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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

The Killing Fields has shite Coca-Cola product placement, with the baddies attacking a bottling plant. :D

About 5:40.

I don't like Oldfield's score either.

Oh god yeah there rarely goes by a scene without someone drinking a bottle of coke. Middle of the warzone, everyones starving, dead people everywhere but at least there's cool refreshing coke to drink :D

The score is dodgy as well, some bits work well, but the more adventurous and experimental bits either do your head in or just dont fit.
Oh god yeah there rarely goes by a scene without someone drinking a bottle of coke. Middle of the warzone, everyones starving, dead people everywhere but at least there's cool refreshing coke to drink :D

The score is dodgy as well, some bits work well, but the more adventurous and experimental bits either do your head in or just dont fit.

Surely the Coke thing is a metaphor for American Imperialism?
Oh god yeah there rarely goes by a scene without someone drinking a bottle of coke. Middle of the warzone, everyones starving, dead people everywhere but at least there's cool refreshing coke to drink :D

This is pretty much how the world will end imo.
That documentary on the Camorra. Tragic stuff but uplifting to see that girl who's mother was killed, really get involved, trying to make a difference.
Um, actually I was joking about the metaphor thing. . .

John Lennon's Imagine gets played at the end, as well. The bloke is a genius.

On another note though, the hack Schanberg is made to look like some kind of hero, but his associate Al Rockoff (played by that twat Malkovich), hates his guts in real life, doesn't he? But they do drink some Pepsi cola together, at a French restaurant if I remember correctly. I'm not sure if that's a realistic portrayal of their professional/personal relationship, though.
John Lennon's Imagine gets played at the end, as well. The bloke is a genius.

On another note though, the hack Schanberg is made to look like some kind of hero, but his associate Al Rockoff (played by that twat Malkovich), hates his guts in real life, doesn't he? But they do drink some Pepsi cola together, at a French restaurant if I remember correctly. I'm not sure if that's a realistic portrayal of their professional/personal relationship, though.

International press bods tend to be alpha males who resent rivals to their alphadom. If you want to know what's really going on, talk to the snappers.

Also, just found this on a New Zealand blog: the NZ govt's attitude to recognition of Democratic Kampuchea;

International press bods tend to be alpha males who resent rivals to their alphadom. If you want to know what's really going on, talk to the snappers.

Also, just found this on a New Zealand blog: the NZ govt's attitude to recognition of Democratic Kampuchea;


Rockoff risked his life documenting battles, and saw Schanberg as a bit of a coward.

Thanks for the article on the NZ gov holding its nose.
Not a dvd or video but currently watching (reading!) Scenes from a marriage on Film4. I quite like it in a slightly backwards manner.
Black Swan: Probably not quite as clever as it thinks it is, but enjoyable and fairly gripping all the same. Natalie Portman - who has made so many terrible movies I've lost count - is surprisingly good.
Atunci i-am condamnat pe toti la moarte or Then I Sentenced Them All to Death

Not too bad a story but totally ruined by poor technical quality. Wrong music in wrong places. It sounded like they'd borrowed it from various 1960's t.v. series. And then there was the camerwork(?). I measure all films against the work of Roger Deakins or Robbie Mueller. The person who did this should be shot. It was a first in my lifetime to see a man nodding his head and the camera nodding in unison with him.

What a pity it could have been so enjoyable in a Romanian kind of way.

Paul - Better than I expected. Gentle comedy, fine for a night in.
X- men first class. - I'm liking Bacon as a baddy lately after this and 'super'. Just about the first over long film that didn't wear out my arse. Just enough zaps and fights to make it an action film but plenty of personal relationships that put it head and shoulders above it's peers. You can't get too deep because it's a film about super powers but it would have been nice to know there was a bit more to to Prof X and Magneto to give them the 'old friend' status they seem to have. This made it feel more like 'summer friends' who were pretty much always at odds. Magneto thought the way he did pretty much from the off for no real reason, in fact the only real reason he was given was right at the end of the film. I enjoyed Raven (who by the way had far more reason to be prof Xs 'old friend' seeing as she is actually his oldest friend).
Anyway, an enjoyable jaunt.
Atunci i-am condamnat pe toti la moarte or Then I Sentenced Them All to Death

Not too bad a story but totally ruined by poor technical quality. Wrong music in wrong places. It sounded like they'd borrowed it from various 1960's t.v. series. And then there was the camerwork(?). I measure all films against the work of Roger Deakins or Robbie Mueller. The person who did this should be shot. It was a first in my lifetime to see a man nodding his head and the camera nodding in unison with him.

What a pity it could have been so enjoyable in a Romanian kind of way.


Wtf are you talking about, it's a stone cold classic. One of the best commentaries on complicity and collective responsibility ever made. It's not about a 'story'.
Never Let me Go

On one hand one of the most depressing film's that I have ever watched , on the other hand beautiful in its unrelenting hopelessness
Limitless - found it a bit dull tbh
The Adjustment Bureau - meh
The Rite - Athony Hopkins makes a good jesuit
Ok, watched Gomorrah. It was compelling but I'm still not sure whether I "like" it. I get it but the characters aren't (for the most) endearing.
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