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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Maybe I'll watch the original. In the meantime I'll go along with The Village Voice.

"But despite eccentric touches, like a handheld street-shot overture and Grand Guignol Omen references, there’s little difference between this story and soap-opera intrigue."
It's a remake of an all time Korean classic - and a pretty well done one if i remember right.
Maybe I'll watch the original. In the meantime I'll go along with The Village Voice.

"But despite eccentric touches, like a handheld street-shot overture and Grand Guignol Omen references, there’s little difference between this story and soap-opera intrigue."

I thought it wasn't bad. But the ending is a bit anti-climax, for me.
I just thought it need some extra editing pianissimo. I had had enough after an hour. Long, long takes of the marble floor and then the nonsense of two clicks of the pepper grinder and the ultra slow walk to take 'The Master' his breakfast while he's doing a Beethoven riff. Oh FFS! Give me a break.

It didn't engage me at all unlike Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter which did.
Been watching the first series of Luther again and am really enjoying it. Idris Elba and Ruth Wilson are both brilliant as is the plotting and writing. The second series was a bit of a letdown in comparison, I think, although I'll probably give that a another go, too.
The Black Pimpernel. Dapper diplomat Harald Edelstam rescuing loads of people after the coup in Chile. Some great scenes and performances but let down by sporadically clunky dialogue and shoddy direction. Made in 2007 but feels very dated. Wasted opportunity really.

The Anarchist's Wife. Spanish civil war drama about a Madrid anarchist radio geezer with a fash brother who scarpers to France before the city falls, leaving his lovely missus behind. Conflicts on the republican side are ignored. It's mostly about what a shower of nasty thieving murdering cunts the other lot were/are. Somewhat inconveniently, the subs stopped halfway through.

Assembly. Chinese bloke fucks up an attack in the civil war and as punishment is ordered to hold off the nationalists, hordes of the fuckers, with the remains of his company until the main force withdraws. Brilliant fillum.

A Man Escaped. Bresson's beautifully shot prison escape caper. The nazis are a bit shit.
Bridesmaids which I thought was very funny....shame its marketed as a chick flick because I reckon some men wouldn't want to see this film on the basis of its packaging. I also watched Inside Job which made my blood boil.
Another Earth, I thought it would have more quantum mechanics / sci-fi in there, but it's about relationships and finding yourself etc. Despite that it's a good movie, the pace is glacial but the tension builds up and is almost unbearable at times.

They messed up the ending[/spolier]
Priest. An adaptation froma korean comic book with brad dourif and some other cunt. In the far future makind has one weapon against the vampire race, the Priests. Well shit, but the action sequences are good.
Steel Dawn. My word. Patrick Swayze stars as a nomad wandering a post apocalypse landscape fighting with his sword. Incredibly bad. Ham fisted oveloud score, leaden direction, plot holes, dialouge that just has to be heard to be believed. Baddies who look like hair metal band members.

it makes Mad Max look like citizen kane

one of the baddies:

Steel Dawn. My word. Patrick Swayze stars as a nomad wandering a post apocalypse landscape fighting with his sword. Incredibly bad. Ham fisted oveloud score, leaden direction, plot holes, dialouge that just has to be heard to be believed. Baddies who look like hair metal band members.

it makes Mad Max look like citizen kane

one of the baddies:


That sounds fucking cool.
The Rise of the Planet of the Apes - good one. Lots of believable emotions, though how every ape is capable of breaking through glass window with no harm is rather hilarious.

Super 8 - over-hyped. Kids romance is just a little too... eww for me.
Fright Night (remake) - another childhood memory destroyed. :(

The original was hardly a great film. Have you watched it lately ? I actually thought this was the rare successful remake and it was a lot more fun. It takes everything that had promise in the original and improved on it by being much better directed and acted by a far better cast. It's still no masterpiece, but a nice enough time waster.
Repentance - Tenghiz Abuladze

A remarkable semi-allegorical tale of the evils of Stalinism by way of a dead body constantly being dug up and placed in various locations. I'm glad I read Brian Moynahan's book on Russia before I watched the film. It filled in a lot of what otherwise would have been missing spaces.

Technically it looked dated - too much sepia - and for some strange reason the opening scenes were confined to extreme close-ups. Nevertheless a brave attempt at dramatising a time in Russian history.

The last scene has an old woman saying: "What good is a road if it doesn't lead to a church?"
There Be Dragons. Big budget hagiography of Opus Dei founder cunt which tries to whitewash the church's role in the spanish civil war and bangs on about 'forgiveness' and useless sentimental bollocks like that. Laughable.
The original was hardly a great film. Have you watched it lately ? I actually thought this was the rare successful remake and it was a lot more fun. It takes everything that had promise in the original and improved on it by being much better directed and acted by a far better cast. It's still no masterpiece, but a nice enough time waster.

I'd say that Farrell saves the film with his sinister take on Gerry, without him it would could had been the halloween edition of 90210. Oh, and David Tennant was good too.

I saw the original 6 years ago and unlike the Lost Boys I couldn't watch it.
Unfortunately, it's well dated - the hair, fashion, music, edit, score were very typical of B production from that 'era...

I prefer to remember it the first time I saw it (through the eyes of an 11 year old child) and not the way it is now.
I'm really having a shitty run of film luck atm

Immortals. 300 in style, badly retelling the tale of perseus and the bow. Titans are in it. Zeus is way too young. Only stuck with it cos I liked the battle scenes
Repentance - Tenghiz Abuladze

A remarkable semi-allegorical tale of the evils of Stalinism by way of a dead body constantly being dug up and placed in various locations. I'm glad I read Brian Moynahan's book on Russia before I watched the film. It filled in a lot of what otherwise would have been missing spaces.

Technically it looked dated - too much sepia - and for some strange reason the opening scenes were confined to extreme close-ups. Nevertheless a brave attempt at dramatising a time in Russian history.

The last scene has an old woman saying: "What good is a road if it doesn't lead to a church?"

You might like this, for a little detailed background info.

Conceived in vague outline some twenty years ago, Repentance began to take on life in the early 1980s after a near-fatal automobile accident convinced Abuladze to shoot the film no matter what the consequences. The director was subsequently encouraged by Eduard Shevardnadze, then Georgian party secretary, who offered Abuladze a special slot of television time exclusive to the Georgian republic and uncensored by Moscow. Nevertheless, Abuladze was clearly nervous. As a statement of commitment to the film, he cast his own family members in leading roles.

Halfway through filming, Georgi (Gegi) Kobakhidze, Abuladze’s young lead, was arrested for involvement in an airplane hijacking following a Georgian wedding. Together with his wife and friends (sons and daughters of prominent Tbilisi families), Kobakhidze was accused of “naziist” tactics and paraded on republic television next to a young Orthodox priest with an uncanny resemblance to Rasputin. Rezo Chkheidze, head of the Georgian Film Studio, Abuladze’s long-time colleague, and the director with whom Abuladze shared his first prize at Cannes in 1956 for Magdana’s Little Donkey, halted production. Several months later, with the fate of the young hijackers still unknown, filming resumed. Mirab Ninidze, a young Georgian theater actor, replaced Kobakhidze. When the film was finished, it was screened once and shelved.

Kobakhidze was the son of another prominent film director, and the escapade the article refers to was an attempt to defect from the USSR. He took part in the failed hijacking of a plane bound for Turkey, and after being later convicted, was shot.
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