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US billionaires tax details leaked


Well-Known Member
This could be an interesting leak.

Due to the pandemic I dont have that much time to explore details yet, and it sounds like more will be dripped out over time.

ProPublica says it has seen the tax returns of some of the world's richest people, including Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett.

The website alleges Amazon's Mr Bezos paid no tax in 2007 and 2011, while Tesla's Mr Musk's paid nothing in 2018.

A White House spokeswoman said the leak was probably "illegal", and the FBI and tax authorities are investigating.

ProPublica said it was analysing what it called a "vast trove of Internal Revenue Service data" on the taxes of the billionaires, and would release further details over coming weeks.
Interesting: and while most will focus on sharks like Bezos/Musk I find Soros especially interesting. He has long been a serial tax avoider and instead uses the money he should have paid in tax to massively interfere in other countries politics, through his 'Open Society' Foundation. In this country he has given cash to Hope Not Hate, the oxymoronically-named 'Best for Britain' and of course Open Democracy. This largesse ensures there are virtually no contemporary critiques of him from the Left, neatly enabling all who do criticise him to be labelled Anti-semitic: and while some undoubtedly are this criticism of billionaires interfering in politics should be coming from the Left. But sadly isn't....
Of course they mention income tax, the super rich often don't have massive incomes because they live off dividends and the like and in some years probably have squillions in their accounts so don't need to take a salary.
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This could be an interesting leak.

Due to the pandemic I dont have that much time to explore details yet, and it sounds like more will be dripped out over time.
Peter Thiel. Weirdly the link to propublica crashes?
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ProPublica. July 7
Two members of Congress who have long been responsible for shaping federal laws on retirement savings are considering major reforms after ProPublica exposed how the ultrawealthy are turning retirement accounts into gargantuan tax shelters.
Of course they mention income tax, the super rich often don't have massive incomes because they live off dividends and the like and in some years probably have squillions in their accounts so don't need to take a salary.
Dividends are income
Interesting: and while most will focus on sharks like Bezos/Musk I find Soros especially interesting. He has long been a serial tax avoider and instead uses the money he should have paid in tax to massively interfere in other countries politics, through his 'Open Society' Foundation. In this country he has given cash to Hope Not Hate, the oxymoronically-named 'Best for Britain' and of course Open Democracy. This largesse ensures there are virtually no contemporary critiques of him from the Left, neatly enabling all who do criticise him to be labelled Anti-semitic: and while some undoubtedly are this criticism of billionaires interfering in politics should be coming from the Left. But sadly isn't....
I find people who find Soros especially interesting especially interesting. Particularly, when they see him as somehow different from other tax avoiders. If you, with your investigative journalists hat on, have credible critique that goes beyond him being a man who hasn't been taxed enough, who gives money to various liberal causes, I'd be interesting to hear it.
I find people who find Soros especially interesting especially interesting. Particularly, when they see him as somehow different from other tax avoiders. If you, with your investigative journalists hat on, have credible critique that goes beyond him being a man who hasn't been taxed enough, who gives money to various liberal causes, I'd be interesting to hear it.
You will, as/when/if it suits. I would point you to, for instance, the fact he has in the distant past been criticised by Gordon Brown no less for his role in the UK leaving the Exchange Rate Mechanism. I would also suggest his political interventions often coincide with US Foreign Policy.
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