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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Here is another view, from the ground, of the same incident. It shows the same thing – protesters' arms in the air. And chants of "This is not a riot"

Having spent much of the last two days stuck between lines of protesters and baton-wielding riot police (with the bruises to prove it), this video shows exactly how tempers fray when crowds are stuck in a contained pen with nowhere to go. I think (though can't be sure) that it happened on Queen Victoria Street at around 4pm. The audio says more than the pictures. Shouts from protesters, such as: "There's someone on the floor", can be heard. You can also hear what must be a police officer shouting: "Move". A female replies: "I can't – where?" The crowd's anger quickly turns towards the police who are, protesters conclude, "pricks". There is a horrible inevitability about how it all ends.

i can't watch that again as it makes my blood pressure become dangerously high. outrageous behaviour from an out-of-control constabulary. i can't write owt else without losing it so that's it for me for now. :mad: :mad:
ok i've found out why this happenned .. plod was upset someone had let the tyres down on one of the vans that were sat in the middle of CC with their engines running all day .. :rolleyes:

I was at the G20 reclaim the streets protest and also at the climate change one (although i didn't intend to stay at the climate camp).We were barricaded at the climate camp until just after midnight.We were lucky to get out (we hung around the police lines so we could see if they started to let people go),because after they started beating people..not all of my mates got out.To be honest im MOST pissed off with the media's bullshit response to the protests although im not surprised.The fucking evening standard printing made up bullshit about Ramparts and in turn managing to get it raided by 100 police officers..and the sun printing photos of the only "yobby" type people at the whole protest..describing the protesters as "stinking of cider"..and the fact that someone died when they were surrounded by police.there were police medics.nothing was done.

I was physically sick after getting released,I think because I was stressed about the whole day and didn't realise it till after.I got punched in the head after the police let me and my gf go,because I told the police officer not to touch me as I left,because they were physically pushing the people out of the cordon.My gf also got hit in the G20 protest,but she's okay.Just before we got released and before the cops started beating people,they were discussing the football scores..I've been to various protests and seen violence and shit.I guess I was most freaked out because this is and was all happening on my doorstep in such a major way and the police having such a blatent disregard for humans.The repercussions it's left for our community.For squatters,activists and people who are actually doing a lot of good in the alternative communities.For people who are less alternative and just want their voices to be heard.

Tis shocking/traumatic. That adrenaline thing. Flight/fight reaction to threat and stress, but not able to do either. Not good for yer elf. Hope you both are feeling a bit better now mate.
A question to people who are more involved than me. But why do protesters in the UK not use human chains more regularly. Especialy to resist police moving people around, front row turns it back to the police and forms a chain, and uses there legs and a lower postior to drive back at the thin blue line..... or people sitting down and forming chains that are virtualy unmovable.

The way that police force people back is by a "shove and hold" like a rugby scum. They use there shields to push someone a short distance and then hold that for a few seconds. A decent counter to this is for the protesters to also use the same trick by everyone pushing at the same time, you just have a "1-2-3-shove-1-2-3-shove" chant in the crowd to time it.

This is pretty basic stuff used in other parts of the world.
Maybe because the police would start batoning the shit out of the first row of people?
Here is another view, from the ground, of the same incident. It shows the same thing – protesters' arms in the air. And chants of "This is not a riot"

I have to be honest but I have nothing but pride and admiration for these lot. There behaviour is exemplary.

So much so I am going to book the time of work and join them over the summer.
I can understand officers losing themselves to a red mist after being attacked in a riot, but not this behaviour. I assume a senior officer ordered them in, but that doesn't explain the aggression. Unless there's some major provokation edited out, the police look like they've lost control.

These aren't constables; they're a militia.
It is upsetting but it was entirely predictable. The people attending played by the rules and were punished accordingly.


There will be loads more footage and photos coming out over the next few days. Confiscating people's phones doesn't stop the evidence being broadcast before that happens.

Bit of a dilemma here for the OB, perhaps? Try and stop the potential for photographic evidence in the future, or examine what happened here.
I can understand officers losing themselves to a red mist after being attacked in a riot, but not this behaviour. I assume a senior officer ordered them in, but that doesn't explain the aggression. Unless there's some major provokation edited out, the police look like they've lost control.

These aren't constables; they're a militia.

I reckon most of the police in those videos are the ones who volunteered for 'crowd control' duty - the inadequates with no skills and no friends who join the police in the hopes of getting both - and they're relishing the chance to take out their frustrations on protesters.

The police at the G20 have behaved shamefully - in a way incompatible with any society claiming to be democratic - but I guess at least their wives and children have got a day off from the beatings.
well i guess after these scenes now it's only a matter of time before we have to start just shooting police with sniper rifles from high vantage points...

still no doubt DB and his waffling apologists will be along to excuse all this where is the snivelling little shit these days...
There will be loads more footage and photos coming out over the next few days. Confiscating people's phones doesn't stop the evidence being broadcast before that happens.

