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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

In the Doncaster area the biggest group of UKIP members and supporters appear to be the small shopkeepers.
Strange though that most of them are ex English Democrat supporters of the former elected mayor Peter Davies, father of Philip Davies the conservative MP for Shipley.

And you think boycotting their shops will stop UKIP? Or that they'll even notice?
Ok, let's turn this anti-UKIP thing into an anti-postal system thing. Carry on posting mail to UKIP that won't get delivered and thinking that an anti-fascist blow has been struck.
Put the stamps up too.

They'll put those prices up if they bloody well feel like it anyway, regardless of how many bricks come through the door. Prices aren't set according to cost, they're set according to how much you can get away with stuffing in your pockets.
They'll put those prices up if they bloody well feel like it anyway, regardless of how many bricks come through the door. Prices aren't set according to cost, they're set according to how much you can get away with stuffing in your pockets.
So, sending stuff to UKIP that they won't get to hurt RM is ridiculous.

What next, fucking up the bits of the NHS they've managed to break off and part-sell?

This UKIP paranoia is getting well out of hand.
We're running out of time on this guardian published "explosive story involving serious criminality and massive corruption which goes right to the top of the party either tomorrow or Friday." aren't we edlnews?
We're running out of time on this guardian published "explosive story involving serious criminality and massive corruption which goes right to the top of the party either tomorrow or Friday." aren't we edlnews?

I was thinking, when it didn't appear last night, that if there is a major story the time to publish it would now be late Monday night (would usually be the Sunday, but there's this Bank Holiday) for maximum Today programme juice.
I'm a non-voter who hates farage and UKIP and the eu. If these pathetic attacks have made me think that i may as well vote UKIP to annoy the pro-status quo liberals, then what are they doing to those who don't hate farage or ukip and do hate the eu? Or is that only fat old tories and sad scared men?
I was thinking, when it didn't appear last night, that if there is a major story the time to publish it would now be late Monday night (would usually be the Sunday, but there's this Bank Holiday) for maximum Today programme juice.
Maybe, just maybe it's not happening and fingers has been sold a puppy by jasbo et al? That would be a terrible surprise wouldn't it?
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Someone should put together a parody poster about Romanian immigrants and encourage people to use their freepost address to send them heavy items. Bricks or something.

I thought there was something fishy about that poster...I wasn't convinced it was genuine when I noticed that the linear scale on the map was calibrated in kilometres.
I'm a non-voter who hates farage and UKIP and the eu. If these pathetic attacks have made me think that i may as well vote UKIP to annoy the pro-status quo liberals, then what are they doing to those who don't hate farage or ukip and do hate the eu? Or is that only fat old tories and sad scared men?
It's not that this anti-UKIPism is just a politically stupid dead end that achieves nothing except for propping up the Tories/Labour/LibDems, it's counterproductive on it's own terms.

These fools really do seem to be so devoid of any intelligence that they can't see that their actions are producing support for UKIP, it's running the "yes to AV" and "Better Together" campaigns close for sheer monumental stupidity.
It's not that this anti-UKIPism is just a politically stupid dead end that achieves nothing except for propping up the Tories/Labour/LibDems, it's counterproductive on it's own terms.

These fools really do seem to be so devoid of any intelligence that they can't see that their actions are producing support for UKIP, it's running the "yes to AV" and "Better Together" campaigns close for sheer monumental stupidity.
That's about the size of it, yep.
Are there really people that stupid, actually sending UKIP bricks because of that "advert"?
It seemed to me, to be a mildly amusing spoof ad, remenicsent of one of the fake ads that Viz sometimes print.

It was only meant as a joke - I don't know how much has actually been sent.
Above link said:
How should a mature and multicultural society like Britain respond to the rise of a party like Ukip? This is the debate that has gripped our politics and been met with a consensus that Ukip should be condemned, ridiculed and dismissed. Ukip, our media proclaims, is a racist, extreme and even dangerous party that is packed with bigots and homophobes. If only we drag these strange creatures out from the wilderness and put them under the spotlight then voters will see the true nature of Ukip and abandon this hideous experiment in populist politics.
Only, they haven’t. Since the latest onslaught of attacks, Ukip’s average support in the polls has risen to historically unprecedented levels.
Spot on.
The 'one or two' bad apples line doesn't really wash when you consider some of the dodgier stuff has been said by Bloom, Nuttals and even Farage himself.

I don't think it's useful or even particularly interesting to hear the latest outrageous comment from a local council candidate made three years ago on social media, I'd rather some of the more senior members were challenged robustly on stuff like flat tax, NHS, ECHR and maternity rights - this isn't really happening, it's just a series of minor outrages that seem a distraction as much as anything, noise on twitter and nothing more.

I'm not convinced by the assertion in the above article that UKIP is siphoning up the financially dispossessed - not my experience of the supporters I know or those appearing in a lot of articles - I'm seeing a lot of comfortably off suburban retired people, those I know without any significant hardship but who aren't comfortable with changes they see, hearing different languages spoken on the high street and things like that, and who feel they can't raise this because they'll be called (perhaps with some justification) racist.

That's not to say they aren't reaching out to dispossessed labour areas in the last couple of weeks, maybe with some success, but I get the impression that the core is more traditional Tories in the grammar school rather than Etonian mould. The rebellion against the 'status quo' seems a bit overplayed.

I'm hoping the momentum drops off after the euros - will the media even hold attention for another 12 months? There are a lot of things UKIP want to do with things like employment rights that really worry me, and I don't want rolling back of employment rights and protections getting any further pushing - the Tories and some elements of Labour will be only to happy to run with that ball if there's the slightest sign of public acceptance.
I'm not convinced by the assertion in the above article that UKIP is siphoning up the financially dispossessed - not my experience of the supporters I know or those appearing in a lot of articles - I'm seeing a lot of comfortably off suburban retired people, those I know without any significant hardship but who aren't comfortable with changes they see, hearing different languages spoken on the high street and things like that, and who feel they can't raise this because they'll be called (perhaps with some justification) racist.

Yeah, absolutely agree that their "ultra-nasty party", thatcherite shite needs to be challenged and hope that they never get near to being able to implement their policy platform...but I don't think you're right about the demographic that is forming their polled support. As ever, I think our own geography has a strong influence upon how we perceive their support. I'm sure they're attracting a fair chunk of comfortably off, suburban retired, but I very much get the impression that the uncomfortably off suburban demographic is just as strong, if not stronger, a base for their support. There are also some interesting geographical correlations between UKIP's established council success in the more 'provincial' parts of the S&E of England and those constituencies with high levels of retired and EU immigration, and low levels of educational qualification and income. If you know Thanet you'll get what I'm on about.
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