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What coffee are you drinking just now?

I haven't tried it yet, but I have ordered "Russian warship go fuck yourself" from Dark Arts. They are donating 100% of the take (not just profits) to the refugees:
Just ordered.

Drinking coffee is one way i can use my skills to help :(
This new natural Brazilian has plenty of "oomph" up front. It certainly doesn't need anything added.
It will be interesting to see how it blends with the Carmo Estate...
weds feb 23 order
thurs feb 24 dispatched 1st class
tues mar 1st arrived

tues mar 1st ordered
weds mar 2nd dispatched 2nd class
Fri mar 4th received

Annoying that Hasbean have taken to double-packing - some post-people struggle to get them through the letterbox and I feel so decadent when they have to knock ...
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I don't usually get excited with coffee but this stuff is fucking amazing!!
El Salvador Finca La Fany Carbonic Maceration (Hasbean). Jesus Christ. I loves it. Think I went through 500g in a week.
I'm currently on a El Salvador Finca Nejapa from Hasbean. It's nice and refreshing and the tasting notes (Milk Chocolate, orange and raspberry) are pretty much spot on. Happily drink more of it, but equally happy to move on.

My Russian Warship Go Fuck Yourself - another El Salvadorean, this time from Las Brisas - has arrived, so that's next on my list.

Meanwhile I'm looking at investing in a nice mug/cup to drink my coffee from.
I don't usually get excited with coffee but this stuff is fucking amazing!!
El Salvador Finca La Fany Carbonic Maceration (Hasbean). Jesus Christ. I loves it. Think I went through 500g in a week.
Blimey, that's a month's supply for me !
I didn't like La Fany when I had it years ago- but it was probably fully washed - plus I make it differently.

Boringly I'm still liking the two Brazilians - I had a 50/50 blend this morning - any combo seems good even though they're very recently roasted ...
Blimey, that's a month's supply for me !
I didn't like La Fany when I had it years ago- but it was probably fully washed - plus I make it differently.

Boringly I'm still liking the two Brazilians - I had a 50/50 blend this morning - any combo seems good even though they're very recently roasted ...

1kg a month for me - that is why this bean isn't economical in the long term.
I drink mostly double Espressos or Americanos - never got into french press/ filtered coffee (I would have deeper pockets if I did).

How do you like yours?

nah it isn't boring to find something you like!
1kg a month for me - that is why this bean isn't economical in the long term.
I drink mostly double Espressos or Americanos - never got into french press/ filtered coffee (I would have deeper pockets if I did).

How do you like yours?

nah it isn't boring to find something you like!
When I first got my aeropress I think I used to use twice as much coffee and brew for much less time and I used a paper filter - it may have kept out bitter notes but it was very expensive for something I always drink with umami on toast ...
Now I use 16g of beans and extract every last bit of flavour for a generous mugfull each morning - and I couldn't handle any more caffeine
Anyone want a 9 cup Bialetti?
I would have given it away anyway…but I don’t think I know many true coffee lovers…

(Bialetti was used twice until I bought an old school Gaggia Classic)
I've been playing it so safe recently ...
I will definitely buy more of the Brazil Carmo Estate (pulped natural bourbon , but I'm wondering about this funky-sounding wildcard ...
The Carmo seems to put right anything that isn't quite to my taste, but it can be a bit unchallenging ...

I've been playing it so safe recently ...
I will definitely buy more of the Brazil Carmo Estate (pulped natural bourbon , but I'm wondering about this funky-sounding wildcard ...
The Carmo seems to put right anything that isn't quite to my taste, but it can be a bit unchallenging ...

Has Bean do an excellent job in promoting coffee farms!

Nothing wrong in playing safe.
But are you getting bored of the brew?
Has Bean do an excellent job in promoting coffee farms!

Nothing wrong in playing safe.
But are you getting bored of the brew?

Not "bored" exactly - to be fair the coffee is a really just a vehicle for a heavily umami breakfast and I make it rather carelessly ..
To be honest I have nearly 250g of Bolivian beans (in a Kilner) I bought 6 months ago that were a bit too "exciting"- even as a minor component in a blend - who knows, they might have settled down by now - perhaps I'm looking for something to work with them ...
What I have failed to acquire for a while now are any super-chocolatey beans that "demand" to be blended - and these natural Brazilians aren't far off something I might have blended myself.
I drank Guatemala El Bosque for years - and either they have changed or I have ...

I may be something of a super-taster - and I mostly eat earthy foods ...
I predict that if I make it to France I will be upping my gourmet experiments substantially - not least to be able to integrate there as a carrot-muncher ...
Not "bored" exactly - to be fair the coffee is a really just a vehicle for a heavily umami breakfast and I make it rather carelessly ..
To be honest I have nearly 250g of Bolivian beans (in a Kilner) I bought 6 months ago that were a bit too "exciting"- even as a minor component in a blend - who knows, they might have settled down by now - perhaps I'm looking for something to work with them ...
What I have failed to acquire for a while now are any super-chocolatey beans that "demand" to be blended - and these natural Brazilians aren't far off something I might have blended myself.
I drank Guatemala El Bosque for years - and either they have changed or I have ...

