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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

I wonder how the tories are going to deal with Farage? Smeer campaign? Try to steal their clothes (Back) whilst reminding everyone that UKIP want win?
The poisiton of the right wing media is intersting as well - the tory papers seem to be trying to use UKIP to force the tories rightwards on immigration and europe - but by bigging up UKIP they are helping labour. Are they going to turn on Farage come spring 2015?

Bang on queue, The Times front page story today is "Farage faces investigation into 'missing' EU expenses'
(no direct link just http://news.sky.com/)

Kippers will of course see this as a media conspiracy
Falange missed a trick in that R4 'Today' interview....if he'd said he'd spent a sizeable % of the EU dosh on booze & fags he'd have gathered up more support from his constituency.
Of course, the intention of these applauded smears is to drive UKIP voters back to the sensible terrorist arms of labour and tory. Marvelous stuff.
That paints images in my mind of a zombie horde of angry (or at least 'disgusted') old white men, some of them riding on the roof of a sensible Volvo estate waving the union flag. Finally the voices of the people who send in complaint letters to BBC Points of View can be heard.
Murdoch Press Vs. UKIP.

Here's hoping for a long and bloody battle, with many casualties.

(though wait until they've sunk the tories first, yeah?)
That article has a link to a video phone in hosted by the Torygraph and that pillock Tim Stanley where he says that there are too many people going to university (except him and his mates obviously), and that if the numbers going were 'substantially' reduced then they could/would reduce tuition fees?!? Does that make any sense or am I just stupid?
What will UKIP call itself when Scotland votes Yes?

Which kinda begs the question (again) what will/should the non-scottish parts of the present state call themselves collectively post scottish political independence?

I just don't get how any the 'rump' can actually be referred to as united or a kingdom. I'm no expert but doesn't the united bit refer to the union of the english and scottish kingdoms? And presumably the word kingdom only applies to England? Brenda is the the queen of england, right...and Wales is a principality and fuck knows what NI is.

I think greater england would be a truer descriptor.
Which kinda begs the question (again) what will/should the non-scottish parts of the present state call themselves collectively post scottish political independence?

I just don't get how any the 'rump' can actually be referred to as united or a kingdom. I'm no expert but doesn't the united bit refer to the union of the english and scottish kingdoms? And presumably the word kingdom only applies to England? Brenda is the the queen of england, right...and Wales is a principality and fuck knows what NI is.

I think greater england would be a truer descriptor.
Well, going back to Alfred the Great and Edward the Elder, those guys united the Saxon kingdoms. So rUK could retain the title United Kingdom on that pretext.
Bang on queue, The Times front page story today is "Farage faces investigation into 'missing' EU expenses'
(no direct link just http://news.sky.com/)

Kippers will of course see this as a media conspiracy
Bit of a weak attack really. From my brief reading of the details, Farage seems to have done little more than was envisaged in the 'honour' system the EU uses to line the pockets of MPs. He's grasping and entitled, but he's also using using a system designed around those very qualities. As you say, it's the reasons for the attack that matter. You'd almost think the Times and the Tories were working together.
My predictions over the coming week:

1) a national newspaper will publish a story about fake police harassing party members, judges that have been paid off and perverting the course of justice
2) Annabelle Fuller will be arrested
3) BBC will show an investigation into fraud and corruption

All of which will finish of Nigel before May.......
There's the occasional suspicion that they're building him up to knock him down, but also a definite feeling some are just building him up, either because they like his shtick, or they think it'll damage the Tories, or because it'll make a good story/good telly and increase circulation or viewers.

The risk for UKIP is they're a one-man team, and whilst this might project 'good leadership', it also risks a collapse if he's shot down by the press, fairly or otherwise. I can't think of anyone else they have that comes across reasonably well on the telly. In fairness this is probably because they don't have all the media training of the career politicians they're up against, and with more cash coming in they might be dealing with this. Saying that, there seems to be a bit of a 'cult of personality' if you ever read the comments below newspaper articles (I don't recommend doing this!) - lots of stuff along the lines of 'Nigel is the only one that can save us', so for some the 'smears' will never harm their opinion.
I did wonder to myself how much money Hamilton brings to the party- I take it he's not short of a few quid. But even his pockets surely can't match the electioneering pots the tories and labour have, for euros or byes
There's the occasional suspicion that they're building him up to knock him down, but also a definite feeling some are just building him up, either because they like his shtick, or they think it'll damage the Tories, or because it'll make a good story/good telly and increase circulation or viewers.

Systemically/structually I think it's far more because they need to siphon widespread discontent into something comparatively safe. Sure, it's damaging to the tories but a concerted effort has gone in recently by ukip they're after Labour and other voters too. The circus press have helpfully taken up the theme. Lo and behold, Labour canvassers are now talking about a fair number of switchers. It should be said that a lot of Labour wobblers may find UKIP preferable to tories, for whom there is often a visceral and understandable hatred. But this rise of support for UKIP seems, largly, to not be based in the community politics on which smaller parties usually build, be that the history of the LDs, BNP, Greens or left parties. It's built far more on a press backed brand-hype. If they do knock him / them down it won't be till after the Euros. They will serve a purpose there by allowing the rancid right to say that the tories still aren't being horrid enough to the forrins. It will also allow the establishment to pronounce there has been "an earthquake" or something, that disaffection has been duly voiced etc. etc. before folk go back to the day to day business of being ripped off and fed on a diet of hatred.
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