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UK goes full speed ahead on shale gas fracking.

... if a few of those operations were on the go at the same time they couldn't all be opposed guarded by police.


The Monkey Wrench Gang

Well ..... Helen Chuntso has had a reply over use of depleted uranium in perforation guns

not quite the right question , not quite the right answer

SUBJECT: Environmental Information Regulation Request

Dear Ms Chuntso

I refer to your request for information 5 October 2013 in relation to Depleted Uranium used in Perforation guns in exploration and extraction and hydraulic fracturing at IGas operations, Barton Moss site. Please find your question and our responses below:
  1. Are you aware what technology is being used to create the well at Barton Moss, Irlam? Please answer yes or no.
  1. Please provide documentary evidence to confirm your satisfaction that depleted uranium technology is not being used, in order to support your granting of planning approval.
The planning permission granted in June 2010 is for coal bed methane exploration and extraction. This process granted planning permission and does not involve hydraulic fracturing. The particular technology used in the drilling process is not subject to planning control. Our understanding is that it does not involve depleted uranium

Please advise if Salford City Council approves of using depleted uranium in the use of exploration/ extraction of unconventional gases such as Coal Bed Methane.

The latter part of your request is not a valid request under the Environmental Information Regulations/Freedom of Information Act. The Regulations/Act provides a right of access to any recorded information held, not covered by an exemption. It does not require public authorities to answer questions generally, only if they already hold the answers in recorded form. However, we are able to advise the Council has not had any application that would use depleted uranium.

The Council considers it has fulfilled your Environmental Information Regulations request. However, if you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, or wish to appeal this decision, you may wish to contact David Sackfield, Head of Business Support and Information Management, Customer and Support Services Directorate

Is there a requirement that has to state the use of depleted uranium ?, or does it all come under the lovely use of Thermobaric metals used in the shaped charge for maximum penetration
Go Frack Yourself [POEM]

Hydrochloric Acid
Helps dissolve minerals and initiate cracks in the rock Acid
Glutaraldehyde 000111-30-8
Quaternary Ammonium Chloride
Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl-Phosphonium Sulfate
Eliminates bacteria in the water that produces corrosive by-products;
Choline Chloride
Prevents clays from swelling or shifting
Clay Stabilizer;
Aswell as an ironic poem initializer
Isopropanol 000067-63-0
Product stabilizer and / or winterizing agent
Corrosion Inhibitor;
Goodtime soulmate
When tap-water turns to fuel;
Borate Salts are always fun:
Maintains fluid viscosity as temperature increases
A Crosslinker bitch whoring clean-water
(I want nothing to do with her)
Polyacrylamide is slick bitch
Friction Reducer whore that she is;
Not quite a bad as her sister (and whore):
Polysaccharide Blend 068130-15-4:
Thickens the water in order to suspend the sand
(Gelling Agent)
Let's hope she doesn't meet:
Thioglycolic Acid
(Prevents precipitation of metal oxides);
She's a bit of a cunt too...
And don't get me started on
Copolymer of Acrylamide and Sodium Acrylate.
Please rise-up and make a stand
Against 'Fracking' and

Gilo 2013.
A conversation I had with a very (very!) experienced individual in the petroleum geology field took an interesting turn. They were explaining why the Poland gas boom did not happen, that basically the source rock (if I have it down right the source and the reservoir rock are the same for shales as there is no migration) was a Sulurian clay and for a lot of reasons those clays tend to be more plastic than brittle. This makes propagating fractures through them much harder. This is one of the reasons so many experts are so down on the big numbers humped out about every new play. The US has vast areas of shale under it but two produce something like 80% of the total hydrocarbon, Eagle Ford and Bakken. Having shales that have been buried deep enough for the kerogen to have been baked into either oil or gas is not in itself enough for fracking. You need a few more stars to align. That said the UK is one of the most well explored and well understood geologies on earth. For a very long time we did literally "write the book" on it.

