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What do you think about retirement and when will you do it?

You do fun things for a living though, the sort of thing that most of us would like to retire in order to have time to do!

If you were sitting at a desk in an open plan office working through forms, or in a factory making electronics components or packing doughnuts into boxes, and that was all your working life had to offer you, you'd want to retire as soon as you could.
Yeah I know I'm lucky but I worked fucking hard to get into that position and I've done more than enough shit jobs on the way. And I was only speaking for myself, obviously.

I totally get that not everyone is fortunate enough to have their cards fall in the right order - for some their circumstances mean that shit jobs are all they're likely to get - but then I've known loads of people who get addicted to the money of their shit job and end up buying more and more stuff while getting more and more miserable.

I always encourage people to take up night classes/hobbies or follow their dream in whatever capacity they can manage because we're only here once and working for a shitcunt until you drop is definitely to be avoided if possible.
Everyone who is doing alright has the line "I worked fucking hard to get there" but there are plenty of people who work just as fucking hard (emptying bins on our streets, making stuff that we all use) that actually don't "get there".

Not having a go, I think it's great that you do stuff that you love - but yes as you acknowledge, it is not most peoples' experience to be in that position. Hard work isn't necessarily the deciding factor.
I'm "retiring" (ie getting private pension) in 4 years. Early, at 55 but I'll be fucked if I'm waiting any longer. It won't be much, but it'll be enough (in the past we put all our savings into mortgage payments so it means no mortgage payments left). I have a sense I won't be living to a ripe old age so I'm taking the money and running while I'm relatively young to enjoy it.

I wonder if I'll make it to estate pension age...
I rember us doing that...

I've worked in some odd work environments in my time, but that was spectacularly bonkers by anyone's standard, especially by the time you joined.
I was grateful for the work but it was nuts, and it was so very clear that they wanted to get rid of me especially towards the end of my time there.
Everyone who is doing alright has the line "I worked fucking hard to get there" but there are plenty of people who work just as fucking hard (emptying bins on our streets, making stuff that we all use) that actually don't "get there".

Not having a go, I think it's great that you do stuff that you love - but yes as you acknowledge, it is not most peoples' experience to be in that position. Hard work isn't necessarily the deciding factor.
Fuck's sake. Stop over reacting. It's like you've read the first line and just ignored everything I wrote after that.
Gah, I didn't realise there was a time limit.
I think when I next have some income I need to have a look and see what I am able to make up in terms of payments.
Me neither. I'll have to properly check. I remember checking something just before I went self employed. I think having a daughter and looking after her filled some gaps. I need to check ot out as I don't have a pension at all. I'm going to be so boned.
Been retired for more than 7 years now.

Hubby's company pension is really good, and we get money from the government. In three years, my government pension will kick in.

Although our income has not really dropped, it seems like we have more money. Probably because all four children have completed their post-secondary and are out of the house.

Yes, we know how lucky we are. Our next door neighbour says he will have to work until he dies :(

Son-in-law (40 y/o) quit his job last year due to stress. When people ask him about his job, he tells them he is retired.
Son-in-law (40 y/o) quit his job last year due to stress. When people ask him about his job, he tells them he is retired.

I've done that when I've (as an older person ofc) had to explain lack of working status - that is accepted in a way that trying to explain that I am too autistic and psychologically fucked up to function in the same way as other people is not.
I didn't know you could do that. My forecast is identical (£185.15)
That's very odd because my forecast is also £185.15. Surely we can't all be the same?

(185 quid a week doesn't seem much and I've been paying NI since 1985. However, I'm looking to it to supplement my public sector pension that I've been paying into for 32 years.)
That's very odd because my forecast is also £185.15. Surely we can't all be the same?

(185 quid a week doesn't seem much and I've been paying NI since 1985. However, I'm looking to it to supplement my public sector pension that I've been paying into for 32 years.)

Well a lot of people are going to get the same state pension, given that we're all on the same scheme (at least those that have paid in).
That's very odd because my forecast is also £185.15. Surely we can't all be the same?

