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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

UKIP and yes Nigel Farage interviewed yet again on Sunday Politics

Sunday Politics/ComRes big study of UKIP councillors indicates 'UKIP cllrs - 70% previously voted Tory, 30% been Tory candidates, 21% have been Tory cllrs, 33% been Tory members; 81% of UKIP cllrs believe climate change is not happening or human activity is not mainly responsible'
Blooming hell again.

Bloom was filmed speaking at a meeting in Wordsley, near Stourbridge, in July. In the recording he says: "How we can possibly be giving a billion pounds a month when we're in this sort of debt to bongo bongo land is completely beyond me.

"To buy Ray-Ban sunglasses, apartments in Paris, Ferraris and all the rest of it that goes with most of the foreign aid. F18s for Pakistan. We need a new squadron of F18s. Who's got the squadrons? Pakistan, where we send the money."

Two months ago Farage ensured an Italian MEP was expelled from Ukip's European alliance for saying a black minister in Italy was part of a "government of bongo-bongo" who would want to impose "tribal traditions", and would be better suited as a housekeeper.

A Ukip spokesman said Bloom's remarks were being "discussed right at the very highest level of the party".

Bloom said that suggestions that his comments carried any racist implications were "absurd" and "laughable", adding that he has two Kashmiri staff and a Polish wife. He stood by his remarks, saying: "What's wrong with that? I'm not a wishy-washy Tory. I don't do political correctness … The fact that the Guardian is reporting this will probably double my vote in the north of England."

John Mann, Labour MP for Bassetlaw, said Ukip should "throw him out and stop him standing as an MEP". A spokesman for the Hope, Not Hate campaign said Bloom's remarks were reminiscent of the "Tory party of 1985", when Alan Clark provoked outrage by referring to Africa as "bongo bongo land" in an official meeting.

Bloom has previously caused controversy over some of his comments about women. The MEP was criticised for asking why businesses would ever hire "a lady of child-bearing age" and once said he wanted to get involved in women's rights issues because: "I just don't think they clean behind the fridge enough."

Oh and a quick google reveals Godfrey Bloom has been interviewed by Alex Jones on a number of occasions.
He was in full red faced buffoon mode on Today this morning

Yes, I heard that. It was entertaining in his total lack of contrition or any recognition that his comments could be anything other than Standing Up For The Man On The Street (by which he apparently means the Man in the Rugby Club).
I think its remarkable that he can mention F18s for Pakistan - when we dont have any, nor do Pakistan.
At least he said that he would be willing to apologise to the ambassador of Bongo Bongo Land.
Yes, I heard that. It was entertaining in his total lack of contrition or any recognition that his comments could be anything other than Standing Up For The Man On The Street (by which he apparently means the Man in the Rugby Club).

I heard it, it was hilarious, that spectator piece says it quite accurately it was a great way to hi-jack the news cycle, the ghost of Alan Clarke popping up out of nowhere.

The other thing is it's also really damaging for the right this stuff, outside of the people on the spectator comment pages using words like bongo bongo land isn't good for any politician in this day and age. It's this kind of bullshit that makes the republicans in the USA unelectable and over the next 20 years if the british right carry on it'll do the same to them. The Tories following UKIP is like when the republicans let Rush Limbaugh and the tea party set the agenda for them.

incidentally saw this other day made me laugh wanted to share it

I heard it, it was hilarious, that spectator piece says it quite accurately it was a great way to hi-jack the news cycle, the ghost of Alan Clarke popping up out of nowhere.

The other thing is it's also really damaging for the right this stuff, outside of the people on the spectator comment pages using words like bongo bongo land isn't good for any politician in this day and age. It's this kind of bullshit that makes the republicans in the USA unelectable and over the next 20 years if the british right carry on it'll do the same to them. The Tories following UKIP is like when the republicans let Rush Limbaugh and the tea party set the agenda for them.

I think the MEP had it right, that this will get him support amongt certain sections of the population (maybe not who/where he thinks though). Farage will love it, he gets to both disown the comments and be associated with them.
This is a corker given his recent comments:

Bloom’s family affair – he scams taxpayer so parliamentary staff work for his investment company

Another missive from UKIPs most gregarious of buffoons, Godfrey Bloom, with the Times exposing the fact that Godders has been gloriously ripping off the taxpayer by paying his parliamentary staff (using taxpayers’ money) to work for his investment company.

Still, why should anyone doubt a man who has the sheer gall to say: “I am pretty well known as the cleanest MEP in town. All of the people who work for me are fully qualified and trustworthy.”

Of particular amusement to UKIPwatch is that Bloom has always claimed that he does not employ any family members, ignoring the fact that one of the three assistants is his niece!

According to the Times:

“Emma Brader, his accredited parliamentary assistant, and Victoria Skowronek, his secretarial assistant, were both working in the York headquarters of TBO Investments yesterday, six days before the European elections. David McLaughlin, another member of his staff, is a director of TBO Investments.”
Does anyone really give a monkey's about what happens in Rwanda? If the Mbongo tribe wants to wipe out the Mbingo tribe then as far as I am concerned that is entirely a matter for them

Richard Littlejohn, 1994.

So Bloom is in fine company with his take on African affairs.
As insincere non-apology climbdowns go, that one has been especially pathetic so far. Not terribly surprising since they know that the underlying themes expressed by Bloom are an important part of maintaining racist & economics for wankers-related support for their party. Just have to be slightly more careful with the language used so as not to get too much stick from the media :mad:

"Although quite clearly no such personal usage was intended, I understand from UKIP party chairman Steve Crowther and leader Nigel Farage that I must not use the terminology in the future, nor will I and sincerely regret any genuine offence which might have been caused or embarrassment to my colleagues."

from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23608106
As insincere non-apology climbdowns go, that one has been especially pathetic so far. Not terribly surprising since they know that the underlying themes expressed by Bloom are an important part of maintaining racist & economics for wankers-related support for their party. Just have to be slightly more careful with the language used so as not to get too much stick from the media :mad:

from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23608106

Yep, plenty of the attention (phone ins, plenty of pages of press inc FIVE in the DM) hasn't been especially scathing and quickly moved on to "does he have a point?" (markedly avoiding the role of the arms trade in much of this).

Many will have sniggered at the comments and I doubt many votes will be lost. Many of their supporters are of the "it's racist to call someone racist" school.

I heard the end of one BBC bulletin last night, namechecked the party 5 times in half a minute.

They have been rewarded for racism. That's how it works, and no one in the party seems that bothered that the man is an unspeakable racist prick.
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