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Tout exposed Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer

That's a warm view.

Sadly, I think it's more of a case that he's shiteing himself at the repercussions from certain quarters.

Hate the sin, love the sinner and all that. What he did was the shits, but wallowing in hatred for him isnt the answer. he owned up to people that he was undercover, that alone says he had some bollocks left.
Up to 1 in 3 of various undergound / seditious / blah groups are not what you think they are - not a figure plucked out of the air, but from the horses mouth IYKWIM
Up to 1 in 3 of various undergound / seditious / blah groups are not what you think they are - not a figure plucked out of the air, but from the horses mouth IYKWIM

The main man behind the long running series of multi-rigger raves known as moots thought I was Mi5 for years :D

We're good mates now, but one day I'll nick the bastard.
grounds for appeal for the 20 convicted, i'd have thought.

Firstly, they got very lenient sentences, so they'd be foolish to risk getting a less sympathetic judge on appeal.

Secondly, they'd have to argue that they were duped into taking action and never would have done it without entrapment from the police, which implicitly acknowledges that the action was 'wrong'. Not only is this at odds with their original defence, I doubt any self-respecting activist would want to use this line.

Firstly, they got very lenient sentences, so they'd be foolish to risk getting a less sympathetic judge on appeal.

Secondly, they'd have to argue that they were duped into taking action and never would have done it without entrapment from the police, which implicitly acknowledges that the action was 'wrong'. Not only is this at odds with their original defence, I doubt any self-respecting activist would want to use this line.

I would have thought that any sign of plod entrapment would be grounds to get a conviction thrown out tbh. It fucking well should be. Given the met's unwillingness to part their lips on this matter I'd certainly be tempted to appeal if only to force some more embarassing information out into the open. The Stone/Kennedy saga was nowhere near the national press before the Ratcliffe trial so there's obvioulsy attention to be gained, and the prosecution can't drop an appeal by the defendants now can they?
Hate the sin, love the sinner and all that. What he did was the shits, but wallowing in hatred for him isnt the answer. he owned up to people that he was undercover, that alone says he had some bollocks left.

He owned up once he'd been comprehensively busted tbf. The police are seldom moved when a 'criminal' shows remorse only after he's been found out, hard to see why we should treat this cunt any differently.
Hate the sin, love the sinner and all that. What he did was the shits, but wallowing in hatred for him isnt the answer. he owned up to people that he was undercover, that alone says he had some bollocks left.
Rubbish, he was outed and then he came clean. Now he's shitting himself. Boofuckinghoo. There'll be people doing time because of his activities.
Apparently his genuine passport was found and documents confirming he was an officer. When he was confronted by that evidence, he admitted. He was thirty years old when he went undercover.

It's not like he went undercover really young and/or naive and confessed to friends when his conscience couldn't take it. He had two long -term girlfriends and a wife and kids in his real life - wonder how they're all feeling now. It would make me sick to the pit of my stomach if I thought I'd been in a relationship with a police infiltrator.

Saying that, if he's out the country, watching his step and guilty for life, that's enough for me. I'm a harmless oaf (Met Police code for dangerous domestic extremist) Mind you, I'm sure those who ended up with sentences because of him may feel differently.....
Apparently his genuine passport was found and documents confirming he was an officer. When he was confronted by that evidence, he admitted. He was thirty years old when he went undercover.

This is a version of the story that seems to have come out with the recent mainstream press articles. They make no mention of suspicions that a number of people developed over time for a number of reasons. Some articles seem to suggest he owned up voluntarily rather than being found. It's interesting to see how a story you've seen play out in real life gets twisted once the press get hold of it. Could be nothing, could be a deliberate attempt to play down the wherewithal of the infiltratees in this matter, who knows?
The police are seldom moved when a 'criminal' shows remorse only after he's been found out, hard to see why we should treat this cunt any differently.

Because - the police are the ones who are enforcing the shitty world that people live in and the dominant powers. The people, the activists, the ones who are campaigning for a better world to live in, they're trying to set themselves apart from the bullshit and misery that has the planet so fucked in the first place. Right?

So yes, the guy was a cop. Yes he doubtlessly informed on many an action and an activist. Yes, could have easily followed through with the power station bullshit charge; but decided he couldnt go through with it. Something in there showed some humanity.

Now the cops probably wont have him any more either.

Is the activist scene ready to bring him back in, listen to what he has to say, go through a long period of restorative justice, meeting and listening to all the people who felt betrayed, with talking it out and creating a better world - or are they just going to call him "scum" (language of the tabloid media IMHO) and tell him, mob vigilante justice style, he's cruising for a bruising if he shows up in eng-ger-land again?

