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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

What else was Jessica Lange in then?

One of the biggest actresses of the 80s and 90s and won a couple of Oscars: King Kong, All That Jazz, Tootsie, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Sweet Dreams, Cape Fear, Rob Roy, Big Fish, Broken Flowers, Titus, Blue Sky
Of them, I've seen Cape Fear, when I was about 14. That'll be why then. Knew I knew her name but couldnt work out why. Cheers :)
I've watched absolutely loads of films while at work recently. Watched Mondo Cane (1st 4 films) this and last week which is mental, brutal and quite shocking (the 4th one) that even though it is meant to be a documentary of old times, the way the black actors are treated even under the guise of acting is very concerning. Showing boats with slaves in chains all racked up in 12 inch high compartments puking and being force fed and even having cork wrapped in rope rammed up their arses when they had dysentry is bad enough, but some of the stuff relating to the wealthy US southerners and their penchant for slaves and what they do with them, especially the under age females, was quite embarrassing as not only a white person but as a fucking human. Horrible stuff, I'd like to say effectively presented but well, it left me feeling a bit uneasy for the actors...if indeed they were properly paid actors at all....
Who can kill a child - excellent creepy atmospehric Spanish sort of Horror from the mid-70s - don't let the opening put you off...

Very atmospheric and creepy. It reminded me a little of Don't Look Now. It has a similarly powerful sense of place, with an English couple abroad, where it slowly dawns on them that things aren't quite right. Agreed, the title sequence is in really poor taste and could put you off the film before it even starts.
Day of the Dead. No wonder Romero is considered the daddy of zombie films.

Flame and Citron. Danish film about a pair of resistance hitmen in occupied Denmark. Quite bleak, although Citrons exit was brilliant.

Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. It was more coherent than a lot of Oliver Stone's films and it didn't go for the obvious portray-Bush-as-a-gurning-chimp tack which I'd expected. Richard Dreyfuss was really good as Dick Cheney but the bloke that played Blair was shite. Interesting that it portrayed Colin Powell as the only dissenting voice against the war in Iraq initially too. Don't know how accurate it all was but it wasn't bad for Oliver Stone. The only film of his that I've really enjoyed before was Salvador.
A Separation...just brilliant. Thought I wasn't going to get on with it as the subtitles were so quick changing early on that I wasn't getting chance to follow the picture but once the story is moving it's a great film. Not exactly full of likeable folk though.
I saw Drive tonight and loved it. Yes, it's probably just a 'heist-goes-wrong' story with delusions of grandeur, but I thought it was beautifully told and well acted. It also has a great soundtrack and Ryan Gosling is cool as fuck (haven't seen him in anything before). Not sure why Albert Brooks thought he should get an Oscar nom though - he's OK in it but hardly a classic villain.
Bee Movie - Seinfeld animation; amusing
Ashes of Time Redux - 10 mins in and we realised we'd seen it before but due to it's non-linear approach and sheer beauty of the cinematography, watched it all again
The Wrestler - Oh Mickey, you're so fine you blow my mind. Why didn't he get an Oscar for this?
Chico & Rita - lovely animated feature about two Cuban lovers and musicians.
Then started watching the last Conan film. Even as a genre fan, and a big fan of the comics, this was terrible. Terrible plot, woeful dialogue, wooden acting, uninteresting sets, weak baddies. Makes the old ones look fresh and smart by comparison.
Being Human- meh

half of Moon. I am this films demographic. It should appeal to me. It did not. The actor couldn't carry it, and the plot just felt like a bad re-run/pastiche of a dozen superior plots from film and novels.

Daybreakers - not too bad vampire flick, set in future where there are only 5% of the human population left and vampires are freaking out about what to do about the lack of blood situation. 7/10
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