I may be something of a super-taster - and I mostly eat earthy foods ...
I predict that if I make it to France I will be upping my gourmet experiments substantially - not least to be able to integrate there as a carrot-muncher ...

How many different ways do you brew your coffee?
When I don't agree with the taste to some beans or if my stomach is too sensitive, I try cold-brews - it takes the edge out.

That Guatemala El Bosque - its most like our taste buds change as we age.
I personally cannot enjoy the same things as I did 10 years ago (quite unfortunate).

Umami breakfast?
If I was to ever eat breakfast again, that is definitely on my list :)
How many different ways do you brew your coffee?
When I don't agree with the taste to some beans or if my stomach is too sensitive, I try cold-brews - it takes the edge out.

That Guatemala El Bosque - its most like our taste buds change as we age.
I personally cannot enjoy the same things as I did 10 years ago (quite unfortunate).

Umami breakfast?
If I was to ever eat breakfast again, that is definitely on my list :)
I was always mostly a tea drinker - Oolong - which I drank all day at work.

My first taste of real coffee was around 1980 thanks to a flatmate with a stovetop and I used one of my own for a while - but I tried it again years later and it tasted caramelised ...
Then for years it was a cheap Melitta funnel - but once again, years later I was at a coffee place and I swear I could smell filter paper from a distance...
Then there were several cafetières and my first attempt at grinding my own beans with a nasty whizzy smasher ... though in general a substantial upgrade, I probably never ever weighed or measured the beans so on several occasions I got massively over-caffeinated... then I got into a dodgy romantic entanglement and I was reduced to drinking Carte Noir and other abominations ..

So 10 years ago the hand grinder and Aeropress were a game changer in several ways - but even though I now drink coffee every day, one 16g batch of beans is all I can cope with so comparative tasting is unscientific.
I now use a stainless steel filter so it's a bit more like cafetière coffee ...

My breakfast umami is home made wholemeal, crunchy peanut butter and a generous portion of Essential yeast extract - which is a match for most coffees ..
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I've got plain old Lavazza Qualita Rossa on repeat order from spamazon @ £10.80 a kilo for beans and it's just shy of £14 in the supermarkets now.

I like trying other coffees but the prices are a bit daft at the moment and this one really does suit me for taste so I'm unlikely to change whilst I'm getting it at this price.

I did have a nice espresso in a cafe Ludlow on Saturday which was from Hundred House coffee in Shrewsbury.

I've got plain old Lavazza Qualita Rossa on repeat order from spamazon @ £10.80 a kilo for beans and it's just shy of £14 in the supermarkets now.

I like trying other coffees but the prices are a bit daft at the moment and this one really does suit me for taste so I'm unlikely to change whilst I'm getting it at this price.

I may have to give that a go next month - as everything is so FUCKING expensive!!!
Rave Coffee Signature - I am still adjusting the grinder to suit the bean but early signs is that its very shit. Its dense and bland - no different to the stuff on supermarket shelves. I am surprised by its shitness. Fucking disappointed. Avoid this one.
I was about to order another bag of Carmo Estate to follow the Mexican typica ... - and I will tomorrow - but I want the package postable - but my eye was distracted by another wildcard ... a Bolivian, but hopefully not too fruity ...

"Speculoos biscuit, cashew nut, milk chocolate" - I looked it up and apparently that implies a touch of cinnamon ...

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My first impression of the Mexican typica ..

"Brassy"... the acidity is so rounded it hardly qualifies ... maybe fig - and any "dark fruits" are definitely of the caramelised and dried persuasion...
I don't know how much of this I will drink unblended .. I will see how it develops in the jar over the next days and weeks ..
It's a bit like the "bong water" Asian coffees I've had ... perhaps a bit like the Nicaraguans that used to call to mind the smell of home beer brewing - malty stuff from a can cooking on the stove - a lot like the yeast extract on my toast ...
This could well add some interest to the Brazilian Carmo Estate I just ordered another bag of ...
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A 50/50 blend with the Carmo Estate and the Mexican pretty well dominates.
I wonder what Mexicans habitually eat with coffee ? :hmm:
It certainly makes the blend refreshing ...

A 33/66 blend is pretty well spot-on.
I will see if this new bean can work some magic on my jar dregs.

I should have the "Speculoos biscuit (cinnamon), cashew nut, milk chocolate" Bolivian washed Caturra for tomorrow or Weds .....
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Today I blended a third of the Mexican with 2/3 of some Guatemalan beans that had sat in the jar for six months and they're doing quite well at perking up tired beans - so that's one thing these are good for where lighter, fruitier beans might not ...
gentlegreen - bong water? now that brings back memories :)

Rave Coffee Signature is drinkable now.
In the end, it was the grind – it has to be extra fine/ powdery for it to work.
Not the worst, but far from the best and good enough for an Americano or a Flat White.

At £21 per kg, I should have paid extra for quality.

Avoid if an Espresso drinker.
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