Smash showy bell-bottom pants and sporty haircuts
Two people have stepped down from the Branch committee here, I'm putting myself forward because I've had enough.
Good for you. This is is the best response.
We got the 50%, but it was fucking hard work, we got 8% less than in the consultative ballot and a load of members never got their ballots despite asking for them 70% for action.
To add insult to fucking injury certain Swappie types actually suggested to me we should go it alone and appeal to others to reballot!
It's really gutting this - our first scuppering at the hands of the shitty fucking anti union laws. But Wilf is right compared to other ballots it's a good result. Don't mourn, organise - and organise a lot because our unions have not done any of the groundwork for us.
Was at the UCU Democracy Commission today. Eye opening, to say the least.