Yeah I know I'm lucky but I worked fucking hard to get into that position and I've done more than enough shit jobs on the way. And I was only speaking for myself, obviously.You do fun things for a living though, the sort of thing that most of us would like to retire in order to have time to do!
If you were sitting at a desk in an open plan office working through forms, or in a factory making electronics components or packing doughnuts into boxes, and that was all your working life had to offer you, you'd want to retire as soon as you could.
I totally get that not everyone is fortunate enough to have their cards fall in the right order - for some their circumstances mean that shit jobs are all they're likely to get - but then I've known loads of people who get addicted to the money of their shit job and end up buying more and more stuff while getting more and more miserable.
I always encourage people to take up night classes/hobbies or follow their dream in whatever capacity they can manage because we're only here once and working for a shitcunt until you drop is definitely to be avoided if possible.