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Men’s violence against women and girls is a national emergency


Old Crone

2 million women a year are victims of male violence.

Online lowlifes like Andrew Tate are being blamed for this, particularly as the perpetrators are getting younger. Does this explain the outrageous figures?

This is really scandalous and frightening.
Didn’t spot that Jess Phillips had been made safeguarding minister. Good appointment. Looks like VAWG strategy will be much more joined up than it was with the last lot, where it was all Home Office. That’s a crumb of comfort.

2 million women a year are victims of male violence.

Online lowlifes like Andrew Tate are being blamed for this, particularly as the perpetrators are getting younger. Does this explain the outrageous figures?

No. Men explain the figures. Men attacking women has happened forever but was a) probably less reported by victims and b) not something the media was concerned with.

Tate is a symptom of damaged masculinity and not the cause.
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2 million women a year are victims of male violence.

Online lowlifes like Andrew Tate are being blamed for this, particularly as the perpetrators are getting younger. Does this explain the outrageous figures?

This is really scandalous and frightening.
The likes of Tate are the symptom, not the problem. But the problem is that we have fostered a culture where people feel entitled to act out their (perceived) resentments, hence the overt racism against (eg) refugees, and the sexism shown towards women. Then there's the discrimination against the disabled and sick, on top.

I think it has been encouraged by successive governments who have sought to blame society's ills on those least able to push back - right-wing populism seeks to find easy answers to complex problems, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to target and blame people who can't fight back.

I think we've also retreated into a kind of "the past was better" traditionalism as a result, and that has an impact on the attitudes of younger people (especially men) who are getting their social cues, including how they conduct themselves with women, from people like Tate, and more pervasive sources (pornography) that mirror those ideas of male superiority and dominance.

And it's shit. Even more so to think it has been deliberately encouraged.
I'd rather be a childless cat lady than a Republican.

Some men like to suggest that it's women's fault for misogyny, because we're constantly telling men how evil they are and how they should be ashamed of being male. I'm not so sure. Even alt-right women and tradwives get beaten up.
And what are those actual causes? And what would focusing on them look like?
I think the causes of social constructions of “manliness” are the problem. The societal structures of patriarchy that lead to the expressions of those power differentials in violent ways.

This will mean looking at society rather than individuals, although that does not excuse the choices made by individuals.
Seriously, can we not?

I suppose the first thing we can do is all agree on what exactly a woman is. Once we have done that, we can enforce women-only spaces where their pricey, dignity and safety can be guaranteed.
focus on the actual causes of violence against women and girls instead of bootlcking misogynists like Rowling and Linehan ?
And what are those actual causes? And what would focusing on them look like?
time and time again society at large gives abusive white cisgender men a free pass to violent for no other reason than they are white cisgender men , time and time again Society gives Black and South Asian cisgender men a free pass to be abusive becasue it's 'cultural' ...

Society lauds the likes of JK Rowling and Graham Linehan for inventing a cause of violence agianst women while directly and actively promoting violence against women who fail to perform feminitiy in the way they want ...
Seriously, can we not?
and here we fucking go straight away calling women who you don't like and who hold current structures of condoning violence from cisgender men either men or none women ...

transphobia and the faux narrative of transgender women as predatorts both harms all women and girls ( look how many cisgender women and girls have been attacked becasue people think they are trans ) and distracts from the violence perpetrated by cisgender men, to the point where you have white , privileged cisgender women endorsing, supportinfg and succouring t abusive white cisgender men as 'protectors '
focus on the actual causes of violence against women and girls instead of bootlcking misogynists like Rowling and Linehan ?
The cause is men feeling entitled to use violence against women and girls, surely. What's the point in focusing on the obvious? As a woman, I want to know what can be done about it. Why the fuck do I have to be worried about walking down the street, or going about my every day business? Are you suggesting I need to focus on what I'm doing wrong? Fuck that.
Angry with your cross thread beef monomania, which breaches all rules for civilised conduct on a serious thread, not with whatever it is you’re berating EoY for. Just to be clear.
oh grow up you sad little boy

'Gender Critical' transaphobia and the misogyny that drives it contributed to violence against ALL women and girls, becasue it allows cisgender men and their actual handmaidens to police womenhood and feminity...
Maybe it should be easier for women to warn other women about abusive men. Some sort of registry, administered neutrally, which protects the identity of complainants. Crucially, women who are concerned about the safety of other women should be able to check up on their possibly abusive partners, ie the registry shouldn’t just be open to potential victims.

I know this is technocratic solutionising but I don’t think that there’s much that can really be done in a hurry to change society, or to change men. But we can acknowledge that a huge number of men pose a danger to women and look for ways to manage that without proactively locking them all up.
and here we fucking go straight away calling women who you don't like and who hold current structures of condoning violence from cisgender men either men or none women ...

transphobia and the faux narrative of transgender women as predatorts both harms all women and girls ( look how many cisgender women and girls have been attacked becasue people think they are trans ) and distracts from the violence perpetrated by cisgender men, to the point where you have white , privileged cisgender women endorsing, supportinfg and succouring t abusive white cisgender men as 'protectors '
Oh fuck off, Please. Please don't turn this into another toxic thread.
The cause is men feeling entitled to use violence against women and girls, surely. What's the point in focusing on the obvious? As a woman, I want to know what can be done about it. Why the fuck do I have to be worried about walking down the street, or going about my every day business? Are you suggesting I need to focus on what I'm doing wrong? Fuck that.
you seem to be forgetting that you have form and plenty of reciepts for supporting misogyny when you espouse yourt Gender Critical Talking points
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