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UK goes full speed ahead on shale gas fracking.

Fracking supposedly banned from national parks but its game on for the rest of the country as labour abstained on the vote....

Whats the bet Caudrilla have been asked to take their foot of the throttle , until after the elections !
As if we needed more..This is a warning, warning, warning, warning...
Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking
Two Pennsylvanian children will live their lives under a gag order imposed under a $750,000 settlement

Two young children in Pennsylvania were banned from talking about fracking for the rest of their lives under a gag order imposed under a settlement reached by their parents with a leading oil and gas company.

The sweeping gag order was imposed under a $750,000 settlement between the Hallowich family and Range Resources Corp, a leading oil and gas driller. It provoked outrage on Monday among environmental campaigners and free speech advocates.

The settlement, reached in 2011 but unsealed only last week, barred the Hallowichs' son and daughter, who were then aged 10 and seven, from ever discussing fracking or the Marcellus Shale, a leading producer in America's shale gas boom.

The Hallowich family had earlier accused oil and gas companies of destroying their 10-acre farm in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania and putting their children's health in danger. Their property was adjacent to major industrial operations: four gas wells, gas compressor stations, and a waste water pond, which the Hallowich family said contaminated their water supply and caused burning eyes, sore throats and headaches.

Two of Britain’s largest trade unions helped save the fracking industry from a ban on its activities that could have lasted for over two years.
Anti-fracking campaigners said yesterday that unions pressured Labour MPs to abstain from a vote on Monday night that would have imposed a moratorium on the shale gas industry’s activities.

The GMB union sent a letter to MPs before the vote urging them to oppose the amendment, saying that support for the moratorium would be “a total abdication of any moral responsibility” for the UK’s use of and extraction of gas.
“We will be using gas for many decades to come and this gas needs to come from somewhere,” it said.
GMB says that over 80 MPs are members of its union. Only seven voted for the amendment proposing a moratorium, while most of their Labour colleagues abstained.
On Friday GMB will hold a conference on fracking in Blackpool, close to a site where shale gas tests are believed to have caused earth tremors in 2011.
Paul McCarthy, GMB Regional Secretary in the North West, said: “This conference has been convened by GMB North West and Irish Region to hear all the issues on both sides of this argument. GMB as the direct successor to the Gas Workers & General Union formed over 125 years ago has a direct interest in the gas industry. This conference provides an important platform for GMB deliberations”.
GO WALES! :cool: :)

Motion for a moratorium on fracking just debated and voted on in the Welsh Assemby

motion passed without amendment
37 votes for; 16 against

motion said:
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
1. Notes that Wales has historically made a substantial contribution to the UK's energy portfolio.
2. Regrets the provisions within the UK Government's Infrastructure Bill that will allow fracking companies to drill beneath Welsh homes without permission from property owners.
3. Believes that energy should be fully devolved to the National Assembly for Wales and that the Welsh Government should have the power to block fracking.
4. Calls on the Welsh Government to do everything within its power to prevent fracking from taking place in Wales until it is proven to be safe in both an environmental and public health context.
This does NOT mean that fracking has been banned, or that there will be a moratorium – but it is a huge step in that direction.
Edwina Hart, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, speaking for the Welsh Government, generally supported the motion, but stated that the Welsh Government will NOT be introducing a new Technical Advice Note for Unconventional Gas as sufficient guidance is already in place.
Llyr Gruffydd (Plaid, Ceredigion), Leanne Wood (Leader of Plaid), Mick Antoniw (Labour, Pontypridd), Alun Ffred Jones (Plaid, Arfon), Bethan Jenkins (Plaid, South Wales West) and David Rees (Labour, Aberavon) all spoke in support of the motion.
Bethan Jenkins mentioned Monday evening’s public meeting in Pontrhydyfen and highlighted local concerns about the application there; as did David Rees.
it may not even be that

The UK Government currently has control over shale gas licensing but the Welsh Government has responsibility, in theory, for any related planning applications. But any appeals against refusals are judged by the London-based Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales.

And as IGas helpfully points out, these devolved planning powers render the Welsh Government helpless in protecting Welsh communities against any unwanted developments.

IGas: 'we're going ahead anyway'

The original IGas application to carry out test drilling at a site in Borras, near Wrexham was rejected by the democratically elected councillors on the local authority. The company then appealed against the decision, which went to the Westminster-controlled Planning Inspectorate, which overturned the earlier refusal.

An IGas spokesman told the Daily Post: "Nothing has changed in our plans to test drill for underground gas in Wrexham, which we will be continuing with.

"And if we were to put in a planning application in the future, which is rejected by Wrexham council, the appeal would go to the Welsh Secretary, which comes under Westminster, not the Welsh Government.

"The decision by the Welsh Government was not a moratorium. They can refuse applications on planning grounds, but they have no power to stop fracking."

As Sion Chavez, editor of Daily Wales, points out, "It's a situation which highlights the absurd consequences of having one country administered by a neighbouring country."

"Scotland and Northern Ireland each have their own completely separate Planning Inspectorates which allow their own governments to oversee any appeals. But in the case of Wales, it's the Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales."
so fuck you !

