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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

4. Create a sense of justice for victims. In my view the most important of the four.

Ahhh, now we're talking.

My sense of justice is to execute child rapists, and castrate child-rape viewers.

If the victims share my views, should we reinstate corporal and capital punishment?
His offending.

Child sexual exploitation isn’t a once-and-done crime. Not for the victims. And not for the offenders.

He’s an ongoing risk. And his crimes continue to have effects on those abused. They’re possibly still in coercive situations.

So why not just lock him up for life?

Or kill him?
So why not just lock him up for life?

Or kill him?


You could lock him up in some penal colony for 5 years of hard labour - which serves the punishment, deterrence, and public protection elements of justice, but after that?

The inclination isn't going away. For public protection he'd have to be on the nonce list for life, and he'd have to be proactively monitored - location, people he meets, internet use/access - thats quite possibly going to be another 25 years after he gets out from breaking rocks.

Do we a) want to accept the cost of that, and b) want accept the risk that however diligent and comprehensive the monitoring programme, shit goes wrong?

The Norwegians own an island called Jan Mayan Land, it's uninhabited, between Greenland and the North Cape of Norway, and several hundred mile north of Iceland. I wonder if they'd like to sell it....
You’re going to want to talk to someone who has knowledge about rehabilitation of CSA offenders that I don’t have.

I think it's safe to assume that people with knowledge of CSA scumbags, have been involved here.

I'll nail my colours to the mast here, Pilch; and say that I think he should do 10 years and have someone put one of those little Dorcas pins that mum used to have in her sewing box, into his testicles every day.

But that's just me.

You could lock him up in some penal colony for 5 years of hard labour - which serves the punishment, deterrence, and public protection elements of justice, but after that?

The inclination isn't going away. For public protection he'd have to be on the nonce list for life, and he'd have to be proactively monitored - location, people he meets, internet use/access - thats quite possibly going to be another 25 years after he gets out from breaking rocks.

Do we a) want to accept the cost of that, and b) want accept the risk that however diligent and comprehensive the monitoring programme, shit goes wrong?

The Norwegians own an island called Jan Mayan Land, it's uninhabited, between Greenland and the North Cape of Norway, and several hundred mile north of Iceland. I wonder if they'd like to sell it....

We tried transportation and only succeeded in creating a bunch of cunts who keep beating us at cricket.

Just Googled it.

Why the fuck didn't they go with Jan Mayen in the first place?
On the whole people who are against abuse and exploitation by those with power are against it everywhere that's why its perfectly consistent for liberals, socialists and anarchists want to see harsh punishments for exploiters and abusers everywhere as opposed to activists and even Greggs numpties.
Or perhaps it's the rightie in you thinking it might be quite close to a thought crime.
Well quite, you don’t have to hold any particular ideological position to realise that the active offences resulting in Edwards’ conviction show that his behaviour was nothing like a thought crime. He was sentenced for acting upon his sexual attraction to children.
This is the main issue for me. Other nonces will not be deterred by the sentence. Had he been banged up for a few years other sick cunts might have desisted in the trading and storing of images.

It's what I expected given the sentencing guidelines (they are weak). You see plenty of non-famous paedophiles getting suspended sentences for
these sorts of crimes. Sometimes you will see a few ending up prison either because they've reoffended by downloading more images/videos or they've
escalated their behaviour into abusing children. Not much will deter paedophiles from offending, behaviours nearly always escalate (there are a few who actively
try to suppress themselves).

I won't go into a lot of detail, but one of the members of the Oxford grooming gang was in my class during
middle school. He was violent and had what I can only describe as soulless eyes. No remorse, no pity and
no empathy.

Not sure if sending Huw Edwards to prison would have done much good, he might have
learned new tricks off other paedophiles in prison. I'd imagine this won't be the last time he
appears in court.
Not sure if sending Huw Edwards to prison would have done much good, he might have
learned new tricks off other paedophiles in prison. I'd imagine this won't be the last time he
appears in court.
It'd have got a nonce off the street, and sent a message that if you get caught noncing you'll do time. Instead it's sent the message that noncing is OK, and all you'll get is a slap on the wrist, because the judge is probably at it too.
It'd have got a nonce off the street, and sent a message that if you get caught noncing you'll do time. Instead it's sent the message that noncing is OK, and all you'll get is a slap on the wrist, because the judge is probably at it too.

