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UK goes full speed ahead on shale gas fracking.

The UK government has added its weight to a behind-the-scenes lobbying drive by oil and gas firms including BP, Chevron, Shell and ExxonMobil to persuade EU leaders to scrap a series of environmental safety measures for fracking, according to leaked letters seen by the Guardian.
UK backing bid by fossil fuel firms to kill new EU fracking controls, letters reveal
The deregulatory push against safety measures, which could include the monitoring of on-site methane leaks and capture of gases and volatile compounds that might otherwise be vented, appears to go against assurances from David Cameron that fracking would only be safe “if properly regulated”.

The insurance companies consider the thalidomide and asbestos experience as a working scenario for frackings long term impact , just on a greater industrial scale ........apparently !
The decision to allow shale gas drilling - or fracking - in Lancashire will be made directly by the government, it has emerged.Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark informed Lancashire County Council of his intent on Thursday.Energy firm Cuadrilla is appealing against thecouncil's refusal in June to allow fracking ontwo sites.Most planning appeals are usually decided by a planning inspector.
Know your place plebs
How MPs voted in yesterday’s fracking ballot

First job I had as a roustie on a semi sub, we were oil fracking 5 miles from the Thistle Alpha platform
That was in 1980
"Hydraulic Cracking" was standard practice then as platform design for the deep water, cold environment above the 61st parallel was new and pretty hit and miss in terms of what actually worked - thistle itself was corroding away at 5 times the predicted rate - we needed the oil out fast before the platform fell into the sea
We also regularly stuffed dynamite down the hole to further break up the reservoir rock structure and release the oil faster
Some of the stuff we put down the hole would also cause skin blistering if you were daft enough to get it on you
It has ALWAYS been a dirty and dangerous business
In the year and half I was on that rig and we worked that well, 3 men died and many more were permanently injured
The insurance companies consider the thalidomide and asbestos experience as a working scenario for frackings long term impact , just on a greater industrial scale ........apparently !
It's certainly one of the stress testing scenarios considered as part of risk planning. An "emerging risk", to give it the proper context.
wayhay ...just bend over and take it up the arse ..plebs
The UK government has been accused of including a large loophole in its legal definition of fracking which could enable companies to bypass safety regulations, according to a leading geologist.

, fracking is defined by the amount of high-pressure fluid used to fracture shale rocks and release gas or oil. However, the only well fracked in the UK so far, which caused small earthquakes near Blackpool in 2011, would not qualify as fracking under the definition.

UK government's fracking definition 'could allow drilling without safeguards'
Fracking in the UK is defined in the new law as “the injection of more than 1,000 cubic metres of fluid at each stage (or expected stage), or the injection of more than 10,000 cubic metres of fluid in total”
Furthermore, according to Prof Stuart Haszeldine at the University of Edinburgh, analysis of more than 17,000 gas wells fracked in the US from 2000-10 shows 43% would not be defined as fracking under UK rules. More than 4,500 US wells were fracked to release oil in that time but 89% would not be covered by the UK definition.
The safety regulations in the new rules, such as independent inspection of the integrity of the well and sealing it after use, only apply if the drilling activity is defined as fracking.

So to avoid PP issues ......

A test drill can be microfracked multiple times to see if viable for industrial scale fracking ....but fracking doesn't have to be mentioned on the PP application for the test or it even classed as a fracked casement if not viable after ..

Any failed pipe train (a significant number do , during construction or during early stages , such as in blackpool ) will also be exempt from further safety inspection of casement integrity and capping seal as its not classed as a fracked pipe train even though it has taken place .....

Incidentally ...a UK road tanker maxes out at 38000 litres = 38cu mtrs so 263 HGV tankers worth of chemicals and water can be delivered to the site for fracking test runs ....
and it still won't be considered a fracked well .......yet its about 2/3 by volume of a production fracked well pumped down

feckin genius

A fully fracked well (single) in the UK from the Roseacre wood planning application

Weeks 1 to 8

30 HGV movements to bring in and remove workover equipment
156 HGV movements to bring in and remove the noise attenuation barrier
388 HGV movements during the 42-day hydraulic fracturing phase
336 additional HGV movements to deliver equipment and remove waste during hydraulic fracturing (6/day for 42 days)
84 LGV or car movements during the preparation and pre-stimulation phase (6/day for 14 4days)
420 LGV or car movements during hydraulic fracturing (10/day for 42 days)

and if viable ..90 day production test and estimated 9 years extraction

30 HGV movements during the 90-day production test (1 every 2-3 days for 90 days)
4 HGV movements in total during 9 years of production
1,296 HGV movements during wellsite restoration (36 daily for 6 days a week for 6 weeks)
360 LGV or car movements during the production test (4/day for 90 days)
11,232 LGV or car movements during production (4 daily for 6 days a week for 9 years*)
216 LGV or car movements during wellsite restoration (6 daily for 6 days a week for 6 weeks)

Note ...this is one well on a pad and only one frack

wells will be fracked multiple times (8~10)
...and its diminishing returns ...later fracks require more water, proppants and chemicals .....

The UK (read that the north of England mostly ) ....is being targeted for 60 well pads to reduce pad density

there's tidy for you
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Well this is going to stir it up

Up to £20,000 payments made to homeowners who live near the well pads ....
Not sure if the payment zone will include the whole of the fracked area.....just what's visible on the surface....

This is going to set neighbour against neighbour....rather than communities against the companies
As I'm sure some will bite...( Landlords who don't live there)

Really divisive
Cuadrilla's commitments
  • Increase energy security for Lancashire and Britain
  • Carry out our operations to the highest safety and environmental standards and communicate openly
  • Work with local partners to promote Lancashire as a hub for the UK shale gas industry with new jobs and economic growth
  • Prioritise Lancashire suppliers and publish the amount we are spending
  • Support local training opportunities for young people including the National Onshore Oil and Gas College based at Blackpool & The Fylde College
  • Share the benefits of shale gas by sponsoring educational and sporting projects and through a local community benefit scheme
  • "independently audited tracker" will monitor its pledges to Lancashire.
Fracking firm Cuadrilla pledges 'commitment to Lancashire' - BBC News

you can just smell the BS

Its like they are not even trying
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