Ireland's chief constable will ask an outside police force to conduct the investigation," he said.

My emphasis explains.
There's gonna be a lot of egg on face when the media find out who the real stakeknife was...

Yes of course the proper spelling is "Steak knife". Lets at least get that bit right as we are unlikely to really sort out the truth of the whole thing.
Stakeknife: IRA's most senior double agent to be quizzed about 24 murders

So... what are the odds of this investigation telling us things we don't know about murders by agents of the British state?

* There is one but it's 10 years old... and many of the posters on it are banned!

well presumably whether he's involved in the 24 cases they're looking at

aren't lots of the 'agents' recruited by the British state over there murderers? I mean that is the whole reason they were recruited in the first place, because they were members of some republican or loyalist organisation that kills people - if they suddenly stopped all their murdering related activities it would be a bit of an obvious give away and they'd likely be killed themselves for being a 'tout'
well presumably whether he's involved in the 24 cases they're looking at

aren't lots of the 'agents' recruited by the British state over there murderers? I mean that is the whole reason they were recruited in the first place, because they were members of some republican or loyalist organisation that kills people - if they suddenly stopped all their murdering related activities it would be a bit of an obvious give away and they'd likely be killed themselves for being a 'tout'

Rumours were they either got someone convinced them they could either work for the Brits or go to jail for life or either work for us or we will let you go without charge
and let it be known you are a tout. So they had no choice. Big boys games big boys rules was the excuse used for all sorts of questionably activity.
Rumours were they either got someone convinced them they could either work for the Brits or go to jail for life or either work for us or we will let you go without charge
and let it be known you are a tout. So they had no choice. Big boys games big boys rules was the excuse used for all sorts of questionably activity.
"The Questionable Activity", that's another good one.
well presumably whether he's involved in the 24 cases they're looking at

aren't lots of the 'agents' recruited by the British state over there murderers? I mean that is the whole reason they were recruited in the first place, because they were members of some republican or loyalist organisation that kills people - if they suddenly stopped all their murdering related activities it would be a bit of an obvious give away and they'd likely be killed themselves for being a 'tout'
loyalists needed less stick and they already ate carrot.

And then you get the young or the not quite all there catholic resident being recruited to spy on republicans. Through bullying and bribery and dazzlement.. Worth remembering that the UVF, an organisation linked to a great deal of assasination and bombing were not on the naughty list for stretches of time.

Nobody can prove it 100% but on balance of probabilities the 14nth intelligence and the varying factions of british deep state were running loyalist murder squads. Targets and equipment. Bernadette Devlin was rescued fom a botched loyalist hit job by the SAS. What were they doing watching her house, who cut the comms wires and why..well why a lot of shit. Just too much stacked to say different, even though we will never know more than scant apologies for finucane and so on. Rank way to run a war. As if theres a good way but yknwim
Nobody can prove it 100% but on balance of probabilities the 14nth intelligence and the varying factions of british deep state were running loyalist murder squads.

And this is why I brought up the possibility of the inquiry spreading wider than some might like.

Apols for posting in haste only for the benefit of those with a little knowledge of the NI...

Ah, yes, that's it.

The suboptimal interlude :D
the spooks got to do their spooky shit and generally make things worse because a low level civil war was going on although the various combatants kept things to an acceptable level of violence because everyone could have made things much worse:(
the spooks got to do their spooky shit and generally make things worse because a low level civil war was going on although the various combatants kept things to an acceptable level of violence because everyone could have made things much worse:(
at one point you had a man running an agent who he would literaly make do bank jobs, then pay him on retainer out of the proceeds of those bank jobs. That was one cowboy step too far and had the handler in court. For reasons too long to go into. The multifactional fights between ira/inla/pira etc seem to be mirrored by the cowboy factionalism of the 14th and its predeccesors. 'London Calling' being unnoficial nickname for certain 'your eyes only' type squads. Rotten as fuck. Op/sec becomes cover for running your own fucking gig. Thats not in the rules.
It didnt help that NI was never really that important in the spook/military community. Good
For putting on your CV but you wouldnt want to be stuck there:(
same with politics thats why the mess dragged on so long
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