This is not to say that UK fracking will not happen or that it wont turn into boom, just there is a great deal more to turning 'shale' into money than it simply being a gas prone shale.
Just a bubble:
One year ago the International Energy Agency (IEA) published its World Energy Outlook 2012 report. In it the IEA beat the drum for shale oil production in the USA and even asserted that the USA’s oil production would exceed that of Saudi Arabia such that the former’s need to import oil would disappear. Newspapers and TV in Sweden and around the world were quick to jump on board with these assertions and shelve concerns about Peak Oil. They asserted uncritically that we no longer needed to worry about Peak Oil, instead they should have devoted some time to a little investigative journalism. I myself asserted at, among other places, Bloomberg News that fracking was important for the USA but that globally it could only give limited additional oil production during a restricted period and that, in fact, what we are seeing is a ‘fracking bubble’.

As ExxonMobil’s CEO, it’s Rex Tillerson’s job to promote the hydraulic fracturing enabling the recent oil and gas boom, and fight regulatory oversight. The oil company is the biggest natural gas producer in the U.S., relying on the controversial drilling technology to extract it.
The exception is when Tillerson’s $5 million property value might be harmed. Tillerson has joined a lawsuit that cites fracking’s consequences in order to block the construction of a 160-foot water tower next to his and his wife’s Texas home.

The Wall Street Journal reports the tower would supply water to a nearby fracking site, and the plaintiffs argue the project would cause too much noise and traffic from hauling the water from the tower to the drilling site. The water tower, owned by Cross Timbers Water Supply Corporation, “will sell water to oil and gas explorers for fracing [sic] shale formations leading to traffic with heavy trucks on FM 407, creating a noise nuisance and traffic hazards,” the suit says.

Though Tillerson’s name is on the lawsuit, a lawyer representing him said his concern is about thedevaluation of his property, not fracking specifically.
Yep apparently so....
Insurance companies will treat fracking like a known flooding risk and it will come under an exemption clause .

"..... damage to buildings as a result of fracking is now an ‘Excluded Peril’ "

So far only Royal Sun alliance appear to be the only insurance company that will consider it .....at a 20% policy premium depending on distance and location from the site .
Best of luck for all future claimants proving the cause of subsidence with an insurance company in a frack zone .
Best of luck on selling your house to someone who requires a low deposit mortgage in frack zone.
In the Times today there's an article about a fracking well exploding and the company giving local residents pizzas or something in compensation...
Here..... non paywalled


Earlier this month, a Chevron natural gas well exploded in Greene County, Pennsylvania, killing one worker, injuring another, and sparking a fire that burned for four days. The company is still working to secure the facility, but it's already begun handing out compensation to nearby residents — in the form of free pizza and soda.

Good job it wasn't serious or anything......errr...it was only one worker....

Popcorn and apple pie for afters ? I wonder if the workers family had an extra side order ?
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Dunno if there is any truth in this but:

Insurers already refusing to insure homes in areas designated for fracking

Ministers prepare radical pension reforms
Telegraph 31 May 2014
Other plans expected in the Queen’s Speech include:

An infrastructure and competitiveness Bill will change trespass laws to allow shale gas exploration firms to drill beneath private property without the owner’s permission;
And by that voiding peoples buildings insurance?
I swear I saw something about cuadrilla threatening to pull fracking business out of the UK unless the govt clamped down on protest or something like that.

Was on BBC news I think, but I can't find the link now.
Threat perhaps ?

They are looking to extend their lease in Balcombe to 30 years......

Looks like its for the long run , Balcombe appears to have passed the exploratory stage and is looking towards production and fracking .
Threat perhaps ?

They are looking to extend their lease in Balcombe to 30 years......

Looks like its for the long run , Balcombe appears to have passed the exploratory stage and is looking towards production and fracking .

Got any links for this?

AFAIK they'd stopped exploration in Balcombe due to pressue
I swear I saw something about cuadrilla threatening to pull fracking business out of the UK unless the govt clamped down on protest or something like that.

Was on BBC news I think, but I can't find the link now.

They were demanding less regulation and more favourable laws, although they needn't have bothered as the tories are hastily bringing in pro-fracking legislation already, like removing the right of homeowners to block fracking operations under their property.
Ugh everyday I live under the tories, I feel more and more disgusted at society for giving them the right to make laws :(
Well Ive got the summer off, so if there's any protests Ill head down nd show my support.

With a camera.

Infact I could do with a NUJ pass :hmm:
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