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Vigil- BBC crime/ thriller miniseries

Slightly surprised no comment on Series 2, though maybe filed under comedy? Some really interesting plot strands: drones, corrupt arms companies,police-raf friction, gay rights in an Arab country….however the frequent departures from reality and anything resembling police procedure are mind-numbing.How about an unarmed heavily pregnant policewoman balcony hopping into the flat of a murder suspect 200 feet above the ground? She then, while alone, calls for armed backup, at which point the murderer jumps out of a cupboard? Even better, later trumped by another policewoman and a military commander, both unarmed again of course, driving off a military base in a Middle East country in hot pursuit of a suspect believed to be in a ‘terrorist’ group on the way to an illicit arms delivery? Might make a good Xmas Quiz (as there are many more examples)—spot the ludicrous inconsistencies ineach episode, first one to ten doesnt have to pay the TV license fee. LGB issues well covered: two lesbian policewomen, two gay soldiers, not one homophobic remark throughout!…..
Could never quite work out what was going on with Kirsten’s accent. At one point I thought it was a deliberate character trait that she’d put on a fake broader accent when speaking to working class characters (like Ross in the flat shed climbed into), but I think she just sometimes remembered she was supposed to have an accent that isn’t her own one. (I haven’t seen her interviewed, but I’m guessing posh).

Series two was silly and not very good. Suranne Jones managed to maintain gravitas throughout, to her credit.
Comically bad acting, Just watched another episode of s2 out of pure boredom. The lead actress and the other from GoT..... Christ. I hope they were directed to be that shit, that'd be my defence anyway. :D

I'm paying for this apparently, grrr.
Could never quite work out what was going on with Kirsten’s accent. At one point I thought it was a deliberate character trait that she’d put on a fake broader accent when speaking to working class characters (like Ross in the flat shed climbed into), but I think she just sometimes remembered she was supposed to have an accent that isn’t her own one. (I haven’t seen her interviewed, but I’m guessing posh).

Series two was silly and not very good. Suranne Jones managed to maintain gravitas throughout, to her credit.
She's well posh, with history of Conservative campaigning, I believe.

It enjoyed watching this but it really was abysmal. Something quite disturbing about the programme makers' assumption that it's fine to show a British police officer doing what the fuck they like in an Arabic country. Deeply unsatisfying ending with the closed court case that everyone happily complies with, even the activist guy, FFS.

However I do want them to come up with some kind of ludicrous third series, because I won't have closure until I get to see Amy and/or Kirsten finally get their just desserts for breaking every police guideline and health and safety regulation.
However I do want them to come up with some kind of ludicrous third series, because I won't have closure until I get to see Amy and/or Kirsten finally get their just desserts for breaking every police guideline and health and safety regulation.
Doesn't the rule breaking happen in every police show/film ever made? :hmm: :D

They've done the navy and the air force so i guess it's the Army's turn for S3 (if they do one).
Utter shite but we watched it all the way through! :D

Those drones can just about lift a camera or a few grenades; not a heavy machine gun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and air to ground missiles.

And is Dougray Scott a total wanker in real life, because I don't think I've ever seen him in a non-wanker role.

Their prison sentences were a bit stiff too.
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One of the underlying assumptions is that there are dark forces at work in the army and establishment. This is just taken for granted. Also taken for granted is that the reasons political decisions are taken are not always the ones made public. So even though it was in many ways a load of cobblers we are at one level presumed to be intelligent adults who understand the ways of the political (and business) world.
I don’t think there can have been anything sillier on television this year. God preserve us from big bad villains who close the final episode with a “you can’t handle the truth!” speech instead of sensibly going no comment.

And why was Police Scotland billed as the Scottish Police Service and the RAF as the British Air Service, but MI5 as MI5 (even though intel about Qumran would have been MI6’s responsibility, anyway)? Were they worried someone would sue?
Could never quite work out what was going on with Kirsten’s accent. At one point I thought it was a deliberate character trait that she’d put on a fake broader accent when speaking to working class characters (like Ross in the flat shed climbed into), but I think she just sometimes remembered she was supposed to have an accent that isn’t her own one. (I haven’t seen her interviewed, but I’m guessing posh).

Series two was silly and not very good. Suranne Jones managed to maintain gravitas throughout, to her credit.

Entirely unsurprising that the Scottish elements contained nuggets of crapness which were invisible to viewers in south Britain, for whom your accents are as interchangeable as your scenic locations.
The generic Arab nation at the centre of it all was the funniest bit. I mean at least they called Scotland Scotland.

I'm actually looking forward to the next series. It was hilarious. I was getting lost there were so many plotholes.
The really sad thing is there were story elements (drones/spooks/dodgy arms companies) that were potentially interesting. Ruined by farcicalplot
I liked series 1 but got bored halfway through series 2 and I didn’t really have a clue what was going on.
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