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UK goes full speed ahead on shale gas fracking.

I'm in favour of shale gas and oil extraction.

There is far too much bullshit being talked about water contamination etc, water contamination is completely preventable. The shale layers are way below the water table, with impermeable rock in between. The wells need to be properly cased above the the impermeable layer, which is easy to do.

So you're an expert in the field then? The only bullshit I smell comes from the shower of fucking shit who govern the UK, & from those who have lots of fingers in a very sticky fucking pie!!!!!!!!!
Really? :D I live in shale country. :D I have studied the history of the shale industry, and the local geology.

It's surprising that your geological studies didn't reveal that the water table in permeable/porous bedrock represents the upper limit of groundwater, and that for shale(gas) to exist above that level would require it to sit within the few metres below the earth's surface in which the rock,regolith and soil are aerated. Shale therefore always exists within the hydrosphere...to many people in the S&E, that's the source of our drinking water. And it's arrant nonsense to say that there will always be impermeable seams between the shale and the aquifers.

You're talking through your 'southern mouth'.
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Protestors shut down new Swansea university site
In a press release, the activists said they had dressed as "mad scientists" to protest against fracking research. They have camped outside the site, dropped a "No Fracking" banner from the top of the building and another protester was locked on to a tripod.

They say they are "angered" by "tens of millions of public money being funnelled into research on fracking via Swansea University's new Energy Safety Research Institute".

A spokeswoman for Swansea University confirmed the UK and Welsh governments had both funded research into "all types of energy, and one of those could be fracking" at the site.

She also confirmed previous landowners BP had donated the site to the university, which the protesters are unhappy about.

quelle surprise
For the first time, Pennsylvania has made public 243 cases of contamination of private drinking wells from oil and gas drilling operations.

As the AP reports, Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection posted details about the contamination cases online on Thursday. The cases occurred in 22 counties, with Susquehanna, Tioga, Lycoming, and Bradford counties having the most incidences of contamination.

In some cases, one drilling operation contaminated the water of multiple wells, with water issues resulting from methane gas contamination, wastewater spills, and wells that simply went dry or undrinkable. The move to release the contamination information comes after years of the AP and other news outlets filing lawsuits and Freedom of Information Act requests from the DEP on water issues related to oil and gas drilling and fracking.

The Pennsylvania DEP has been criticized for its poor record of providing information on fracking-related contamination to state residents. In April, a Pennsylvania Superior Court case claimed that due to the way DEP operates and its lack of public record, it’s impossible for citizens to know about cases where private wells, groundwater and springs are contaminated by drilling and fracking.

“The DEP must provide citizens with information about the potential harm coming their way,” John Smith, one of the attorneys representing municipalities in the lawsuit, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “If it doesn’t record and make available the violations records then it is denying the public accurate information, which is unconscionable.”
well, well ....what a surprise

The UK government plans to allow fracking companies to put “any substance” under people’s homes and property and leave it there, as part of the Infrastructure Bill which will be debated by the House of Lords on Tuesday.

The legal change makes a “mockery” of ministers’ claims that the UK has the best shale gas regulation in the world, according to green campaigners, who said it is so loosely worded it could also enable the burial of nuclear waste. The government said the changes were “vital to kickstarting shale” gas exploration.

Changes to trespass law to remove the ability of landowners to block fracking below their property are being pushed through by the government as part of the infrastructure bill.

It now includes an amendment by Baroness Kramer, the Liberal Democrat minister guiding the bill through the Lords, that permits the “passing any substance through, or putting any substance into, deep-level land” and gives “the right to leave deep-level land in a different condition from [that before] including by leaving any infrastructure or substance in the land”.
Tony Bosworth, at Friends of the Earth, said the amendment would allow companies to dispose of fracking fluid, often contaminated with toxic metals and radioactive elements. “The government appears to be trying to sneak through an amendment which would allow fracking firms to reinject their waste under people’s homes and businesses. Reinjection has caused countless problems in the US and you have to question how far this government will go to make fracking a reality.

Its what to do with the waste ...after radioactive contaminates from fracking were dumped into Manchester's ship canal , which has been causing the delay .....Now it looks on the cards for onsite re injection.....

Even the US class 2 waste injection wells run deeper because of known issues ....

waste disposal wells used to be illegal in the UK ......it now looks like this is about to change....
The potential sustained sub $50 per barrel will cut the UK embryonic fracking industry in its tracks

The numbers won't add up

It will also cut a swath straight through the highly leveraged US fracking industry too ,causing a major shake out of the the more extended players .....

Well tidy !
Industry will just consolidate, not disappear. Take longer to extract etc. In the US that is. But $60/bl I doubt would be enough to extract shale oil/gas in UK. Maybe Total will do geological work in Lincolnshire, but extracting it seems unlikely.

But fracking is like regular drilling. It can be done safely and well, or it can be done badly. And it has been, very. But many many thousands of decent enough fractured wells of various types around the world.

But I wouldn't want it next door to me unless company had a proper track record. Can't say I feel like that about the ones in the UK, apart from maybe Total.
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Track record or not ....if its near you your house value will nose dive

Let alone the environmental aspect.... Outgassing etc ...!
The potential sustained sub $50 per barrel will cut the UK embryonic fracking industry in its tracks

The numbers won't add up

It will also cut a swath straight through the highly leveraged US fracking industry too ,causing a major shake out of the the more extended players .....

Well tidy !
Friend of mine who works for a company selling services in to oil and gas in the UK told me this week that this drop in prices has decimated their order book.

North Sea essentially unviable.at this price, fracking the same until the price rises again.

Industry dumping jobs left right and centre

Thry were trying to sell their company with quite a few serious buyers, all now disappeared for now.
Same thing happened in 2008 though, after the big fall. Big job losses. Then re-hiring etc as price went back up.
It's not just bad news for oil services its bad news for investment in renewables, bad news for post-2020 biofuels etc...

And when demand comes back one day then boom, oil price spike...everyone scrambles again.
Friend of mine who works for a company selling services in to oil and gas in the UK told me this week that this drop in prices has decimated their order book.

North Sea essentially unviable.at this price, fracking the same until the price rises again.

Industry dumping jobs left right and centre

Thry were trying to sell their company with quite a few serious buyers, all now disappeared for now.

BBC article about the North Sea industry being wankered by the fallen price of oil:

Caudrillas plans for lancs if the pp goes thorough are pretty intense ...

They are now talking about super pads on the region of 40 to 60 wells per pad...

Each pad will be in a continuous state of fracking sequentially per well head .


This is what a 17 well pad looks like....

Ours are going to be "world leaders" in size ...
But how,?

Ride the fracking hype-cycle until the bubble bursts, there's a lot of investments into fracking gear, services and credit in this koolaid, let the general population and the environment take care of the costs.

I should think the bubble's already bursting to be fair.
I'm sure I read that pp had been denied by local council?

e2a link - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...-doubt-following-critical-report-9992724.html
Its not a given.... just a recommendation to say no , notably after a realisation that the frackers have been somewhat economical over the number of HGV movements required . Caudrilla have asked for a delay in the final decision.
Demo there on the 28th.

Jim Murphy has said that Scottish labour would enforce a moratorium on onshore Fracking in Scotland
...so if he can do that...why can't the Welsh taffia ?
It would seem that MP's have just voted against the suspension of fracking. Way to go! you bunch of fucking tossers!
It would seem that MP's have just voted against the suspension of fracking. Way to go! you bunch of fucking tossers!

You know what? I don't think this will go down very well with the property owning, old tory core-vote. Cameron...the fucker who gave the fruckers the right to trespass under your property without your permission.
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