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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

It does look good, but couldn't really ever get over the basic problem of - why dont you just fucking run away???
Wtf are you talking about, it's a stone cold classic. One of the best commentaries on complicity and collective responsibility ever made. It's not about a 'story'.

You don't half talk bollocks - hence 81,963 posts. The collective and complicit responsibility was the narrative and it was nonetheless a story unless of course you have a unique way of defining 'story'. I note you have no rejection of the appalling technical quality.

As for classic..? Well indeed. Yet more dubious criteria. 4 totally objective Romanian reviews on IMDB and one external Romanian review. Very little elsewhere on the net.

Keep within your 81,963 post fence and talk about what you know - very little regards 'classic' films.

If you get the time between posting maybe you'd like to dig out a critique from somebody versed in classic cinema.
I've watched a couple. The one that sticks out is a documentary called 'Inside Job'. It's about the financial crash of 2008.

I'd call it a must-see. I think it helps people to understand their actual place in the world, which is as fodder, or product. Something of a lesser order to a Jersey milk cow penned up in a barn with vacuum pumps attached to its udders.

I knew about the easy credit, the sub prime mortgages etc. What I didn't know about was 'collateralized debt obligations', a financial instrument that allowed the big financial houses to make a profit on the failures and defaults. In other words, as things got worse, they made more money.

The big question after watching this sort of thing is, 'why are none of these Wall Street types in jail'? I suppose maybe it's naive to even entertain that as a real possibility.
Mission Impossible 3

Utterly forgettable, and the ending was tied up far too quickly, both main villains were dispatched rubbishly.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman did make a surprisingly threatening bad guy though.
Beneath Hill 60 - about Australians in tunnels in WWI - pretty good.
The Tunnel - about Australians in tunnels in 2011 - pretty meh, kind of similar to The Descent but with less ladies.
Divorcing Jack

Piss-poor British crime film from the late 90s that only got the funds because of people's addiction to scratch cards.

Loved the book. Hated the film. Thewlis is a one-tic actor.
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