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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

Even by just attacking UKIP they give them publicity, mean while the EUro elections draw nearer the media and parties dancing to UKIP and here in Scotland the SNP's agenda. I've had leaflets explaining why we are better off together or out, and what parties like or dislike about things like bedroom tax. None of this has fuck all to do with MEP's and what they can and do. After the election the MEP's are going to try and lay a claim to a more democratic EUrope but it is going to ring completely hollow here in the UK. The disjoint between what MEP's do is almost as complete as that of the Commission. That nobody wants to address that either at party or media level, we would be better off out -though that has little to do with UKIP which seems more concerned with immigration than EUrope these days.
I've had 'conversations' with UKIP supporters. My main gripe with the party is that they are right-wing nationalists, and I find that disturbing. The UKIP supporters claim that they are not racists, providing me with examples of friends or relatives who are non-Christian or non-white. So I then ask, "Why are you supporting UKIP then?"

The way I see it is that once they've closed the borders and divorced us from Europe, they'll start sending people "home", offering deportations, and for those non-British who decide to remain in the UK, I do wonder what expulsion policies may emerge.

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought. At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna's destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
UKIP supporters claim that they are not racists, providing me with examples of friends or relatives who are non-Christian or non-white. So I then ask, "Why are you supporting UKIP then?"

And I think that is why many on the left fail to understand UKIP. AIUI WRT immigration they want control over immigration, to decide who can come, not no immigration.
I've had 'conversations' with UKIP supporters. My main gripe with the party is that they are right-wing nationalists, and I find that disturbing. The UKIP supporters claim that they are not racists, providing me with examples of friends or relatives who are non-Christian or non-white. So I then ask, "Why are you supporting UKIP then?"

The way I see it is that once they've closed the borders and divorced us from Europe, they'll start sending people "home", offering deportations, and for those non-British who decide to remain in the UK, I do wonder what expulsion policies may emerge.

Yes, but nobody actually is going to close the borders. I agree it's a terrible scenario but since it's not going to happen and most people are aware it's not going to happen it's not particularly useful to posit. Have you converted any 'kippers by telling people that UKIP are racist?
Someone should put together a parody poster about Romanian immigrants and encourage people to use their freepost address to send them heavy items. Bricks or something.

Are there really people that stupid, actually sending UKIP bricks because of that "advert"?
It seemed to me, to be a mildly amusing spoof ad, remenicsent of one of the fake ads that Viz sometimes print.

UKIP forced to cancel Freepost address after being sent FAECES in the post

what's all this "he was a fascist at school" business about leaked letters? Hoax or significant?:

http://www.channel4.com/news/nigel-farage-ukip-letter-school-concerns-racism-fascism. 19/9/2013 Not sure if it was a hoax (probably not) was early example of double standards in scrutiny. Other than the schools they attended very little attention is paid to the juvenile activities of our politicians. I think the disproportionate attention is one of the reasons they have been rising in the polls.
Labour's response to uKIP:

"Labour will..
take tough action on immigration". :facepalm:

The bullet points on that leaflet - fuck all to do with MEP's or councillors:facepalm:

eta so Labour's position on EUrope is: if there is a new treaty on Europe there will be a referendum in which you can vote for new treaty and continued pretence that all that matters is the Commons or vote for out where Commons would matter more
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Liberal Democrats criticise Hackney Unites for ‘no platform’ stance on UKIP


(Hackney Unites receives funding from Hope Not Hate, as far as I'm aware).

There are about 3 people running as UKIP candidates in the Council elections in Hackney, which is interesting.

To be honest I'm not happy about this either - Hackney Unites are betraying The Class by allowing the Lib Dems a platform.
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