There are many points, and I've read all of yours in this thread, picked on a few, watched other people getting their teeth into the others. In many cases I've nothing to add or hope for far more voices to listen to that arent mine or yours.
Also if we are doing recent forum thread history lessons, I will point out that one of the reasons I've been especially abrupt with you today is that you misgendered Roz. And I posted the following tweet by Roz in this thread many pages ago, sometime in November I think. I find the phenomenon very depressing and your justifications for your actions dont help me think any differently about that. Thats the real problem I have with your stance, it works for you but it cant even offer the modern basic standard of politeness towards trans people, let alone better lives for people. So its shit in my book.
If I were more concerned with trans rights than womens rights, then I'm not convinced I'd even be interested in this thread in recent months. But I am exceptionally interested in both. All sorts of food for thought and interesting points have been raised and although sometimes the complex realities can be overwhelmed with extreme positions and even acts of violence, I do feel I understand better some of the risks people are concerned with. I'm pretty disgusted with the rate of progress in terms of womens rights, equality, safety, freedom from sexual violence, coercion and abuse, and the same for every other sort of human that ends up a victim. It's very difficult when one groups rights are seen to clash with anothers, its important to look at the details of this stuff but also to consider the myraid ways humans are drawn towards seeing things in terms of differences rather than similarities, conflict and competition, dogma and baggage.