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Fuck me. The last time i saw such undisguised hatred for an entire ethnic group...

Yes, fuck you.

What you want to paint as "hatred" is scepticism about the régime in the Kremlin.

Are you borrowing sincerely from the Hasbara playbook, or are you actually paid by the CIA to attack the Kremlin through dogy support?
I never said no aid, and neither did the Ukrainians, but the Russians are playing silly fuckers. If they worked together with the ICRC in a transparent manner then I doubt there would be many problems at all.

with respect thats utter bollocks


Arsen Avakov, Ukraine's interior minister, had said the "Putinist" convoy would not pass, calling it a "provocation by a cynical aggressor"

The glaring elephant in the room you seem intent on ignoring is the very reason why the humanitarian crisis is so dire is because these banderite fascist bastards have turned the fucking water and power off weeks ago completely besieged these areas and wont let any food or medicine in. But your talking here as if they want these people to have the necessities of life but cant risk it in case vlad is hiding in a sack of spuds.
Aid undermines their fascist war effort. These are nazi bastards doing a stalingrad.

interesting choice of analogy when cheering on a neo nazi offensive against a mongoloid race as the junta spokesperson refers to those in the east.

But you seem to be sending very conflicting signals out in your posts . One minute its a Russian invasion the very next its theyre running for their lives. Perphaps you should just settle on one pro nazi propaganda line and stick to it as opposed to this wild scattergun approach that contradicts itself from one post to the next.
Yes, fuck you.

What you want to paint as "hatred" is scepticism about the régime in the Kremlin.

Are you borrowing sincerely from the Hasbara playbook, or are you actually paid by the CIA to attack the Kremlin through dogy support?

firstly youd need to make your mind up about whos paying me ...twas the Kremlin a while back .

Secondly the undiluted hatred of Russians in general has been unmistakable both on these boards and in wider western media culture for some years now. know it when see it regardless of what laughable excuse various liberals choose to add as a polite veneer.
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I know you've got me on ignore because you're still in a huff after being caught out googling and trying to pass off information as your own.

You've only been pro-Russian since last year. It's like a game to you.

Russian people I know would find you to be quite odd.
I know you've got me on ignore because you're still in a huff after being caught out googling and trying to pass off information as your own.

You've only been pro-Russian since last year. It's like a game to you.

Russian people I know would find you to be quite odd.
He speaks both ukranian and russian don't you know.

We can all tur RT on anyway.
tweeter reporting that Russian military cars entered Ukraine vow screaming on tweeter invasion, and more occupational I don't believing that Russia will invade Ukraine.
with respect thats utter bollocks


Arsen Avakov, Ukraine's interior minister, had said the "Putinist" convoy would not pass, calling it a "provocation by a cynical aggressor"

The glaring elephant in the room you seem intent on ignoring is the very reason why the humanitarian crisis is so dire is because these banderite fascist bastards have turned the fucking water and power off weeks ago completely besieged these areas and wont let any food or medicine in. But your talking here as if they want these people to have the necessities of life but cant risk it in case vlad is hiding in a sack of spuds.
Aid undermines their fascist war effort. These are nazi bastards doing a stalingrad.
And I agree totally, if Russia was sincere then they would work together with the ICRC. My question to you is why aren't they doing that?
And I agree totally, if Russia was sincere then they would work together with the ICRC. My question to you is why aren't they doing that?

how are they not doing that in your opinion ?

as far as i can make out the gripe of the red cross is Russia has assembled the aid convoy too quickly :facepalm::facepalm: and havent sent them a detailed list beforehand of exactly what and how much is aboard. Which strikes me as nitpicking while under very noticeable public political pressure from NATO demanding the aid be turned back . A humanitarian crisis was perfectly obvious and forseeable as soon as the water and power was cut off..weeks ago. Food supplies had dwindled well before that. The red cross have been very slow off the mark to respond much less make appeals for donors . The first time ive ever heard the red cross complain about aid being sent to a crisis too early.

To satisfy this Red Cross complaint apparently Russia would have to send the aid bac to Moscow and then be more slow in announcing it was on the move. Never heard the like of it.

its the junta besieging cutting off the water and power and insisting the aid wont be allowed in but Russia fucking about :thumbs:. The junta and NATO saying the aid is cover for an invasion Always the same warped narrative in NATO countries. Not the fact theres an actual humanitarian crisis and neo nazis killing thousands of people while refusing to let aid in to besieged civilians ...death toll doubled in the past fortnight.

What precisely is it you wish Russia to do with the aid. Are you seriously suggesting they hand over these supplies to the Ukrainian armed forces ?
how are they not doing that in your opinion ?

as far as i can make out the gripe of the red cross is Russia has assembled the aid convoy too quickly :facepalm::facepalm: and havent sent them a detailed list beforehand of exactly what and how much is aboard. Which strikes me as nitpicking while under very noticeable public political pressure from NATO demanding the aid be turned back . A humanitarian crisis was perfectly obvious and forseeable as soon as the water and power was cut off..weeks ago. Food supplies had dwindled well before that. The red cross have been very slow off the mark to respond much less make appeals for donors . The first time ive ever heard the red cross complain about aid being sent to a crisis too early.

To satisfy this Red Cross complaint apparently Russia would have to send the aid bac to Moscow and then be more slow in announcing it was on the move. Never heard the like of it.

its the junta besieging cutting off the water and power and insisting the aid wont be allowed in but Russia fucking about :thumbs:. The junta and NATO saying the aid is cover for an invasion Always the same warped narrative in NATO countries. Not the fact theres an actual humanitarian crisis and neo nazis killing thousands of people while refusing to let aid in to besieged civilians ...death toll doubled in the past fortnight.

What precisely is it you wish Russia to do with the aid. Are you seriously suggesting they hand over these supplies to the Ukrainian armed forces ?

Nope, just allow the Red Cross to inspect a random number of vehicles before the crossing, vehicles decided on by the RC and not some driver or Moscow apparatich, sound fair?
when have the Russians said they wont allow that ? Those arent even the red cross complaints. Russia hasnt said anyone cant inspect the aid.
if Russia wanted to invade they just would and that would be that . This aid cover theory bollocks is simply bollocks. NATO dont want the aid in and neither do ther nazi proxies. They want the besieged towns to submit under starvation and Russia to be blamed for the deaths over aid beng kept out

total red herring
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Bit of a Wimborne here:



Back in the day, unfortunate juxtapositions of editorial copy and images or adverts in newspapers were dubbed "Wimbornes". One Ronald Knox, a Cambridge college chaplain and detective-fiction writer – who was the subject of a biography by Evelyn Waugh – had a scrapbook of such infelicities, opening with a picture of a footballer above the caption: "Lady Wimborne, who has adopted the new windswept style of hairdressing".

So they've attacked the aid convoy and Cameron has been on the phone to the ukranian prez. :hmm: I dunno what to think now. will see how it plays out
Now the question is: were the trucks empty from the beginning or was part of the load "lost" as it became more likely that they would be getting checked?
Given the convoy has been shadowed by piles of journalists it seems unlikely?
Really? The convoy was under observation by journalists 24 hours a day? I doubt it.
Apparently has been for the last few days, mebbes they hoyed out any incriminating stuff once they realised the convoy was becoming a focus of media interest?
Apparently has been for the last few days, mebbes they hoyed out any incriminating stuff once they realised the convoy was becoming a focus of media interest?

My guess is that it was always a diplomatic provocation. Maybe hoping the Kievan forces would shell "humanitarian aid".
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