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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

This bludgeon stuff doesn't really ring any bells with the reality of people living and working here. It doesn't work that great with NI, so why would it work here? Are you really this naive, or are you just trolling?

I dunno, I suppose violent resistance is in our blood so to say. I just don't understand thousands of people coming to protest against the establishment and being peaceful about things! :confused: :(
The police making up a load of shite you mean?

The violence on the day was 90% about the police using violence to herd people around, intimidate and wear them down and then drive them off the streets. 9% was people pushing back and getting battered even more. 1% was a handful of people smashing a window.

Where the fuck you get these ideas about building barricades, burning police vans and starting riots I don't know. Sounds like you would be a good candidate for the Met police, because they were the primary driver behind the violence and the people who talked it up and initiated it on the day.

You are so detacted from reality and seemingly ignorant of what people were trying to achieve by protesting yesterday that I doubt it is even worthwhile debating it with you - I'll just chalk it up to you projecting some wierd NI or weekend-warrior based fantasies onto London. It doesn't sound like you actually give a shit about what is going on here - you just want to talk about NI stuff and point out hard hard you all are over there.

Funnily enough I believe it's you who's detached frm reality. Play your bongos! Marx predicted that playing bongos and blowing whistles will emancipate humanity by 2014.
I dunno, I suppose violent resistance is in our blood so to say. I just don't understand thousands of people coming to protest against the establishment and being peaceful about things! :confused: :(

No, I do understand that. I don't have a problem with violent resistance. But there's that space before then. Don't have to rush into it. Let's not let it get that far - pause for thought. What now ... bring it on or sort it out?
i'm not sure i have seen that much police violence for some time against peaceful protesters .. that video needs to be got out as much as possible .. what happenned after though? they withdrew??


can't find this on You Tube yet .. did someone put it up??

how do we make things 'go viral' on u tube?? andpeople need to facebook links to this to everyone they know and bombard the 'official media' .. if they get enough of a sniff of a story ( middle class kids attacked by robocops) they may run with it

apologies it is here

N Igma said:
I just don't understand thousands of people coming to protest against the establishment and being peaceful about things! :confused: :(

That much is pretty obvious.

This wasn't billed as a war, it was a peaceful protest.

Given the disgusting police violence meted out to all and sundry (funny how they love cracking young girls in the skull, bring on the day every cop in the UK is forced to submit DNA and match it to unsolved rape cases, bet there'll be hundreds solved!!) the next time there's a demo like this, when things get inevitably more desperate as the jobs and cash crisis intensifies, people will know for certain, the cops have a job, to hospitalise and to falsely imprison with impunity.

Won't be so fluffy next time, and there'll be more cameras to highlight the unlawful arbitrary beatings that the fuckwit cops get aroused by.
It's a signal N_igma. A small signal, but an indication of what might happen if THEY don't sort it out. What happened yesterday and today wasn't much, just an indication.

If they fail, all hell lets loose. You had enough trouble containing peaceful protests lol.

Technology is such that evidence is going far and wide and they can't stop it. Contain the excesses of your cops. They have a clear choice now whether to sort the whole sorry mess out or batter people that put their head above the parapet.

Not rocket science.
First chance I've had to post since yesterday.

Highlight for me was the young protester who wrote Bankers drivon by Greed on a wall outside the bank of England. A woman came up and pointed out his spelling mistake, it was just like that scene in Life of Brian. :D
That much is pretty obvious.

This wasn't billed as a war, it was a peaceful protest.

Given the disgusting police violence meted out to all and sundry (funny how they love cracking young girls in the skull, bring on the day every cop in the UK is forced to submit DNA and match it to unsolved rape cases, bet there'll be hundreds solved!!) the next time there's a demo like this, when things get inevitably more desperate as the jobs and cash crisis intensifies, people will know for certain, the cops have a job, to hospitalise and to falsely imprison with impunity.

Won't be so fluffy next time, and there'll be more cameras to highlight the unlawful arbitrary beatings that the fuckwit cops get aroused by.


Been reading thru this thread since i got home from work, and just....wow :eek:

But it's kind of a resigned 'wow' as well...it really wasn't gonna be anything other than what it was...and chance for the filth to add some pics to their collection and practice their head bashing skills :( Fucking shame.

Anyone else see this piece in the snail? I found it fucking hilarious :D


A group calling itself the Whitechapel Anarchist Group - or WAG - is using the ramshackle building as its 'war den', where tales of violence against the police and capitalist buildings are swapped.

It was here that my infiltration began. During the secretive discussions in the shabby building, it soon emerged that this group was central to the violence and incitement which marred yesterday's protests.

At the first meeting, the leader of the bizarre group of misfits - mostly white working class British men in their twenties - revealed that he was taking orders from Chris Knight, a 66-year-old anthropology lecturer.

With his trademark top hat and coattails, Professor Knight has become known as the public face of G20 Meltdown, the umbrella group which represents more than 100 protest factions.

While his occasional incendiary remarks have ruffled a few feathers - not least his employers' - he is unlikely to pick up a chair and hurl it through a bank window, despite his theatrical public protests.

He is more content to pull strings behind the scenes and let others do his dirty work.

At each of these anarchist meetings, or 'war summits', the leader has stood up to announce the 'latest orders from Chris Knight'.

Yeah, coz we all know that that's exactly how these meetings go down :rolleyes: :D

that is fucking funny :D and so obviously bullshit :D

Looking around at the angry men in the circle, most with their heads shaven

so no dreads then? wherefore art thou, soap dodgers??? :(

e2a: just commented on it, will be checking to see whether it gets through the moderating
that is fucking funny :D and so obviously bullshit :D

so no dreads then? wherefore art thou, soap dodgers??? :(

I keep picturing the writer as that young tory boy who shacked up with Exodus for 3 days on 'life swap'...dressed in black with a shaven head, gingerly holding a spliff and trying to surrepticiously wipe the dribble off his bottom lip :D

1916? Bless, try 1534 for some meaningful sort of resistnance.

Well I might not be travelled but it's neither here nor there and I very much doubt that you were around for the blitz. I've been involved in a fair few riots in my time, I'm just saying that thousands of people converging in one spot (whether they have violent or non-violent intentions aside) is fucking idiotic, omplete lack of organisation meant that people were penned in by the police. Can't come running here yapping when it's your own fault.

grow up
I dunno, I suppose violent resistance is in our blood so to say. I just don't understand thousands of people coming to protest against the establishment and being peaceful about things! :confused: :(

You think now is the time for violent struggle? :eek:

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