It is worth a try to reach out to him. He may have lots to teach and tell about what the cops do undercover. Very little chances for the activists to ever know what happens in darkened offices of Whitehall and Scotland Yard.

Or are activists just happy to ape/mirror the ostracisation that happens in society today?

Firstly, they got very lenient sentences, so they'd be foolish to risk getting a less sympathetic judge on appeal.

Secondly, they'd have to argue that they were duped into taking action and never would have done it without entrapment from the police, which implicitly acknowledges that the action was 'wrong'. Not only is this at odds with their original defence, I doubt any self-respecting activist would want to use this line.

Scratch that. Newsnight interviewee claiming that the action was nearly called off when they saw some coppers hanging around outside the power station, and Mark Stone/Kennedy went to have a look and declared it clear and made some effort to persuade them to continue.

There could be grounds for appeal there.
Because - the police are the ones who are enforcing the shitty world that people live in and the dominant powers. The people, the activists, the ones who are campaigning for a better world to live in, they're trying to set themselves apart from the bullshit and misery that has the planet so fucked in the first place. Right?

So yes, the guy was a cop. Yes he doubtlessly informed on many an action and an activist. Yes, could have easily followed through with the power station bullshit charge; but decided he couldnt go through with it. Something in there showed some humanity.

Now the cops probably wont have him any more either.

Is the activist scene ready to bring him back in, listen to what he has to say, go through a long period of restorative justice, meeting and listening to all the people who felt betrayed, with talking it out and creating a better world - or are they just going to call him "scum" (language of the tabloid media IMHO) and tell him, mob vigilante justice style, he's cruising for a bruising if he shows up in eng-ger-land again?

It is worth a try to reach out to him. He may have lots to teach and tell about what the cops do undercover. Very little chances for the activists to ever know what happens in darkened offices of Whitehall and Scotland Yard.

Or are activists just happy to ape/mirror the ostracisation that happens in society today?

Batter the cunt!
This is a version of the story that seems to have come out with the recent mainstream press articles. They make no mention of suspicions that a number of people developed over time for a number of reasons. Some articles seem to suggest he owned up voluntarily rather than being found. It's interesting to see how a story you've seen play out in real life gets twisted once the press get hold of it. Could be nothing, could be a deliberate attempt to play down the wherewithal of the infiltratees in this matter, who knows?

You may know much more about this than me - and I know better than to take anything I read anywhere as definite fact, but this does match up with stuff I'd seen on indymedia etc. in which it seemed that people had had suspicions and then found out evidence which confirmed them. Understandably at the time people were wary to disclose how and why they'd discovered what had happened for obvious good reason. Particularly if the stuff about him confirming that someone else was undercover too is correct (could be disinformation to tip the balance over into outright distrust at a time of likely increased action I suppose).
I never read online comments on news sites (unless paid so to do), but I made an exception:

Well, if it means part of the government was doing their best to stop global warming, I'm glad the police did this.

This is a version of the story that seems to have come out with the recent mainstream press articles. They make no mention of suspicions that a number of people developed over time

The Guardian mentions it - they're leading the story.

But by Climate Camp 2008 – when activists gathered near Kingsnorth power station, in Kent – the undercover police officer's appetite for action was raising suspicions. Kennedy volunteered to be the driver in an action that saw 29 activists successfully hijack a train delivering 1,000 tonnes of coal to Drax. Behind his back, some protesters began calling him "Detective Stone".

The other papers were probably lazy when they cribbed their homework.
More tonight, much much more:

MP in Germany says Mark Kennedy 'trespassed' in Berlin activists' lives

The row over the unmasking of undercover police officer Mark Kennedy reached Europe today as a German politician demanded the Bundestag parliament reveal what the authorities knew about Kennedy's infiltration of Berlin's protest movement.

Andrej Hunko, an MP for the leftwing Linke party, issued a press release saying Kennedy had been "active" in Germany as well as the UK and had "trespassed" in the private lives of activists.

The Guardian understands Kennedy spent long periods in Germany, and lived with individuals in the "black block" anarchist movement. He also travelled extensively elsewhere in Europe, using a fake passport to enter 22 different countries.
If he was playing the game in 22 countries I'd imagine there are a number of foreign offices quite keen to know what our authorities had been sanctioning and what little information 'we' had been sharing. He might have life difficult right now, i am surprised at some of the sympathy he is getting though, he was a grown man when he started so tough shit, he doesn't deserve a second thought of mine, fuck him.
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