185.15 is the full state pension which you get if you have / are expected to have 35 years' NI contributions. The only way it would be different if it was less because you had missed years and weren't in a position to buy them back.

the state earnings related pension / state second pension is no more unless you retired a while ago
185.15 is the full state pension which you get if you have / are expected to have 35 years' NI contributions. The only way it would be different if it was less because you had missed years and weren't in a position to buy them back.
One other way it can be less is if you were 'contracted out'. Despite having 37 years contributions already, my forecast tells me that because I was contracted out I need two more years contributions to get the full £185.15
I took redundancy a few years ago and never went back to work. I am very glad of that. I would say the two years between finishing work and Covid hitting were the best of my life.

There is a lot of media attention being paid at the moment to the 'over 50s' leaving the workforce in droves and the issues this has supposedly caused (labour shortages and lack of income tax, mainly).

My theory is that once a lot of people reach that age, they have had enough of workplace bullshit - pointless annual appraisals, presenteeism culture, de-skilling, ageism (on top of other -isms you may already be experiencing), micro-management, etc etc. A lot of people have physical problems which may impact negatively on your ability to work.

What I would say to anyone contemplating early retirement is contact every employer you've ever had where you may possibly have paid into a pension scheme, and get a forecast of how much you'd get if you retired at 55, or 60, or 65.

Another thing I've found is that in the way that 'work expands to fill the time available' (somebody or other's Law) so do interests and hobbies when you retire. I always feel busy (though I'm blatantly not :D ) and don't get bored. I think I like reading and going on the internet a bit too much though.:D
One other way it can be less is if you were 'contracted out'. Despite having 37 years contributions already, my forecast tells me that because I was contracted out I need two more years contributions to get the full £185.15

i thought i was contracted out at times but didn't get that (or maybe i was just contracted out of the old SERPS)
I feel guilty when I read these threads. Took my first expensive but gold plated pension at 51. Then did three and a bit years in the civil Service. Was going to do five but two friends my age (54 then) dropped dead. Went on career break - I don’t think I’m going back but keeping my options open and if the scum do start making civil servants redundant I’ll be a scalp for them so someone with a mortgage and young kids won’t have to be. Plus that would increase my small civil service pension from paying for a week holiday a year to a two week one.

Volunteering for the ambulance service and coast guard though. And a little bit of consulting.

I’m still waiting to see when the boredom and time to myself part of being retired starts…
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Just checked via that govt gateway and I'd be entitled to less than 80 quid unless I top up, turns out living abroad in the grey economy for decades gives you a patchy NI record, who knew? Not sure I'd be able to top it up, but it does say i could get that magical 185 quid if I do. Also have a tiny pension scheme from the warehouse job I did last time I was back, but that's genuinely a pittance, think if i cash it out it would be a few grand or something like a tenner a week otherwise. In theory might still be able to work until quite old as it's translation, but who knows how eyesight and metal faculties will survive? Try and struggle through until kids are free standing then off to a monastery I think.
Sick, unemployed or retired? Not sure what I am atm.

ESA about to finish in a few weeks, am I still sick? They say I must tell them if my condition changes , I feel a lot better than I was, but am I really recovered? I feel ok doing my own thing but the idea of being in close contact with a load of young people in poorly ventilated office gives me the horrors.

Could I look for work? Certainly don't think I could cope with the job centre process now. And I don't think I could endure the soul destroying confidence sapping process of job searching. Who would have me with my quaint 20th century tech skills? I found it a struggle in my last job. I want to learn stuff but taking new stuff in is slow progress, I don't find it so easy to remember things.

At 61, I would have expected to be retired by now for most of my life. But another 6 years to go. I do have a tiny private pension so when benefits fail me, I'm lucky that I can live off that and it will probably be all used up by the time I can draw my state pension.

I'm doing loads of lgbt community volunteer stuff now and there's all kinds of things to do with LGBT history I want to do. And art and sewing and all sorts of things.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to retire. There’s one lady at our place who is 80 and the woman who fills meat is in her 70’s. I expect they’ll just tie me to a till one day and I’ll have to chat shit with people until I die.
Watching people I work with grinding it out at 70 (even 60TBH) going home and dying makes me sure I need to change tack

I’ve got no private pension, just property. My taxi licence is due to arrive in January and looking at ethical ways to top up taxi driving

My reality is what’s the point earning money for a fantasy future point when all I’m interested in
Doing is staying fit and healthy getting in the sea and fucking the system some way

The worry is if I retire and live as healthy as I try to do when I’m off work eventually I’ll get so fit and healthy i’ll live to fucking 90 and end up skint
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