It wouldn't have made much difference "He only got 6 months; bet he'll be out in 3" would have rung out. The issue is the weak sentencing guidelines that are used to sentence those
guilty of the crime famous or otherwise. If I had my way the minimum sentence would be 5 years (no suspended sentences) alongside an unlimited fine.

The most dangerous paedophiles are the ones who produce and distribute child abuse images/videos through the dark web. They are hard to catch and
exceedingly dangerous. The Hunting Warhead podcast is a sobering listen.
6 months suspended is apparently the standard penalty for this kind of offence. It's not some kind of conspiracy. It's the fucked up laws/guidelines. Can't really blame the judge but I guess at least the high profile nature of this case will bring how absurd the laws are.
It wouldn't have made much difference "He only got 6 months; bet he'll be out in 3" would have rung out. The issue is the weak sentencing guidelines that are used to sentence those
guilty of the crime famous or otherwise. If I had my way the minimum sentence would be 5 years (no suspended sentences) alongside an unlimited fine.
5 - 10 years is my thinking. I can't see how anybody could think otherwise
At least for me reading the sentencing report I got a sense of him being very selfish indeed. The way he treated his wife ffs. The reports written by both his expensive posh shrinks and the official report make me think that hes basically unrepentant and just squirming to make out hes some kind of victim.
He used money in the commission of the crime so I think he should be stripped of it basically and it used to fight the effects of this type of crime, him having less money will make people safer.

What I wouldn't be surprised by is the bbc attempting some kind of rehabilitation exercise where he makes a documentary about it etc
He was generally considered to be a pompous git and not well-liked at the BBC, even before the revelations of his paedophilia.

There's no way back for him.
I am at an advanced age.
I am sure some others of both or all genders would agree with me.
The memories of my experiences of being sexually attacked three times by strangers when a naive young boy under the age of eleven still remains with me over fifty years later. I never resolved things because of my sense of shame.
The victims are an important part of this story, much more than the million words spoken by people about Edwards
I am at an advanced age.
I am sure some others of both or all genders would agree with me.
My experience of being sexually attacked three times by strangers when a naive young boy under the age of eleven still remains with me over fifty years later.
The victims are an important part of this story, much more than the million words spoken by people about Edwards
Really sorry to hear about your experiences of abuse. Nobody should have to deal with that. Sadly it’s all too common. Thank you for sharing. I agree that it’s important that survivors are seen as people not just numbers, and certainly not just bit players in the story of a rich and powerful man.
5 - 10 years is my thinking. I can't see how anybody could think otherwise

I can see those who don't understand the nature of child abuse images/video thinking that would be too harsh, they won't
have thought about the criminal networks that produce that sort of vile content or the money it generates. It's not a
victimless crime.

He was generally considered to be a pompous git and not well-liked at the BBC, even before the revelations of his paedophilia.

He wasn't well liked by the people at the coal face of the BBC. But he charmed those in positions of
power that he needed to.

There's no way back for him.

There isn't, he'll never work in mainstream media again. That will hurt his ego like nothing else, as well
as his bank balance. He might pop up on some weirdo section of the internet, once he's off the sex offenders
registery. Unless he commits further offences.
That led me to another thought, one that’s been touched on, but is very uncomfortable, and to which I don’t know the answer.

When Brass Eye got Dr Fox to say “Paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you and me”, they were jolting us into recognising that though we call their crimes “inhuman”, they are not. Their crimes are something humans are not only capable of, but which humans carry out all too often.

How? In what circumstances does a human being do this to another? What is it that prevents me from doing this? I suspect the answer is at least in part to do with power. But just as the crimes of the Nazis were carried out not by other people, but by people, it is something we need to confront and understand.
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