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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos

2006 documentary about the seventies phenomenon that was the New York Cosmos. I'd loved the fact that everyone else in the film hated on Giorgio Chinaglia.
44 Inch Chest: Rather odd British film that gives wounded male pride and a certain kind of masculinity a good kicking. Ray Winstone, Ian McShane and John Hurt are all great in it (Hurt especially, whose character is a mix of Old Man Steptoe and Don Logan from Sexy Beast).
Cockfighter 1974 Not to everyones taste thats fer sure! (Real cock fighting scenes) but i thought it was brilliant an Warren oats gives a stand out performance even though he don't utter a word in it...
13th Warrior

Antonio Banderas does an unconvincing job of playing an exiled Arab caught up in a tale that is Beowulf. I disliked it for showing up Banderas as a limited actor when I wanted to like him. I liked it for the swordplay and viking lols.

The bit where Banderas goes and grinds a broadsword into a scimitar ranks as one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen in film. You can't make a scimitar out of a broadsword. Not without melting the fucker and re forging it. IT MADE NO SENSE AT ALL.
44 Inch Chest: Rather odd British film that gives wounded male pride and a certain kind of masculinity a good kicking. Ray Winstone, Ian McShane and John Hurt are all great in it (Hurt especially, whose character is a mix of Old Man Steptoe and Don Logan from Sexy Beast).

Jon Hurt gets fucking everywhere but I did enjoy him in this. His cocker knee accent slipped in places but otherwise a good performance. The film didn't feel right though, felt incomplete. Whatever they were trying to do they made a damn good fist of it but it wasn't tight like Sexy Beast.
Battlestar Galactica Season 4, Episodes 10 and 11.

Feel like I've been kicked in the nuts.

The depression was unrelenting, watching the grown ups like Adama and Roslin fall apart was particularly unnerving.

But wait, Dee and Lee, aww, at least there's a cute ray of hope in thi.....oh.... Oh fuck you BSG :(

Also, if Ellen's the final Cylon, what the hell is Kara?

Side note - How the fuck did Saul Tigh become my favourite character? :D

Baffling as fuck, but brilliant.
Battlestar Galactica Season 4, Episodes 10 and 11.

Feel like I've been kicked in the nuts.

The depression was unrelenting, watching the grown ups like Adama and Roslin fall apart was particularly unnerving.

But wait, Dee and Lee, aww, at least there's a cute ray of hope in thi.....oh.... Oh fuck you BSG :(

Also, if Ellen's the final Cylon, what the hell is Kara?

Side note - How the fuck did Saul Tigh become my favourite character? :D

Baffling as fuck, but brilliant.

all wise men come to love one eye tigh. He's the best character in BSG. An alcoholic hardass who is xo for a fucking starship. How can he fail to win your affection?
The Big Picture (French Film). It was so so - had high expectations after enjoying the book.
Marnie, my second favourite Hitchcock after Vertigo and a film that still gets better with every repeat viewing.
Matewan. Good stuff.

Spartacus: Vengeance

New boy looks like he will fill the sandals ably. A good bodycount on this episode.
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. This 70s Canadian thriller was a favourite of mine when I was a kid and I hadn't watched since then. Jodie Foster plays a 13 year old whose father died recently. Now an orphan, she keeps his death a secret and resorts to ever more extreme measures to stay independent and out of care. It's still an entertaining film and an odd mix of juvenile drama, romance, thriller and horror. Foster is great in another atypical child role and Martin Sheen plays the neighbourhood pedophile who stubs out his cigarette on her pet hamster.
Butterfly's Tongue...Really good, well recommended. Pre-civil war Spanish story of a boy starting school and the relationship he strikes up with his teacher. Great performances from the young lad and teacher and it made me cry.
The Arbor - wasn't sure about the Creature Comfort style miming at first, but it worked in the end. I felt sorry for everyone in it, though very slightly cheered that at least Lisa seemed to have pulled herself out of the mire.
5 eps of Fringe - like it; sort of X Files/Lost/Flash Forward (but in a good way) vibe.

Lust, Caution - Ang Lee masterpiece. Beautiful, brutal and tragic.
The Notorious Bettie Page: I really enjoyed Mary Harron's 'I Shot Andy Warhol' and 'American Psycho' but this biopic of the infamous American pin-up is dull and lightweight.
The last two episodes of American Horror Story. It was a frequently silly series with occasional flashes of brilliance, held afloat by a good cast, some witty dialogue and its sheer weirdness. A soap opera where most of the characters are dead.
Most of it's great and I'd definitely recommend it, too. Jessica Lange deserved her Golden Globe and I hope she crops up again in series two which is apparently going to feature a completely different storyline and characters.
What else was Jessica Lange in then?

I watched The Bad Lieutenant - nowhere near as nasty as the first one, and I didnt like how he had a compassionate side or how you felt like you wanted him to be ok. Fuck that. The original had a right hateful piece of work as the main character, dunno why they flapped it with this one, well....Hollywood I suppose init
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