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urban postcard art exchange - round 2

killer b

That vase.
as detailed in this thread, some urbanites have recently each painted a postcard, and sent it to another randomly selected, anonymous(ish) urbanite. some lovely pics were exchanged, and much joy. so we're going to do it again. :)

the rules are simple:
  • PM me your address (name optional, i'll give you an appropriate name if you don't want to)
  • paint a postcard (or apply whatever artistic method to it you like, we aren't fussy)
  • receive an address of a random urbanite from me
  • send your postcard
  • receive a lovely postcard from someone else
  • post a pic of it here.
I know some people aren't keen on giving out their address to any old random, so if you want to take part but feel nervous about that, then let me know when you message me and I can do a forwarding service (assuming you're still ok with me having your address, of course. I am very trustworthy though, honest). direct sending would be preferable though!

also, inevitably some slackers won't get round to sending their cards, so if anyone fancies doing more than one, send any spares to me and i'll stick them on my fridge forward them to anyone who's not had one for whatever reason. so you'll need to ask me for my address if you want to do this.

any questions? :)
oh also - if you were in the last round and want to go again, just pm me to register - i'll dig your address from my files. :hmm:
I'd like to play but I'm in China, would I be too awkward and slow? I wouldn't expect one in return. :)
i'll send out addresses in about a week - but i'd suggest if anyone is wanting to get involved, pm straight away - i think a few people almost missed out last time by posting in the thread that they were in, then forgetting about it...
i've no objection personally, but as they'll be going through the general post it might make it more likely not to be seized by the vice squad if we avoid sending genitals.
I'm in, will send pm.

Only thing is, maybe set a date by when postcards should be posted?

This would simultaneously help people with a tendency to lateness, and give some breathing space. I felt under pressure last time as everyone was sending them off so quickly.
I'd like to be in again (as long as I haven't been black listed for delayed photo posting of my 2nd card :madface: @ VP!)
I'm in, will send pm.

Only thing is, maybe set a date by when postcards should be posted?

This would simultaneously help people with a tendency to lateness, and give some breathing space. I felt under pressure last time as everyone was sending them off so quickly.
very good idea. we'll set a date when i distribute the addresses. any thoughts how long - is a week enough?
yeah, fair enough. so if i get the addresses out towards the end of next week, we can set 10-12 days as the time you have to post?

(btw, nothing to stop anyone from starting painting now...)
I think the fun will go out of it very quickly with such speedy deadlines.

I once participated in an envelope swap on ravelry. Their deadlines were fairly long. And there was quite a long rest period between sendings.
ok. well, i'm fairly open to doing it however people want to do it. it's got to be fun after all. :)

i probably just suggested a tight deadline 'cause i want to see some more pics up here sharpish. :D
Whatever deadline's decided on, it isn't a target so people can start sending them as soon as they like, presumably?
Oh let's not get too bogged down in the rules n regs, seemed to work fine last time!

I can't do it cos I'm fucking off for a while again soon. But the last one was one of my fav urban things ever :cool:
thing is, if you're waiting ten days from now to send addresses (end of next week), and then give another nine or ten days - that's well over two weeks - nearly three - til the deadline, so long as people start now.

That's got to be plenty, no?
I'd like to register but I wouldn't be able to post a photo (no facilities/knowledge of how to do!)
Am happy to send in one as a spare without receiving one in return - is that ok?
don't worry too much about posting a pic - it's the sending & receiving what matters. i'll ask whoever's sending one to you to photo it before it goes anyway.
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