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We are Everywhere: "protect your sources" here...


Hypothetical Wanker
A thread to share just how close we come to them.

We only have to get lucky once. They have to get lucky all the time.

Had some interesting conversations recently. Still working on them. Hopefully some good stuff to come.

One I can probably reveal now is from a source inside Nick Clegg's inner circle when he was .Deputy PM - telling me how he was in tears packing his stuff to leave when the election results came in in 2015. He (apparently) really hadn't anticipated the results and losing his position, and was somwhat shellshocked trying to pack his pants drawer etc.upon being told to leave. :D
It's about solidarity though. The day to day.

I could give examples.

Class consciousness here and now.
In the queue at Aldi last Saturday the lass in front of me was moaning that she works harder than ever but she cannot make ends meet.

I joked that automation was meant to mean that we'd have trouble finding things to fill up our spare time.

She said that she'd had a business in Greece that failed. I said that things were bad in Italy and Spain too. She agreed.

The cashier said that she was from Serbia and that the average wages were 200 euros equivalent a month and people were suffering.

We all agreed that things were fucked.
I stood about five people back from Gove in the queue for an EasyJet flight once. And I saw Borris Johnson crossing the road the other week.

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