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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

I knew Help to Buy was iffy as soon as I'd heard about it. I remember thinking "hang on, wasn't this kind of thing a causal factor in the recession"? My local council (Cameron's and Pickles's favourite) was one of the first to rush into this. Indeed, all social housing has been transferred or sold off and any new properties being built are for buyers with loads of money (and no sense) or buy to let landlords. These people should be imprisoned or transported to South Georgia or the Falklands.
massive increase in house sales here in a relatively expensive part of the city, its looking like five years ago again.
I noticed that UKIP and Farage are now getting polled on personal popularity, the same as the other mainstream parties here > http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/blog/archives/7975:

For the first time the like him/like his party question included Nigel Farage and UKIP. Farage was liked by 27%, disliked by 50% (a net rating of minus 23); UKIP were likely by 25%, disliked by 52% (a net rating of minus 27, so Farage slightly more popular than his party).

This idea that Farage is universally loved as an everyman, despite all the positive news coverage he gets, doesn't seemed to be based on much more than wishful thinking.
OMGodfrey Bloom is winning friends and influencing people again:

Ukip's Godfrey Bloom sparks row after 'joke' branding women 'sluts'

Controversial Ukip politician Godfrey Bloom is at the centre of another row after hitting a journalist round the head with a brochure and joking that a room debating women in politics was "full of sluts".

He was then asked by Channel 4's Michael Crick why there were no black people pictured on a conference brochure.
Bloom ranted: "What a racist comment is that. How dare you. That's an appalling thing to say. You're picking people out for the colour of their skin. You disgust me, get out of my way.
"Appalling man. Racist. You, sir, are a racist. You take this and you've checked out the colour of people's faces."
He then grabbed the brochure and hit Crick, before slamming it on the ground. "Disgraceful. You're disgraceful."

In addition to his recent colonial era racism, the man has a long history of misogyny. How can any woman can vote for this party, let alone stand as a candidate? :confused:
like johnson, he's little more than a bully who more often than not finds himself out of his intellectual depth. give em enough rope...
He's irrelevant, unless he been unleashed to do this sort of minor thing to appeal to right tories. Either way, the DISGRACE work for their target vote.
like johnson, he's little more than a bully who more often than not finds himself out of his intellectual depth. give em enough rope...
Give bloom enough rope? You think that you are in a battle with Bloom? My poor poor fool, you don't even know what war you are in.
Looks like Bloom has moved up to DEFCON Fuck. Farage is talking about removing the whip from straight talking Godfrey. Trendy metropolitan political correctness gone mad is even infecting UKIP!
Bloom won't be bothered. He can always sidle up to the rest of the EAP in the Euro Parliament.
Who cares about so called racism and sexism, obsessions of the left, because political correctness and no one is allowed to say what they think. It's all just the usual slurs on UKIP because they are ANTI ESTABLISHMENT and no one is allowed to talk about immigration. Ever. And brain washing political correctness. it's gone mad is what I say because of leftists like Cameron (CamerCOMMUNIST more like is what I say)

White men don't run anything any more and don't call me racist just because I don't like foreigners.

er... all that detail about UKIP people actually say is just typical leftie smears but what about political correctness it's gone way too far so it's UKIP for me.

We need plain speaking like UKIP give, not all this namby pamby political correctness of the liberal left.

This post has probably been deleted by the brain washed left already. Why can't anyone say what they think?

Why do the left want our grandchildren to be muslims? because the politically correct brigade, the marxist BBC and the EUSSR that's why.
And did you know there is an ACTUAL PC Brigade? They banned Christmas and you are not allowed to say "blackboard" because of the liberal elite.
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Why do the left want our grandchildren to be muslims?
This is one of (or similar to) the arguments that puzzle me most.

The whole extinction of white people/think of your descendants thing.

Imagining that I gave a fuck for a second: If it were true that white people were 'dying out', then I assume my descendants would probably be non-white, so I doubt they'd give a massively flying bollock about preserving any sort of mythical white heritage.

Do these twatstands not grasp that, do they really imagine that any fruit of their loins will only ever breed with someone as white as they are, and that their descendants are therefore truly destined to be a persecuted minority if their ethnic apocalypse came to pass? It's just fucking barmy tbh.
I love freedom of speech: it gives them the chance to show us what they really are.
Unfortunately "what they really are" is also why they're increasing in popularity. This latest "gaff" by Bloom won't have done them any harm whatsoever amongst their support. I suppose it should be encouraging that Farage has criticised Bloom for his comments which at least shows he's aware of what is accepted in society whether he believes it or not (altho ironically his criticism of Bloom is more likely to be a bone of contention for UKIP supporters)
Farage was keen to point out in a news interview yesterday that he'd had a job before entering politics, unlike most other politicians.

As if 20 years in The City gives you some kind of relevant insight into how people live....
In addition to my "no confidence in any of the above" proposal, another electoral reform I'd like to see in my fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows is that eligibility for parliament would depend on having lived in the real world for a certain amount of time. Anyone who's left education and spent all the intervening time as a parliamentary researcher, city boy, union officer, Brussels bod, etc, would be barred until they've spent a few years doing a normal job amongst normal people.

I have no fucking idea how this would work in practice of course - how it would be termed so as not to bar people unable to find employment or with disabilities for example. Or how you'd draw up the list of what did and didn't count. Or how you'd prevent convenient exchanges and secondments that ticked the boxes but counted for fuck all in reality. Essentially, it's entirely unworkable, but it's a nice thing to imagine anyway. :D

I'm entirely serious about the "no confidence" thing though, and I think that's absolutely workable.
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