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Urbfest - 31st August 2024 - Transport geeks assemble!

A walk from London Bridge down to Tower Bridge, cross Tower Bridge using the glass walkway, wander past (or around) the Tower of London. Have a drink in The Dickens Inn in St Katherine's Docks. Wander back up the other side past Monument and cross London Bridge and hit up Borough Market as a circular route that has some interesting things on the way.

All for free apart from the beer.

(actually the Glass walkway might cost, I'm not sure).
A walk from London Bridge down to Tower Bridge, cross Tower Bridge using the glass walkway, wander past (or around) the Tower of London. Have a drink in The Dickens Inn in St Katherine's Docks. Wander back up the other side past Monument and cross London Bridge as a circular route that has some interesting things on the way.

All for free apart from the beer.

(actually the Glass walkway might cost, I'm not sure).
"from" £12.30

A walk from London Bridge down to Tower Bridge, cross Tower Bridge using the glass walkway, wander past (or around) the Tower of London. Have a drink in The Dickens Inn in St Katherine's Docks. Wander back up the other side past Monument and cross London Bridge and hit up Borough Market as a circular route that has some interesting things on the way.

All for free apart from the beer.

(actually the Glass walkway might cost, I'm not sure).
Feet are the boringest mode of transport (but this is a valid suggestion a for an urbfest walk!)
that bit of tower bridge is enter north and exit south. you do get the machinery at the south side tho.
I wonder if there's just too many options here.

Is it worth a series of polls -

first one a 'high level' to establish whether the desire is to do -

a) day out at a single venue - which will be on the fringes of / just outside london (hendon, brooklands, one of the steam railways) - there's travel cost to get there and then to do it. i know many of the steam railways encourage people to book in advance but think most of them you can just turn up

b) two or three things involving pre-booking, like the holborn station tour or post office museum (someone's going to have to book and pay for it up front, which might cause grief, and some of them are a bit pricey which may put off people who are already having to find money to travel to london and accommodation.)

c) something more informal - meandering around on a travelcard / oyster doing some of the more obscure bits / modes of the transport network, visiting a few sites (things like closed / historic stations) that are visible from the public highway or public bits of existing stations, and maybe one or two smaller museums where we can just turn up.

(talking of which, i'd forgotten about the london canal museum near kings cross)

i can't immediately think of any abandoned stations / infrastructure that's all that impressive - the various property bubbles over the last few decades means that there isn't a lot of abandoned spaces like there was in the 80s.

but i could probably come up with a list of ideas for c and be able to talk about the locations if that would appeal (although i'd want to have a deputy just in case of a mum-tat related emergency on the day)

Are there enough people coming from outside London that just going on the DLR / croydon tram / woolwich ferry / lizard line (or some combination of them) is of interest?

also - is this planned for the friday, saturday or sunday? some venues etc don't open every day, and (at the moment) the woolwich ferry doesn't run weekends.

another unknown is that at this stage, weekend engineering work on railways / underground aren't yet confirmed, so if we decide too early (say) to do the epping - ongar line, sod's law says that the central line will be part closed that weekend.
I wonder if there's just too many options here.

Is it worth a series of polls -

first one a 'high level' to establish whether the desire is to do -

a) day out at a single venue - which will be on the fringes of / just outside london (hendon, brooklands, one of the steam railways) - there's travel cost to get there and then to do it. i know many of the steam railways encourage people to book in advance but think most of them you can just turn up

b) two or three things involving pre-booking, like the holborn station tour or post office museum (someone's going to have to book and pay for it up front, which might cause grief, and some of them are a bit pricey which may put off people who are already having to find money to travel to london and accommodation.)

c) something more informal - meandering around on a travelcard / oyster doing some of the more obscure bits / modes of the transport network, visiting a few sites (things like closed / historic stations) that are visible from the public highway or public bits of existing stations, and maybe one or two smaller museums where we can just turn up.

(talking of which, i'd forgotten about the london canal museum near kings cross)

i can't immediately think of any abandoned stations / infrastructure that's all that impressive - the various property bubbles over the last few decades means that there isn't a lot of abandoned spaces like there was in the 80s.

but i could probably come up with a list of ideas for c and be able to talk about the locations if that would appeal (although i'd want to have a deputy just in case of a mum-tat related emergency on the day)

Are there enough people coming from outside London that just going on the DLR / croydon tram / woolwich ferry / lizard line (or some combination of them) is of interest?

also - is this planned for the friday, saturday or sunday? some venues etc don't open every day, and (at the moment) the woolwich ferry doesn't run weekends.

another unknown is that at this stage, weekend engineering work on railways / underground aren't yet confirmed, so if we decide too early (say) to do the epping - ongar line, sod's law says that the central line will be part closed that weekend.

Srs answer.

Yes I agree we should run a few polls to get a consensus but the only thing I think should be set in stone is to do it on the Saturday.

The Sunday will be a washout for most after a big night Saturday night.

1. Who’s going to be here and who is interested? Activity tbc. Budget non specified.
2. Activity and costs poll(s). This may take more than one go…
3. Narrow it down to maybe 3 activities for final decision.
4. Massive bunfight.
5. Bannings.
6. Everyone does what I wanted them to do all along.


1. Who’s going to be here and who is interested? Activity tbc. Budget non specified.
2. Activity and costs poll(s). This may take more than one go…
3. Narrow it down to maybe 3 activities for final decision.
4. Massive bunfight.
5. Bannings.
6. Everyone does what I wanted them to do all along.

Yes. See you there, then :)
Lots of AV geeks on this thread. I bet at least one of you is a member of the RAF club (at the west end of Piccadilly)

Has lots (and lots and lots) of aeroplane paintings (and stained glass) and a "specialist"library. Plus a bar

Just a thought if on a transport focused troll round town?. (not sure how many guests can be signed in)
Do you mean the Royal Aeronautical Society? I went there for a film night last year, they charged £7 for a SMALL bottle of Peroni... :eek:

Anyway, I should do something about this day out really...
Do you mean the Royal Aeronautical Society? I went there for a film night last year, they charged £7 for a SMALL bottle of Peroni... :eek:

Anyway, I should do something about this day out really...
No I mean this. (About the Club )

I think the bar was reasonable. Good behaviour would be required

I'm not a member having been too lazy so far to put in the application

(just a thought, and probably a silly one at that :) )
No I mean this. (About the Club )

I think the bar was reasonable. Good behaviour would be required

I'm not a member having been too lazy so far to put in the application

(just a thought, and probably a silly one at that :) )

Oh I see, I should get in because I have a cool name.

RAS is at that end of Piccadilly as well. Lovely building too.
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