And if anything doesn't highlight the fact the the Senydd is a useless waste of hot air ...its this it !
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I wonder how many palms got greased to see this happen? Also I think the strapline should read 'Capital", not 'UK'

Fracking will be allowed under national parks, UK decides

Fracking companies will be allowed to drill horizontally under national parks and other protected areas if the wells start just outside their boundaries, after the government rowed back on its earlier acceptance of new environmental protections.

Ministers were forced to accept a series of new regulations from Labour on 26 January after facing defeat by concerned backbenchers, but the final amendments passed by MPs on Monday unpicked many of them. Green Party MP Caroline Lucas accusing ministers of “doing the dirty work of fracking companies for them”, but the government move was welcomed by the nascent shale gas industry....
If Iran do get brought in form the cold, price of oil with keep heading south, and it all gets shelved long term, biggest discussion on oil with be on propping up the Aberdeen economy.
If Iran do get brought in form the cold, price of oil with keep heading south, and it all gets shelved long term, biggest discussion on oil with be on propping up the Aberdeen economy.
Why should we? We are always told it's not the governments job to prop up unviable industries, far better to spend the money on developing a new renewables industry.
Iran is going to pump like there is no tomorrow.......

The price at the pump is slowly rising around my gaff .....£1.09 to £1.14 per ltr in two months
Iran is going to pump like there is no tomorrow.......

The price at the pump is slowly rising around my gaff .....£1.09 to £1.14 per ltr in two months

Sanctions should be lifted on Iran in the next few months then both they and Saudi will be pumping out as much as possible, if that happens I can't see much future for fracking, the Alberta tar sands or any other marginal source of production.
And all the while Fossil fuels are being quietly undermined by renewables.
Sanctions should be lifted on Iran in the next few months then both they and Saudi will be pumping out as much as possible, if that happens I can't see much future for fracking, the Alberta tar sands or any other marginal source of production.
And all the while Fossil fuels are being quietly undermined by renewables.

:confused: renewable plastics?renewable jet fuel? renewable fertilizers?
Surprised this came out before the elections
RESIDENTS blasted chemicals giant Ineos after they revealed plans to start fracking near school playgrounds and 400metres from homes.

The news came at the first public meeting over the company’s controversial plans to extract shale gas in Scotland.

Angry locals said the move to drill boreholes close to residential homes and a school was a “slap in the face”.

The plans were revealed at a packed meeting in Denny High School in Stirlingshire. The company plan to give six per cent, around £2.5billion, of its profits to communities.

So fuck you again .... and what ....moratorium.....!
Political and "legal" shenanigans straight out of the soviet 5 year planning regime over the lancs pp. authorisation......uttey effin shameful......

Worth the read in full if only marginally intested


Just a snippet
following a motion to reject that application proposed by Councillor Paul Hayhurst the DCC hearing was interrupted, apparently so that members could obtain 'legal advice' behind closed doors.

On resumption of the meeting the Committee members were clearly agitated and concerned by what they had heard. Councillor Paul Hayhurst later revealedthat Council legal officers had put intense pressure on the committee to approve the application:

"We were told we must vote for the application. If we didn't we would be breaking the law and we would be deemed irresponsible members. If it went to appeal and we lost, costs would be awarded against the authority." Hayhurst then insisted the DCC publish the legal advice so that the public could see it.

The meeting was then adjourned until the 29th June. But it wasn't until 10am the next day when the legal advice, written by David Manley QC, was finally published on the Council's website, and worse still it was toned down and expressly stated that rejecting the application would not break the law.

In response, said Hayhurst, "I am absolutely appalled ... This is not in the sort of vein that we were advised yesterday." In his view, the advice that members were given verbally and in private may have dissuaded some of the committee from refusing the application.
Yeah..more .....but its not "fracking" you see ....its just "drilling".....

Coastal Oil and Gas has permission to test drill at three sites in the Vale of Glamorgan. They are Five Mile Lane, Dyffryn; Llandow Trading Estate,Cowbridge; and Llancarfan.
In Bridgend, the company has permission to test drill at Merthyr Mawr and Cwmcedfyw Farm, Pontrhydycyff.
In Rhondda Cynon Taf, it has permission to test drill at Pantybrad Road,Llantrisant.

Not fracking you see ...." cause that would make the fuckers in the sinodd a bunch of double speaking two faced dishonest tossers .....innit ...cause we have a moratorium...innit

Just because this is a test to see if it can be fracked so that the licences can be sold on as a proven reserve for a vastly inflated price to a foreign owned Fracking company is neither here or there....
the last lot of licences
the light green went on Aug 28th ....The dark green come up open to offers on Sept 29th ....Yorkshire is frucked


Now that local councils can now be over ruled by the national government ....if they cannot pass an application to frack in 16 weeks ..its game on for the English plebs ......

watch Wales eventually twist ...and bend ...that back door is far to well oiled
Police tell teachers to beware of green activists in counter-terrorism talk

Police have told teachers that they should consider environmental activists and anti-fracking protesters as potential extremists under the government’s Prevent counter-terrorism strategy, TES has learned.

More than 100 teachers from several schools were given the advice during a Prevent training session in West Yorkshire, where they were also warned by a police officer about extreme anti-capitalist groups.

One teacher said the officer went on to refer to the behaviour of Green Party MP Caroline Lucas – who was arrested for her part in blocking a road at an anti-fracking demonstration in 2013 – as an example of extremism.,,,
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