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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

"2012" on blu-ray - Yeah it's cheesy shit but enjoyed it more than I did at the cinema and sometimes a bit of cheesy shit is just what you need :cool:

"Toy Story 2" - on blu-ray - Such a great film :)
Yeah, I'm interested with the Mayan philosophy on how the world exists through cycles.
But refuse to watch 2012 cos of it's cheesiness.
The Mayan thing isn't really explored in the film - though as one of the extras on the blu0ray there is quite an interesting short documentary talking to people who do genuinely believe in the Mayan 'prophecy' that the world will end next December

In the film various governments have built arks which when the massive Everest high tsunami swamps the earth (the earths core has destabilised due to neutrino levels) ride the wave - well the chosen few i.e our Queen and the German premier (who are both featured) :D and our heroes who stowaway do! - until they reach (a few months later) the Cape of Good Hope which is now, due to shifts in the earths crust, the highest point on the planet. Oh and the dog survives. But the US president decides to stay in the White House nd perishes. As does the Italian premier (crushed by the Sistine Chapel) which made me laugh the first time I saw it as I bet Berlusconi would be the first fucker into one of the arks :D [/spoiler)
The Mayan thing isn't really explored in the film - though as one of the extras on the blu0ray there is quite an interesting short documentary talking to people who do genuinely believe in the Mayan 'prophecy' that the world will end next December

In the film various governments have built arks which when the massive Everest high tsunami swamps the earth (the earths core has destabilised due to neutrino levels) ride the wave - well the chosen few i.e our Queen and the German premier (who are both featured) :D and our heroes who stowaway do! - until they reach (a few months later) the Cape of Good Hope which is now, due to shifts in the earths crust, the highest point on the planet. Oh and the dog survives. But the US president decides to stay in the White House nd perishes. As does the Italian premier (crushed by the Sistine Chapel) which made me laugh the first time I saw it as I bet Berlusconi would be the first fucker into one of the arks :D [/spoiler)
:D Outrageous!I wouldn't mind watching it now!

Good film. A bit different, even if it played around with some clichés.

On an aside it captured perfectly that great ability as a teen to really hurt through selfishness those you should care about and be looking out for.
Watched On the waterfront Fer the umpteenth time and its probably one of me all time favorite movies| Brando is feckin superb in it and its definitely worthy of its 8 Oscars! " You think you're God Almighty, but you know what you are? You're a cheap, lousy, dirty, stinkin' mug! And I'm glad what I done to you, ya hear that? I'm glad what I done!"
Currently watching "Daredevil" - my god it is rubbish, and I like rubbish films Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are are just both so uncharismatic. I may demand tea as a reward for having to watch it!
I watched episodes 3-6 of Alphas.

It is an x-men/heroes type clone but better than Heroes. Far more episodic, one baddie per episode- there is character development and a greater plot but not at the expense of the story. It's a syfy production. Good stuff for fans of this sort of thing. You've got the autistic kid who can see and manipulate the em spectrum, a super strong former FBI man, A woman with super senses and a woman with Compulsion ability. My favorite is the ex sniper who has hyper kinesis, basically he can make and shot, ever.
The Wind That Shakes the Barley.

The Black and Tan thugs were like cardboard cut-out baddies, although you get a little idea of why they earned their beastly reputation (the frustrated British officer ranting at Murphy's character about the Great War). In contrast to that, there is much agonising over killing on the republican side, such as the simple-minded teenage farmhand executed as a 'traitor' along with his aristocratic landowning employer.

Liked it that the young English soldier ran off with the rebels. Are there any of these kind of people recorded well in the history books? English or Scottish men who deserted and joined the republicans and/or socialists while over there?
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