Bit of a dilemma here for the OB, perhaps? Try and stop the potential for photographic evidence in the future, or examine what happened here.

Absolutely - given the number of cameras and film crews and mobile phones I am sure that film will exist of the Police which will prove *problematic*. But that wasn't the thrust of my post.
Is 'smash them around the throat and head with the side of the shield' a technique from the handbook or an unofficial piece of violent conduct? One wonders.
That one really upset me, more than the other stuff I've seen. :(

Unfortunately it doesn't make for good evidence of police wrongdoing. If you showed it to a policeman he could quite reasonably say that you can't tell whether the violent officers are defending themselves - you can't see the protesters very well and it's composed of very short clips - it doesn't show that officers weren't attacked just before they let fly.

I'm going to ask the Met about this overhead shot: Can anyone point me to anything as bad please?

Are there any videos or photos of protesters being belted while they are sitting down? People keep talking about it but where's the proof? This clip claims to show it, but it doesn't:
I reckon most of the police in those videos are the ones who volunteered for 'crowd control' duty - the inadequates with no skills and no friends who join the police in the hopes of getting both - and they're relishing the chance to take out their frustrations on protesters.
Anything more on this? If it's true that the police hierarchy have knowingly put unsuitable officers in a tense and dangerous situation, I imagine you could sue them for negligence.
Anything more on this? If it's true that the police hierarchy have knowingly put unsuitable officers in a tense and dangerous situation, I imagine you could sue them for negligence.

I have read a police forum whereby a serving officer stated his force were asked for volunteers. Another poster who claims after the event to be ex police then stated several unsavoury intentions. He was quoted in the national papers i believe. There was certainly a near universal desire to get into the Tree Hugging Scum. I don't have the link but i found it on this site on a similar thread to this, have a quick look.
Anything more on this? If it's true that the police hierarchy have knowingly put unsuitable officers in a tense and dangerous situation, I imagine you could sue them for negligence.

Nah, I put "I reckon" in front of that post and I was only speculating - for all I know, riot cops are drafted into it, but that definitely doesn't seem like the case.
I have read a police forum whereby a serving officer stated his force were asked for volunteers. Another poster who claims after the event to be ex police then stated several unsavoury intentions. He was quoted in the national papers i believe. There was certainly a near universal desire to get into the Tree Hugging Scum. I don't have the link but i found it on this site on a similar thread to this, have a quick look.

is it in this thread - Police oracle
Thanks for that Perry, i am a bit pre-occupied good sir.

I am good friends with 3 police that i either went to school or university with. Some of the beliefs within 'the force' are every bit as radical as the more extreme protesters on Wednesday. One of my police friends i do feel sorry for. Growing up he was a pot smoking hippy that wanted to make the world a better place, he quit the weed and joined the police and hates it!! All testosterone and reaction according to him, for a lowly ranked constable that is all there is and his colleagues love it.
Thanks for that Perry, i am a bit pre-occupied good sir.

I am good friends with 3 police that i either went to school or university with. Some of the beliefs within 'the force' are every bit as radical as the more extreme protesters on Wednesday. One of my police friends i do feel sorry for. Growing up he was a pot smoking hippy that wanted to make the world a better place, he quit the weed and joined the police and hates it!! All testosterone and reaction according to him, for a lowly ranked constable that is all there is and his colleagues love it.

9 posts in.......

I can understand officers losing themselves to a red mist after being attacked in a riot, but not this behaviour. I assume a senior officer ordered them in, but that doesn't explain the aggression. Unless there's some major provokation edited out, the police look like they've lost control.

These aren't constables; they're a militia.

They are a bunch of young lads and macho men bused in for the day and all togged up for a fight - unfortunately some of them are bigots who won't go home happy unless they have managed to have a go at cracking someone's skull or giving someone a good kicking.
All the evidence should be compiled independently of the police and presented to the Civil liberties people who can confront them with it.
ok i've found out why this happenned .. plod was upset someone had let the tyres down on one of the vans that were sat in the middle of CC with their engines running all day .. :rolleyes:

someone let their tyres down so they baton charged a load of fluffies. ffs. gloves are off now if you ask me,
They are a bunch of young lads and macho men bused in for the day and all togged up for a fight - unfortunately some of them are bigots who won't go home happy unless they have managed to have a go at cracking someone's skull or giving someone a good kicking.
All the evidence should be compiled independently of the police and presented to the Civil liberties people who can confront them with it.
I've no idea what the officers' political views are, or whether they're "bigots". Nor do I much care so long as their views don't stop them doing their job fairly.

It's possible the officers were psyched up by their commanders, but unless there's evidence from the scene at odds with everything posted up to date, the officers' judgment should have kicked in. However much kit they're given, and however much nonsense about soap dodgers they're told in briefings, they're not automatons.
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